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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23240615 No.23240615 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, another day working from home doing absolutely nothing

>> No.23240656

Good. You have time to research Quant then buy in with your unearned salary.

>> No.23240691

I booked the day off. what should I do?

>> No.23240711

Boys please help me I can't take waging from an office anymore. I made a big mistake. I have a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and I'm stuck in an office with boomers literally drawing lines in CAD.

Also don't delete this thread u retard jannies. The board is full of niggers shilling their scams and shitcoins go delete that

>> No.23240768

Checked and based Jannie rebuke. Unfortunately it sounds like you're stuck for a minute anon, engineering job pool is a bit of a clusterfuck rn, don't jump ship until you have something else lined up!

>> No.23240812

planning to write a few lines of code tomorrow

>> No.23240829

Transfer your mental knowledge and start working with your hands. And get a comfy job as a maintenance guy at a large welding / fab shop.

>> No.23240926

Same but civil engineering. Literally in a room with boomers drawing lines in cad and talking about the good old days hanging out at Walmart.

My friends in mechanical seem far less happy than my civil friends. That would be an easy transition but only a minor upgrade. Any other bros with good advice please help

>> No.23240935

I want to wfh not wage slave in a shop

>> No.23240961

lmao those guys literally just name a price. You'll be working towards a millwright. Which can land you a job literally anywhere on planet earth.

>> No.23241072

Coming up to 5pm, logging off time.

I logged on at 9.30am. Worked until 12.30 lunch. Been in bed since. Already automated most of my work and have learnt to act really busy when speaking to people.

Life is better than I could have ever expected.

>> No.23241222

Yeah I'm in a weird spot as well. Mech E degree. "Decent" marks, but now I am in GIS making ~56k a year in an area where I pay 860 bucks a month for rent. And they are going to make me go back into the office soon.

I went to pick up my stuff yesterday and it was like a fucking dystopian nightmare. Few more local shops closed down for some bullshit shops and a fucking Amazon store (all according to plan) then I go into my office building, HAVE to take the elevator (only 6 person max, doesn't seem to really fit the narrative), signs everywhere, and they are gonna reorganize it so we can all come back, sit at our desk in our goy muzzles, and social distance. It's like being stuck in a legitimately nightmare and I want off. I would give a fuck less if I could just keep working from home. Meanwhile 70k of student debt killing me.

This isn't the future I wanted.

>> No.23241274

Should have bought LINK, and it's still not too late at all.

>> No.23241289

Do you fucking retards ever stop shilling your bags?

t. holding Link

>> No.23241322

No, LINK will be at $1k and they will still be shilling it

>> No.23241377

>no one cares
>he makes the same tread everyday
The ultimate wagie cope

>> No.23241912

Imagine not wanting to earn money for doing next to nothing in return. NEETs are pathetic.

>> No.23241946

Kek it makes the jannies seethe to work for free while we get paid to not work.

>> No.23241996

Bump. There are quite a few of us BSME boys on /biz/ that have echoed this complaint. It fucking sucks man, my biggest regret in life is this stupid fucking degree/career path.
It seems like IT/cyber is booming but I can’t find any non-scam entry level positions. I don’t even make that much fucking money. Nothing but shit manufacturing jobs or 70hr/week design jobs. I’m not sure how to get out of this hell

>> No.23243039


>> No.23243584
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>> No.23243641
File: 52 KB, 680x680, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telecom Anon here

Imagine driving to an office every day. I'd kill myself.

>> No.23243777 [DELETED] 

Want idle today.

Had bags of SYLO, Fyooz and Centaur

Decided to trade them.

>> No.23243807

Wasn't idle today.

Had bags of SYLO, Fyooz and Centaur

Decided to trade them.

>> No.23243832

Grad school probably.

>> No.23244506

the same as you do everyday, nothing