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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 840 KB, 1200x1920, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23243316 No.23243316 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /Biz/

Long time lurker, first time poster. I was wondering, why all the hate for the OMG coin? I bought OMG because of *pic related* and still believe this is happening. The Chinese Flu has delayed everything, but I still Believe in this coin's future. Everyday on /Biz/ I see more and more people saying hurtful things about this coin. They call it "Skateboard coin", "Gook Scam" and "PIECE OF SHIT". It makes me wonder if there is something that you know that I don't. I am new to crypto and only have 400 OMG, but I am hoping that I can buy a house when it goes to $1000. EOY, right? haha j/k. I know that is the mantra of the "LINK Marines". Is $100 OMG possible by the EOY? I think so, and please tell me what you think.

Thank you.


>> No.23243424

I only have 50 should I buy more

>> No.23243589

Hello fellow OMG Marine!

We are part of an exclusive club! Maybe we should come up with a secret pass phrase!

I don't want to tell you how to manage your money, but I am *very* excited about what OMG will do! Please read the picture in OP and you will see that this coin is going to rocket past Mercury! In my opinion you can never have too many of a good thing, and OMG is a Very Good Thing!

>> No.23243678

Hi Everyone

I would like to have a conversation about why OMG is going to $100 (see pic related). Consider this my bump!

*le bump*


>> No.23243802

Hi Again

Seems that most of my fellow OMG Marines are a bit shy this evening. I shall try again soon! Remember, OMG is the real Chad coin!



>> No.23243876

> tfw normies coming on to this board
> ironically a sell signal


>> No.23243899

just buy link retard

>> No.23243955

Ah, a Distractor!

I assure you my Dear Friend. I am no Normie! I wouldn't consider myself completely 1337, but let's just say that I spend a lot of time on "the boards". I understand your meme and I give you a Hardy Chuckle! hahaha!



>> No.23244082

Ho ho ho! Kek has spoken! Yes, Kek loves Chainlink; but what's that?

OMG! Kek also loves $OMG?! That would be So Random! Wait a minute, Did I stumble into /B/???



>> No.23244185

Well, It seems that most of my OMG Marienes are shy today. Look, I get it! I am Very Shy IRL. I plan to spend more time on /BIZ/ and discuss my favorite coin - OMG! I hope you will join me and we can sit on the Rocket Ship together and fly away to the next Galaxy! OMG to $100! Remember that you heard it from me, Anonymous!

Good buy? Yes!



>> No.23244243
File: 29 KB, 480x318, 1600243414115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>56 Transactions in the last 24 hours

>> No.23244509

Hello! Rest Assured, I *Can* see you!

I understand the meme and the reasoning behind it. However, would you agree, Rome was not build in a day?! If the rumors are to be believed, OMG has multiple exchanges and corporate sponsorships in the works. (And *No*, I'm not talking about McDonalds!). The Network needs multiple exchanges to be set up for the system to fully work. This is happening, and will be Glorious when all exchanges are on the OMG Network! Don't you agree?

Thanks for the message.


>> No.23244543
File: 3.78 MB, 498x280, 1800 dollar rug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you literally browse 4channel.org on an ipad? Jesus.

>> No.23244702


Jesus? No! I am a strict believer in KEK!

Yes, I am on a iPad. Why do you ask?!

Thanks for the message.


>> No.23244819
File: 13 KB, 400x300, 5faff54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent from my iPad

Godspeed net-surfer.

>> No.23245114

Thank you, New Friend!

In my experience the so called "Internet Hate Machine" has been a very friendly and welcoming place! Also, I will save your meme! I am Literally ROFL!

I suspect that my fellow OMG Marines are too shy because of some of the nasty people on this board. There are Master of FUD! Believe me, I have no Fear Uncertainty or DOUBT that OMG will go to $100! Praise Kek!

Have a nice day.


>> No.23246138

Thank you to all my new Friends. Even the ones who pretend not to like OMG. I know that OMG will be a great coin of the future. I will see my fellow OMG Marines at $100!

Good night.


>> No.23246464

This is a strange thread. Makes me think OIO or instyle is losing their mind today. Pretty shitthread desu.

Made me check, this is actually bullish. That’s way more than the 5 daily txs we normally see.