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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2325271 No.2325271 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2325315

it's been slowly rising the past 24 hours after consolidating from an insane bull run.

when did you buy?

>> No.2325341


Weak hands dont deserve any gainz desu

>> No.2325343

probably at ATH

>> No.2325356

>bought DGB at 700 sats
>waited a week and it already made me over a thousand dollars
>loling at faggots just now buying in

>> No.2325359

>A note on DigiByte Gaming:

As announced several months ago payouts were and still paused. We received notice yesterday from Microsoft security center the site was being DDOS'd and we had to shut it down until we can repair it and do our planned upgrades or we risked losing our entire hosting package and all our other services.

For those complaining about the site please note we paid out millions of DigiBytes in 2016 and early 2017 to gamers. This was all out of our own pocket to help spread the word about DigiByte. This is obviously not a sustainable model for anyone, especially at current prices. The site was completely free. We initially planned on having advertisers foot the bill for the DGB paid out but we were not able to bring any advertisers on board in time.

Given the nature of cryptocurrency, this was very confusing to most groups we talked to. However, now we are entering a different era and more potential business partners are paying attention. We will be actively pursuing this strategy.

Once we get regrouped and get the site restructured it will be a service geared for gamers with many of the features it had before and some new ones. Gaming is for sure still on the roadmap. In the mean time we are having some great success with DiguSign. Stay tuned for more upcoming news!

Edit: It is important to note that we had several security issues with the games themselves that we could not protect ourselves from. People were able to alter the game code on their computers directly and cheat the payout system.

Crash when?

>> No.2325361

SWT , ZEN and 1ST are our new Pump targets. join up or cry later when you buy ATH again

>> No.2325362

>tfw bought when it was 500 and 650 sats
best decision of my life

>> No.2325417


I bought at 115 sats and am still HODLing


>DGB market only consists of /biz/


>> No.2325444

When are you gonna sell?

>> No.2325462

>ever selling DGB

>> No.2325514

The whales and I will be pumping this to 20k this weekend.
Buy the rumour sell the news.
- Merk

>> No.2325536

nice one merk cheers fella but this weekend will be after the news

>> No.2325543

Got in at 103 sats, sold at around 2k and rebought in at 1600 sats

>> No.2325548

I'm sorry but they sound like amateur hour.

First Blood will gobble these guys up when it comes to being a gaming token, at least they have something worthwhile (a platform for competitive gamers, which is a way higher demographic than casual MineCraft gamers).

Any gains you guys got came from the shilling and the whales. Now it's dead in the water and it's completely up to DGB and what their actually offering.

>> No.2325550
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>> No.2325564
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Nice fuck. I reckon you want to buy DGBs even cheaper.

Good luck to you. But the DGB rocket is about to start and reach $0.15 this weekend.

>> No.2325683

its not about winning or loosing the citibank contest its about market exposure to big companys/investors

Stay cucked though my man

>> No.2325691

ah moving the goal post i see

>> No.2325710
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>its not about winning or losing
>its not about staying above 2000 sat
>it's not about becoming worth less than bitbean

>> No.2325743

lmao what a meme

>> No.2325763
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just DONT buy dgb, sell what you have and go make money on something else

>> No.2325942


>> No.2325959
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I've already lost $150 on DGB today, hoping to at least break even before the inevitable crash. Last time I fall for another /biz/ meme.

>> No.2326014

It had an unhealthy pump in too short of a time period which attracted the wrong type of people and set people's expectations too high. A coin with the market cap of DGB should never have been having the volatile volume it had for a few days.

I expect it to hover around 1800-2100 for a few days before surging during the 9th and 10th presentation weekend, where it goes from there is anyone's guess.

I think the gaming side of the coin is really something overrated though, it has many other value drivers which are equally important - DGB's biggest potential is to be an all rounder coin than a gaming currency (Speed, ease of use, privacy etc.)

