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23245117 No.23245117 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to let this snake keep getting away with it?

Or are you gonna help fund the crowdfund lawsuit against him?


it's a group of anons from biz

they are going to take him down. so if you have any evidence of wrongdoing email it to them

no one else is gonna do shit

>> No.23245345

0 but im beginning to think he's based af.

>> No.23245450
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Any new info? I have been compiling a bunch of screenshots from him and blue kirby since he deleted his twitter. Funny thing everyone that was sucking his dick on discord is now playing it cool saying they didnt have anything to do with kirby and how everyone will forget about this in a few days and everything will be back to normal

>> No.23245496


>> No.23245591

Do the needful and take him to kleros court ser

>> No.23245594

He made me about $300k because I bought YFI at $1k and I didn't buy into random contracts.

>> No.23245624
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just this

>> No.23245969

Hahahaha you faggots "datamined" an unofficial asset and got burned. Did you guys also put your live savings into bitconnect?

Did Andre tell you "hey everyone invest in this new coin you'll get rich quick." Did someone force your hand to make that trade? Did you have any fucking clue what the fuck you were doing at any point?

>> No.23245980

Holy shit it wasnt a failed surprise launch, they planned this since the beginning

>> No.23246489

Hey kirby you are going to jail faggot and the SEC is going to seize your friends assets as well. They move slow but surely in a few years you will look back at the time you could have walked away and retired and hate yourself for wanting to scam more and more. I hope you kys in prison.

Hey OP can you make a pastebin or wordpress or whatever with all the info you have compiled in telegram? Also I hope you arent asking for people to donate money and scam them like kirby some anon was posting links to a donation fund some days ago which is cringe

>> No.23246588

I'm just a random Fantom investor who's having a blast watching you cucks cry and trying to give my man Andre a bad rep.
>You made a mistake
>You fucked up
>You thought you'd get rich quick and follow the Andre development path thinking he has the midas touch
>You think the SEC has jurisdiction outside the US
>You think the SEC can possibly micromanage every rugpull in the history of the galaxy
>You are unironically, undoubtedly, undisputedly D E L U D E D

>> No.23246660

sir tomorrow at 7am we will be meeting at the kleros court sir!!

>> No.23247029

>my man Andre

Get his dick out of your mouth faggot, I lost $50 on this which is peanuts but thats not the point. He literally engineered a multi million dollar scam how much of a faggot fanboi simp you have to be to defend him after this? Youre worse than linkies gargling sergeys cum after he dumps on them lmao stop being a fanboy

>> No.23247840

While comparing both EMN and LBI. I would say the situation with LBI is different. He said in his medium article LBI was test. But now I do believe that Andre and friends exploited the EMN contract and stole the funds. Is it possible that he is trying to undermined the EMN fiasco with this LIB thing. I’ve read he deployed from a different address but I also read that he used yearndeployer to interact with LIB. Anyways he definitely won’t be dropping EMNV2 to you guys who lost money. You idiots have given this beast too much power. It’s a shame to see.

>> No.23248057
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He deployed from yearn, and Bkue Kirby was getting paid thousands to act as a PR guy and he made several posts not only hyping EMN up but explaining how to interact with the contract and advising others to do so. Andre himself retweeted EMN publicity pictures while there was already millions of dollars from people in the contract and just a few minutes before the "hack" - he stupidly dug himself into a hole by falsely claiming he was asleep at this time. Thats why anons have an issue with this it wasnt just another pajeetcoin rugpull it was a cleverly coordinated con. Other yearn devs like banteg where minting and arbing while all this was going on as well - they ALL knew what was happening and are trying to wash the funds they stole.

The whole pointof having the "mystery" hacker return 8 mill and then pretending to work on a solution to do partial refunds was to pull a sleigh of hand trick and try to fool people by making themselves look like victims who were doing their best to refund some of the funds. They even asked for tips for this! I think they were so used to getting away with bs they really thought they could get away with this.....dont forget a few days later Kirby tried to pull off another scam by using rarible to sell nintendo-themed "collectibles" as a money raising scheme and was banned by rarible. They are all guilty and all played a part in stealing those 15 million and are now trying to launder them.

