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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 284 KB, 1150x1304, crypto smarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23232352 No.23232352 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine not holding any of the breadwinners

Your IQ....is over 130, right?
You're not a brainlet are you?

>> No.23232369

>putting monero in the average IQ section


>> No.23232375

only retards hold crypto

>> No.23232388

Too bad it's correct.


>> No.23232402

I can just tell that you lurk on Telegram

>> No.23232417

you're right
it should be in the low iq section

>> No.23232418

>imagine falling for the "portfolio meme" and not swinging the waves.

PlotX tonight.

>> No.23232428

300 iq

>> No.23232457

mah nigga

>> No.23232459

No because it can still at least gain in marginal value and be *somewhat* applicable to real applications.

89-75 and below are reserved for the truly useless, no purpose no value shitcoins that /biz/ has fallen in love with

>> No.23232474

No that's the iq of the people who buy it

>> No.23232483

Literally the only thing I agree with is statera

>> No.23232507

tell me another privacy coin that's better than monero

>> No.23232511

Well then you must be really dumb.

>> No.23232535

monero is a nigger coin only used by midwit iq criminals.

>> No.23232554


Imagine letting the IRS see how much crypto you own and all the transactions you've made

>> No.23232555

These are all midwit coins, though you're a midwit so I'm not surprised

>> No.23232564

>muh hidden gems
Sure sure.
Go play with your irrelevant shitcoins, Rajeesh

>> No.23232599
File: 165 KB, 900x1271, 03_2WwPmrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXTREMELY accurate, apart from the 150+ section.
Algo/EOS/AMPL/AVAX could all be one or two categories lower, though

>> No.23232634

this market is so correlated it won't matter what IQ you are.

>> No.23232667

Having ADA with the others is an absolute joke. Same thing with EOS. Those are both abandonware shit coins that no one will ever use. DOT and ATOM have way better usecase tech and more actual users. It is true they are all abandoned ghost towns compared to ETH though.

But yeah, if you called EOS or ADA above 85 IQ, you probably are a shill or retarded yourself. Only person I know who ever was bullish on ADA was a black man.

>> No.23232725

Already ignoring your opinion because of retarded buzzword arguments.

>> No.23232791

Awful bait.
You're right about LINK, though.

>> No.23232970

Okay let me walk you through this.
>IRS: Do you own any crypto?
>XMR Holder: No.
>IRS: It looks like you purchased Cryptocurrency, transferred it to some wallet and bought XMR with it. Where is it?
>XMR Holder: I lost it.
>IRS: Oh really? You wouldn't be hiding that from us right? Here is an audit we will be doing. We will need your computer for a full investigation.
And then you went to jail. Buying XMR is like openly telling IRS that you will lie to them on your taxes.

>> No.23232985

No, there are no hidden gems, crypto is for midwits

>> No.23233018

Where is luigi?

>> No.23233049

Please add xsn to the image. Right next to Strattera. If I can even save one person from my misfortune it is worth it. I hold xsn so it should be obvious why I can't figure out how to add it myself.

>> No.23233069

You have to buy the shitcoin with dollars using kyc you literally can't avoid this.

The only way you can is if use local bit coin. And get a laptop with tails os. Go to McDonald's or Starbucks. Open onion and a VPN and put on gloves and then you type like a retard to use your dirty shit coins to transfer into monero.

>How do you cash out?
You cant

>> No.23233088

There's no wealth tax in most countries and buying crypto isn't a taxable event, disposing of it is. So I would say "yes Mr taxman, I hold whatever amount of XMR you think I hold" when in reality I could have made 100x gains and spent an unknown amount on drugs at any time. With every other coin they can see that disposal but not with Monero.

>> No.23233120

>Bought Statera
>173 IQ

I'm holding it right now

>> No.23233133

Monero, Link, Xsn are the only 3 that should be in 150+IQ.

>> No.23233147

Thanks, just bought more statera.

t. 2074 Chess ELO brainlet

>> No.23233298

XHV is the 200IQ coin.

>> No.23233336


>> No.23233373

Strange my iq is 139-144, perhaps a little lower now, and I only hold XRP in crypto.

>> No.23233400

My IQ is 92 and I hold XRP because even an idiot can recognize it

>> No.23233401

>AMP IQ 134
Try again.

>> No.23233541


>> No.23233664

>Not 150+

>> No.23233720

True, Statera is a piece of shit for mongs

>> No.23233824

Someone with autism edit this picture to make it correct

>> No.23233835

what if I hold LINK and STA?

>> No.23233845

It is correct retard

>> No.23233876


>> No.23233935

OMG is literally the easiest coin to swing so it should be higher. But as a long term hold nah.

>> No.23234100

>most countries
Context is specifically for the USA as the IRS is mentioned.

If you are in a country that doesn't care about Crypto then using XMR is pointless unless you're specifically trying to hide something, but countries like that don't care anyways so why bother?

>So I would say "yes Mr taxman, I hold whatever amount of XMR you think I hold"
It doesn't work like that. You are responsible for telling the true amount of holdings to the government. Then they get to audit you for that truth if something looks incorrect.

>> No.23234117

Good job using paint anon. You get a gold star :)

>> No.23234131

This was made by a linkerino lol, chainlink is not top tier it is useless

>> No.23234181

I hold BAT and I disagree. Link is useless and only pumped thanks to low supply and defi hype.

>> No.23234297

No organization tests above 165.

>> No.23234312
File: 125 KB, 1404x868, avax ponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is sub 80IQ, All the signs of being nightmare of investment are there. Look at pic related and think to yourself on what kind of potential you're betting on? Because avax without a single project built on it is already 1 bullish run from ETH valuation. This is the most sure bearish project i've ever seen and the most overvalued project ever graced the market by a massive margin.

>> No.23234356
