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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23231426 No.23231426 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23231477

Fuck senpai..

>> No.23231499

Lmfaooooooooooo absolutely fucked.

>> No.23231504

Love how these threads popped up on the hour, these scammers don't fuck around. What took AMPLYFI so long?

>> No.23231512


>> No.23231517

just literal fraud. not even a rugpull

>> No.23231525

Can someone trace an address to see how much was scammed?

>> No.23231530 [DELETED] 

What happened? Is it over 300? How do I see so i can laugh at the retards

>> No.23231556
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Nobody actually paid for this shit right?
Did it even have a whitepaper?

>> No.23231575

there was about 60 eth in the bounce pool

not bad for literally 0 effort, no wonder "people" do this

>> No.23231581

>What happened? Is it over 300? How do I see so i can laugh at the retards

>> No.23231610

>there's no way to stop them from taking the money once they've exit scammed
>has been happening for years
>scammers complaining that the IRS arrested McAfee and governments are getting involved in crypto because they won't stop scamming

It really is true- spiritual niggers ruin everything.

>> No.23231618 [DELETED] 

There is no way he scammed that much from retards on here, I just cant see it being possible with that absolute garbage site he had and how are you coin fags still unable to spot a scam?

>> No.23231624

Probably reddit

>> No.23231626

They even moved up the rug pull date. Fucking kek. These Punjabi scammers are barely even trying anymore. But somehow people still fall for it. Hilarious.

>> No.23231625

Stop fucking with rugs and look into new shit like UNN. You brainlets are gonna lose everything.

>> No.23231631

Fastest RUG ever!!!
Like 1 min after presale ended!

>> No.23231635
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>> No.23231643


>> No.23231657
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>> No.23231659

That IP totaly freaked them out kek

>> No.23231665

are you guys really gonna dox this guy over an obvious scam?

>> No.23231664
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>> No.23231670

God AMPLIFY got me for 1 grand

>> No.23231684

They didnt use a vpn. It appears.

>> No.23231693

You know about JUSTYFI, right?

>> No.23231697
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>> No.23231705

a fucking leaf

>> No.23231707

yea why wouldnt i report them. The nyc attorney and Nintendo love this shit. Maybe the brampton police too.

>> No.23231723

GET EM!!!! No money in, principle alone!!!

>> No.23231724

I honestly hope you end up in jail

>> No.23231727

Hello mortal

>> No.23231729

Meant for: >>23231670
discord: 7KrZuf

>> No.23231743

You re fucked mortal

>> No.23231748

lmao. with an IP address, it will take police a day to figure out who did this

>> No.23231762

Justyfi was a 2500 eth rug and people unironically lost their life savings plus the guy was a serial rugger. This mickey mouse shit isn't going to go anywhere.

>> No.23231763 [DELETED] 

You better start refunding people before you go to jail retard mutt

>> No.23231775


>> No.23231777

scamming retards is still considered a crime

>> No.23231779

its pretty hard to move or cash out before that.

>> No.23231784

Make up a story, anything. But refund!!!

>> No.23231786

ah shit didn't see this nvm

>> No.23231808

Why rug so quickly though?
They could have made more waiting a day, and let others make some $$$ too,
MORONS! Really hope they get caught.

>> No.23231835

even if the police get involved, you won't get your money back. boomers don't understand crypto, there will be no refunds. seethe and report all you want but you will be forever financially ruined.

>> No.23231836

Basically, anons that got rugged by AMPLYFI are fixing up the code and relaunching the project. I believe the current plan is to airdrop the tokens lost to AMPLYFI liquidity providers. The airdropped tokens will be locked, but will of course earn staking fees. A liquidity event is planned for access to unlocked tokens.

>> No.23231839

I put all of my rent money inside this coin. Fuck bros

>> No.23231857

You retards didn't actually put money into FUCKING LUIGI COIN OR SOMESHIT DID YOU?