>> No.23248270


>> No.23248704

>Anyways he definitely won’t be dropping EMNV2 to you guys who lost money.

I don't see how he can get past this unless he does. Things are different now. What he's got now that he didn't have before is a rabid army of enemies who could cause real problems going forward. He has to make good somehow.

>> No.23248875

>Hey OP can you make a pastebin or wordpress or whatever with all the info you have compiled in telegram
yeah, i plan on doing it at some point before the crowdfund ends

>> No.23248882

There's one and only one fact here. You stupid mongoloid fucks invested on LITERALLY NOTHING, NONE, ZERO, NADA, ZIP information. Even though there's zero proof at all of Andre deliberately/maliciously stealing you. He's always been transparent and has a literal PSA that's been pinned on his twitter. Do you realize that 8m or whatever is pocket change for a guy like him? Do you realize how much capital he gets from being part of a product such as Fantom? Do you realize he created YFI, have you checked the price recently?

You stupid fucking incels deserve to get your money stolen like the tit-sucking infants you are.

>> No.23248918

Unironically though. It's hilarious how all these guys will laugh and cheer when people get scammed by shit like ass.finance but then will think they're in the right when andre's newest mystery box turns out to be nothing.

>> No.23249033
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His reputation took a hit. This is the 2nd time he "quits" social media after throwing a tantrum. The difference is that this time he disappeared right after a 15 million dollar hack....and despite the simp trannies who call him "defi satoshi" and other gay shit there's a lot of people who were paying attention and saw the EMN thing was absolutely retarded and suspicious. For someone who is obviously tech smart he seems to have little common sense if he thought he and the yearn team could just walk away from this with no consequences.
Hey kirby you are going to jail and youre gonna learn to take cock like a good little bitch.
>no proof
All the proof is on the twitter archives and etherscan transactions
>not malicious
A nice hacker just decided to send him 8 million
>he is very rich
Yes which is why pulling this con was a very stupid thing to do he could have refunded every last penny from his pocket and everyone would be over this, instead he spun up a web of lies like saying he was asleep and got caught
>tit-sucking infants
Nice projection from someone with Andre's cock so far up his ass you're gargling his nuts

>> No.23249055

4 sure Mr Andre is the innocent and not u buying shit he gave ur no guarantee!! All we stand behind Andre and his fantastic tech!!

>> No.23249067
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>> No.23249095

How much did you lose? Be honest.

>> No.23249172
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50 american dollars. According to twitter some people threw tens of thousands into this. If a random anon like me who only lost 50 buckaroos is interested in getting to the bottom of this just imagine the people who lost a shit ton more.
If you think this is only about the money dont forget we hunted Shia's flag down for years and we did it FOR FREE

>> No.23249225

>How dare he keep taking the money that we willingly give to him
All of you retards deserve it.

>> No.23249295

haha that fucking pic his eyes were made for it. justed beyond belief.

>> No.23249337

yeah I didn't have to change a single thing when it comes to the eyes, just place them over his original ones kek

>> No.23249389

i'm lucky enough to have been asleep during his last 2 rugs

they were released and rugged during my slumber so i never had the chance to get rugged

>> No.23249465
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>> No.23249481

give the guy a break he was sleepy!

>> No.23249498

Fuck off with your shitcoin this is about the criminal actions of Andre and the yearn team

>> No.23249860 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off with your shitcoin this is about the criminal actions of Andre and the yearn team
hey, do you want to take control of the twitter, telegram and email?

>> No.23249893

hey, what is your telegram username?

>> No.23249943

Im not on tg that's why I asked OP if he could make a pastebin or something for those of us who arent on the tg group. A discord would also be useful since you can access it anonymously without a phone # and share evidence there

>> No.23250006

Take your meds

>> No.23250033
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>> No.23250362
