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23270672 No.23270672 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth joining freemasonry to get into networking? Especially real estate and investing?

>> No.23270706


>> No.23270817

yes, but you will go to hell. unironically
But what does it matter, right?

>> No.23270896

>but you will go to hell
For joining a club. You fucking fool.

>> No.23271021


>> No.23271097

It's not too complicated
Freemasons, Oddfellows, druids etc are fantastic ways to network with people usually ingrained in the community who are less likely to fuck you over in any business dealings. The downside is the super gay rituals that go along with it. You can always go to a real estate investing association meetup but you need to separate the wheat from the chaff at those things.

>> No.23271301

You unbegun piece of shit.

>> No.23271331

anon why don't you 1st do your own research on freemasonry and tell us everything you think you know about them and after maybe consider joining or not joining. Really, i know masons get dumber year by year, but you are just being way worse.

>> No.23271364


>> No.23271365

Suck my balls

>> No.23271439

alot of what freemasons teach you is stemmed from hermes teachings

hermes is a pretty based teacher
seems like a great way to network
of course, each location has it's differences/personalities, by which you could try many different locations and see which best fits you.

>> No.23271521

>is it worth joining a crypto Kabbalah cult where the wisdom is deliberately obscured from you and drip fed to you over 50 years while they charge you money?

No. Time is a valuable asset than anything related to finance and so is your mind. These faggots will squander and hamstring you on both fronts. The time required for you to participate in dinners, readings, citations, etc, would be straight up better spent teaching yourself new skills or doing more organic networking. Or even if you are interested in the occult aspect, just learning Hebrew and studying the occult yourself.

>> No.23271579

what exactly is Odd Fellows?
I see their buildings in even the most remote districts of where I'm from (Norway), yet no one talks about them, and there is little to no information about them to find
indeed the schizo is getting to me

>> No.23272086

Don't join for money or esteem, join to become a better man.

>> No.23272176

my family is full of freemasons
I declined my entry
it's just a club for dudes networking, as you said
I do participate in their humanitarian efforts in the community, I just don't like the "always looking out for a brother" and constant waking off each other, it's a little men's club plain and simple

>> No.23272211
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Freemasons are just faggots who struggle in life and need a group to support eachother because they're too dumb to make it without depending on the group. Hence why there is a price to pay, i.e molestation and gay rituals. All freemasons are annoying cunts who think they're woke and have some sort of secret knowledge. Low level pawns. They call eachother brothers and shit just so they feel like they're a part of something special but its not its just gay.

>> No.23272232

haha irony faggot... the 33 degree masons are satanists. You must be a low ranking memeber.

>> No.23272256

If you want to always be a bitch to to kike, then sure, go for it. Give your soul to the devil for materialistic gain

>> No.23272307


>> No.23272412

>he doesn't know
>Ezekiel 8:16 says literally the worst abomination to god is to be in a lodge and do masonoic rituals

>> No.23272623

I did it thinking it would help me make connections or land a decent job. It didn't. I made a few friends but nothing life changing. When I quit because I was a poorfag, that was that. No one tried to 'lure' me back in or made it difficult to leave. There really wasn't a lot of networking or favor-doing. It was just kinda boring. The rituals were kind of weird but also kind of interesting in the way that all ceremonies have a kind of gravity to them, but not sinister as people say. Although I do believe it is not proper for a Christian (which I now am) to be participating in these rituals.

Freemasonry is just a group of old guys who do stuff for charity etc and get some purpose and feeling of importance by going to meetings, getting a title like "senior warden", and get to hang out with other guys away from women and talk about the shit men like to talk about, and discuss how they will dole out the funds from their boomer members.

Possibly there is more 'favors' and networking going on at the higher levels, but is that really any different to what happens at golf courses or exclusive restaurants? The elites don't need a club to network. They know who each other are.

Not defending freemasonry. Like I say, as a Christian I think it is the wrong path. I'm just being honest that it really isn't what people think it is. Its just a club for guys to go and make friends, pretty much. Not really that different to if you go to a bar once a week and make friends with the guys in there.

>> No.23272874

No. It's not universally worth it. Joining a church or even literally a real estate group or civic group that isn't Free Masons is more likely to get you connections. Churches because they are social by nature, real estate groups because it directly targets real estate, other civic groups because that's where local small time power brokers meet and mingle, some do business together, some just socialize but even just talking and getting to know them grants you more knowledge and acceess to even small ventures like singular job openings or opportunities.