>> No.23231860 [DELETED] 

Because the fucking idiot fucked up and we have his IP so hes in panic mode, see >>23231635

>> No.23231864


>> No.23231865

Report them

>> No.23231866

That's fucking dope. I lost 4.5 Eth to that rug, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23231886 [DELETED] 
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>you won't get your money back
>I dont know how courts work
>I dont know what garnished wages are
>I dont know what seized assets are

>> No.23231887

scamming is funny but at the same time fuck these guys

nintendo, sue this man

>> No.23231893


>> No.23231906
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bunch of fucking retards it took 3 fucking days to sell out a presale, I was in one that sold out 1777 within 5 minutes, pumped 2x, and is sitting at -70% of presale price. holy fucking shit you faggots are losers. enjoy your money being gone forever

>> No.23231914

Dang, I am enjoying watching this unfold. I don't wanna go to sleep. Good luck, dudes.

>> No.23231922

LMAO you fucking idiots. Rugger here, you'll still not identify me based on the IP. You're fucked, I win, 20 grand for a few days work. Losers.
P.S. I was not a scammer until I saw how you guys just begged for it every day, then it seemed like my duty to do it

>> No.23231930

1777 eth*
60 fucking eth holy fucking shit you niggers are this fucking stupid, 5 canadian faggots spammed this board for days with vpns and enough of you faggots unironically shilled it and only came out with 60 eth, fucking hilarious

>> No.23232000


>> No.23232010

I feel you man. I lost 2 ETH. The work these guys are doing has convinced me not to invest in rope though. They are also trying to track down the scammer; latest update is that he split the ETH into several wallets and Tornado Cash'd it. He probably wont be caught, but if JUSDFI works out maybe some good will come of this.

>> No.23232042

Thank you guys I love you

>> No.23232081

Yeah, I will actually. Been shilling this board for a week and every time I tell him to commit suicide, he doesn't listen. Perhaps if he ends up in prison he'll finally end his miserable life.

>> No.23232096

Red pilled

>> No.23232170

If you invested in a trademarked coin with no whitepaper, you really did deserve to lose your money

>> No.23232191

>people gave money to the guy who named his coin after a Nintendo IP

>> No.23232213


>> No.23232247 [DELETED] 
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Here is the uniswap, please do the needfuls sirs. I lost my ETH. https://info.uniswap.org/token/0xa2829832f4a1d9b886a112c2dc87f9f546f69af8

>> No.23232299

I honestly felt like it was a scam but thought I was going to have the opportunity to just dump as soon as it launched. Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Is there a running list of rugpulls anywhere or are there just too many to count at this point.

>> No.23232368

I don't know how they're doing it. We're not in the middle of a speculation pump, there isn't any influx of newfags coming onto /biz/. But EVERY FUCKING TIME there's always enough anons and telegram people throwing in enough ETH that the scammers make tens of thousands of dollars, with no effort. How do they keep it going? There has to be several people on /biz/ who have lost all their money chasing exit scams, surely. Show yourselves

>> No.23232379

This Biz needs a google doc. I'll add luigi to one to my own but it's not extensive.

>> No.23232419
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What's the problem here? The faster they get burnt on shit like this the faster they can kill themselves and fuck off this board.

Rugpulls are unironically KINO as fuck. You get to see ranjesh and neets chimping out and if you're lucky they actually track down the guy. It is a beautiful thing.

>> No.23232424


>> No.23232429

There isn't any problem, I just think it's weird that nobody has livestreamed themselves logging out of Minecraft on stream.

>> No.23232435


at least im comfy in this YGY sale

>> No.23232532


Crypto is ripe for it. So complex that most people dont look into projects deeply and the ones that dont wait until things are proven safe end up making outsized gains (if they arent rugged).

Unfortunately this isn't like bitcoin anymore where you could be early by buying anywhere within the course of several years. Now you have to be in ultra early to get big gains and that leads to lots of people being scammed.

While embarrassing, i'll admit to falling for it. At least it was only about as much as a nice dinner.

>> No.23232547
File: 199 KB, 1921x1080, discordInvite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi fren, It's me roko

We're all going to make it. Join the discord. We're relaunching soon with something amazing

discord: 7KrZuf

>> No.23232581
File: 102 KB, 1000x668, photo-1511145822182-677fa5800671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine losing money to this shit

>> No.23232689
File: 42 KB, 220x195, Ebin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined and am looking forward to seeing what you guys have in store thanks fren

>> No.23232716


>> No.23232737

The man with a stomach of steel

>> No.23232772
