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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23258991 No.23258991 [Reply] [Original]

I think I’m going to make this thread every day or at least once a week. Not to demoralize or deter anyone from trying to make it but to ask; “why do you need the money?”
>to stop waging
>is poor
>financial security
These are givens, no one wants to work or be poor much less economically unstable. But the reality is you can live off rice and beans and live in a box and still be happy.

>> No.23259050

No you can't. And rice and beans and a box still costs money.

>> No.23259086

That’s a damn good question... I guess I’d just say that I want the money so that I can see what the world actually has to offer. It’s easy to stay alive, but to see what people don’t necessarily want you to see, or to go places that not many people have been, it seems exciting.

>> No.23259097

This is why we need flags

>> No.23259116

To survive the coming apocalypse

>> No.23259123

I want to own a bathtub. I only have a shower and I want a warm bath to relax in.

>> No.23259131

I want my box to not be to hot or cold or leaky while I'm eating my rice and beans in it.

>> No.23259147

So I can buy a solid gold plated toilet seat and wield it to do battle against pajeets

>> No.23259202

I need the money to buy almond oil so I can keep manufacturing penis enlarging cream and erectile dysfunction relief ointment. Solving major world issues takes effort and resources, impotence will win if I cant secure the cash flow.

>> No.23259217

>>to stop waging
>>is poor
>>financial security
all of these, faggot

>> No.23259388

To remove myself from the system.
>wake up
>eat breakfast
>read up on news
>orange man bad
>Joe pedo
>cdc latest studies show its healthy for black men to cuck white bois
>white supremacist is declared hero for gunning down unarmed protesters
>man goes to jail for mis-gendering co worker
>finish my coffee
>drive to work
>think about bills and shit that I have to pay this week
>all my coworkers are mindless cows
>did you watch see the game last night anon?
>no, I'm not really a sports person
>anon! Have you played among us yet? Have you consumed this game yet anon?! Everyone is consuming it!
>pretend conversation a little longer
>put on headphones and listen to a audio book/documentary.
>finish work
>get home
>wana fuck gf
>shes not in the mood
>jerk off and smoke a bowl.
>play dayz with 3 best friends until I go to bed and start again tomorrow.
I hate what we have all become and before I die I just wana know in my heart I did something to break the mold we've all been cast in.

>> No.23259419
File: 61 KB, 895x944, ED43983E-FF0B-4FC4-848E-32E920B97B3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need flags to stop pajeets, retard
It’s a non reason retard. It’s like asking why we drink water: to live. No one wants to work for someone else, no sane person can stand to do a 9 to 5 untill their body rots and withers. Give me a reason why YOU of all people needs to make it. No one deserves anything in life and nothing is owed.

>> No.23259473

>But the reality is you can live off rice and beans and live in a box and still be happy.

How would I buy the rice? Where would I prepare the rice? How happy would I be when the temperature goes below zero? How happy will I be when malnutrition weakens my immune system and makes me the host of diseases I can't even name?

>> No.23259488

How about you answer your own question first before asking others? Do you live the way you propose?

>> No.23259587

that pic hits me so hard but instead of 23 its 25

>> No.23259633
File: 73 KB, 316x342, 311E1AC9-2681-4C56-871D-ABB24EBBBD5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re over analyzing this, when I say “a box” , I mean a studio apartment or some other small space like a cabin. You don’t have to be homeless but you can live comfortably with bare minimum.
I used the rice and beans as an example of living with the bare minimum. I am a wagie working 6 days at 16hr + overtime. I’m going to quit before the year ends and join the air force as a flight engineer. I’m 20 it wouldn’t have mattered if I when to UNI after high school since corona hit but I’ve wasted 2 years doing nothing but I was happy playing vidya working 3 days a week washing dishes or delivering pizza. But games, sex, and people no longer make me happy, I want to do something with my life, and that thing is fucking around with machines

>> No.23259677 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 826x960, 1599762879906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live and give like no one else
Nah but for real, if money was no object, I'd try to start an organization to bring people up, habitat for humanity style or something. Teach productive skills while also providing >>23259050
something of some value to people. I didnt have a lot growing up, and what little I did have was from my dad really busting his ass every single day, so I'd like to give back to my folks too. He wasn't around a lot, so there weren't too many father son fishing trips or anything, and I suppose, in a way, I was too spoiled to enjoy them as a kid, so maybe do something like that every so often. There are a few more things in a similar vein, but you get the picture, I think.

>> No.23259705
File: 167 KB, 826x960, 1599762879906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live and give like no one else
Nah but for real, if money was no object, I'd try to start an organization to bring people up, habitat for humanity style or something. Teach productive skills while also providing something of some value to people. I didnt have a lot growing up, and what little I did have was from my dad really busting his ass every single day, so I'd like to give back to my folks too. He wasn't around a lot, so there weren't too many father son fishing trips or anything, and I suppose, in a way, I was too spoiled to enjoy them as a kid, so maybe do something like that every so often. There are a few more things in a similar vein, but you get the picture, I think.

>> No.23259727

i want to buy my mom a nice house so she can live comfortably while i can live a life in quiet learning in pursuit of G*d

>> No.23259736

>But the reality is you can live off rice and beans and live in a box and still be happy.
This assumption is proven false, at least for me. It is painful to lower your quality of life. Working to barely make ends meet is exceedingly nerve-wrecking and fosters mental problems. Working 8 hrs/week is actually not that bad compared to the alternative.

>> No.23259777

>A small cabin
Need to buy the land, need to pay (((property tax))) so need enough passive income to do that
Need some way to feed yourself, either more Land or more passive income
Need 300k for a small cabin
>small Studio apartment
Need 200k for the smal studio apartment plus another 300k or so for passive income

This world sucks dick anon

>> No.23259797

I need to buy a house.

I am one of those boomers that spent his entire life paying rent. Family has grown too.

>> No.23259828

8 hrs/day*

>> No.23259931

>to give my children the opportunities I didn't have growing up
>to support my mother when she gets old
>to live a comfy life exploring my own nuances

also I want fast cars and a big house to throw parties

>> No.23259953

>fast cars and big house to throw parties

>> No.23260233

I want one thing out of my life and that is to excel with all the gifts God has given me. I am good at making money, and having money allows me to do even more with my gifts, and opens up new possibilities for me to express those gifts.

>> No.23260302

I actually wanna have the money and time to work on things that I think are important rather than slaving away for someone else’s dream. I already work on my own projects but there’s still so much more I want to do and try. If I had the money I would have so much more energy to pour into what’s important to me.
Anyone here got any advice on keeping your energy up after wagecucking all day?

>> No.23260320

This image hits too close to home

>> No.23260365

We need flags to filter out demoralizing kikes like you you anime posting pedophile

>> No.23260368

I have some kind of personality disorder or something and I am legit going to hang myself or become schizophrenic in a few years if I keep having to wage.