I'm gonna be honest Anon while I'm not in the masons nor do I want to join them, none of their rituals, even if they were overtly and deliberately in rejection of God and worshipped any other entity, change the offer of Salvation through Christ, a sincerely repentant former cannibalistic, murderous, child abusing Mommon worshiper receives the full grace and pardon of the Lord.

>> No.23272913

Basically this.
I was planning to join Freemasonry but lots of shit happened in my life that completely derailed that. When of the things that was communicated to me was "if you plan to join Freemasons under the belief that you're going to profit from it, you're wasting your time".
If you need 'business favors' Scientology might be your thing, but know what your getting into; you're making a deal with the Devil here and it might cost you your life

>> No.23272970

Yeah but what are you saying bro? "Jesus is ok with me being a cannibalistic child abuser if I then accept him as saviour"? Obviiously if something is not approved by God you want to NOT do that thing. Especially if you know in advance that the thing is wrong or against God. Follow Christ and network in the community and in church. In the open. Not behind closed doors and over weird rituals which frankly are anti-Christian but in such a sneaky way as to make them seem benign.

>> No.23273061

>none of their rituals, even if they were overtly and deliberately in rejection of God and worshipped any other entity, change the offer of Salvation through Christ
True, but they need to repent and make a choice, with no excuses. They need to know that it's the highest of all abominations, higher then any sin or heresy, accordingly to the bible they pretend to follow.

>> No.23273079

>Caring about Old Testament shit

>> No.23273107

How gay is "super gay"?

>> No.23273248

>dismissing the old testament
t. poltard

>> No.23273362

I agree with this, but I felt more compelled in this case to remind both Christian and non Christian Anons that >>23273061
Yes but they can make the choice after they've done it. I know too many people I've talked to who really seem to doubt or not understand how bad you can go and still be redeemed not because it's okay to willfully do evil but because you've chosen to change. It's not just a saying it is the will of the Lord that all who wish to, receive pardon and repent.

The Mormons yoinked a lot of Masonic rituals, You can YouTube some videos probably, you could like 5 years ago when I wanted to know more about the rituals but I forgot the details.

If the old Testament had no value in it Christ would have told us not to bother with it. To pretend that you can divorce Jesus from the old Testament completely is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.23273465

Wtf bro what about gigachad Jesus?

>> No.23273519

Freemasonry is one of international jewrys many tentacles.

>> No.23273560

What about him? He said he wasn't breaking the law (the old testament) but was fulfilling it

>> No.23273598

They only sell insurance

>> No.23273628

have fun with the goat in your second ordeal

>> No.23273654

this but unironically?

>> No.23273775
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Hell no.
It's a bunch of retarded boomers larping as if they belong to some kind of super important club that makes them feel special with their larping tradions.
They don't do shit besides watching football games at a barbeque and having gay sex.

>> No.23273811

>They don't do shit besides watching football games at a barbeque and having gay sex.
not gonna lie, this sounds like a fantastic time

>> No.23273877

I have some manly p hall books, but what are the rituals like?

If I wanted to join strictly for the magic would I be disappointed?
I figure they keep the real spells in hebrew, and teach the gay watered down stuff to the masons.

>> No.23274007

I knew the Grand Poobah at my local chapter. It's a glorified networking group. Non of the people in my local chapter were especially successful. It's literally just an old boys club. Just join a networking group. There are thousands.

>> No.23274112

Read morals and dogma by Albert pike

>> No.23274188

>masons get dumber year by year
I really wonder why that is. Now I'm increasingly surrounded by a bunch of opportunists or esoteric airheads. The old school brethren die off or go silent. Not very nice. Even the rituals are less fun and educational than earlier.

>> No.23274420

You have to jerk off an elderly man, but later on some young dumbass has to jerk you off. Win-win really.

>> No.23275487

The only mason my age I know dealt steroids in highschool and was bit of a nutcase.
The rosicrucians have interesting content but they don't seem to be as serious.

>> No.23275551

They make you wear a blindfold, roll up one pant-leg, and expose your nipple with a noose around your neck during the first initiation.