>> No.2326032
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>> No.2326033


End of the year maybe.
Mabye next year.

>> No.2326095
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>> No.2326116



I bought 125k Myriadcoin for 83 sats, 24h of it now on Bittrex is 194.

Tell me how you BTFO'd me?
It is not like you cant invest in multiple coins you know

>> No.2326144

that's how it's done my man

>> No.2326152

Lol... Is that all you've got to say?

Myriad was first. It has many working wallets and block explorers, unlike DigiByte. It has no premine or instamine, unlike DigiByte. You can CPU mine it. You honestly think DigiByte deserves to be priced 65x higher than Myriad? DigiByte's 15 s blocks are retarded anyway.

>> No.2326165

dumb qustion about selling and buying with the same coin

i have no more btc to use to buy alt coins at the moment. should i sell some altcoins at ATH then use that same money to rebuy the coins when it dips? i've always just put more btc into alts..

>> No.2326174


>not realizing nothing of this matters right now

>> No.2326175


My daily swings on DGB are in the thousands. Grow some balls.

>> No.2326179

every time someone makes a thread like this in all caps i just imagine a literal retard foaming at the mouth

which in reality, you probably are

>> No.2326210

Don't even bother. I tried to ask if anyone knows what the fuck they plan to do about this last night and no one has a clue. No one wants to even address it. They haven't given any indication that they have gotten further with advertising, and unless they plan to go back to paying out of pocket, this project is completely dead in the water.

And even worse there are people who did all the stuff, but didn't get paid because the payouts are suspended. Their marketplace is also "suspeneded", as in you can buy but they won't deliver.

But right now it seems it's impossible to say anything

>> No.2326212
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>its not like you cant invest in multiple coins

Sure you can, you can also do it without constantly FUDding and shilling the shitcoin you invested in over a coin thats a million times better.

You clearly sound mad you missed the DGB train friend.

>bought at 83

Woah, enjoy your 100%-something gains friend, DGB netted is currenty netting me over 3000% returns.

I know you're regret not positioning yourself in DGB and holding myriad instead, but constantly making DGB fud threads while shilling your shitcoin isnt gonna do you any good, but if that's how you cope with it, idc. My money is in my pocket and your pathetic attempts to BTFO dgb only make me laugh, have a nice day.

>> No.2326227

I bought 65,000 2 weeks ago & it made me 3k so far! Its old news & means nothing I guess but Digi contacted microsoft jan 4th 2016 via twitter to ask how they can get digibytes into microsoft. I have no ida of if any formal contact was made. Its on the digibyte twiiter page. Personally I don't know why people buy it a sell days before news results are out. At least wait till a few hrs before the news is public for the best price.

>> No.2326247


Are you retarded?
I got in DGB at 115 sats and are still HODLing as I stated above

>> No.2326251

The market has made its verdict, look at myriad's shitty market cap and price and now look at DGB's.
The market clearly thinks DGB is more valuable than your PoS coin, have a nice day and keep shilling, it only makes me hard how you myriad shills get so much butthurt over dgb's gains.

>> No.2326273


thing is though, the FUD is true. well, you will remember this day.

>> No.2326300

Thats what you keep saying ever since DGB was 500 sats

>> No.2326315

most noobs on /biz/ don't understand that market caps are not directly comparable.

for instance, to make an extreme example, if i premine 999,999 coins, and then one coin is available on the market and it sells for $1, the 'market cap' would be 1 million dollars.

that doesn't entirely account for why digibyte has a higher market cap, but it's a significant reason. the other reason is that its overbought due to a flood of dumb money and the ridiculous marketing claims of dgb such as being able to match VISA capacity.

>> No.2326360
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>> No.2326600

bought 1,300$ of DGB last week. Now its 4,500$
holding strong, waiting for it to hit 1$

>> No.2326635



>> No.2326672


this "market" is so fucked up i woildnt be surprised if its true