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23228278 No.23228278 [Reply] [Original]

Realistic answers only

>> No.23228287

is that a tranny?

>> No.23228296


>> No.23228304

2.7 million. I will handle the rest from there

>> No.23228316

did Weinstein go to hard on him as a child?

>> No.23228318

50 dollars (us)

>> No.23228323

Like 10 million dollars to live off low risk returns comfortably. Shits fucked.

>> No.23228331
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>> No.23228340

This man looks vaguely familiar. Who is he?

>> No.23228358

150k is make it money

>> No.23228384

3mil entry level making it

>> No.23228391

Look at those tiny legs vs the rest of her body.

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.23228430
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>> No.23228431

1 million to be an old pathetic fuck not working and fucking trannies in Thailand until you can't get medical care and die of some disease dead in the first world


This to never work again and live a middle class lifestyle with no excess.


This to be able to have a family and do above.

Most wealthy people quote "getting the hundie" - 100 million, which they consider a baseline to afford an old money lifestyle.

Needless to say, this is nowhere within reach for anyone other than an early DOGE investor.

>> No.23228438

Im going hard in kambria, hoping that 30 to 60x call is accurate.
I have 16 thousand in saving, i put 10 in.

>> No.23228439
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Imagine motorboating those big, flabby tits though. Imagine the smell of the under-tit sweat.

>> No.23228461

this is a 10 in america

>> No.23228469


>> No.23228471


The "10 in America" meme isn't exaggerated. Please don't torture us by reminding us.

>> No.23228475
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3 million to fucking retire and live at the edge of the grid.

>> No.23228561
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Ugh. It's cyberpunk out there man. All the knife missiles.

>> No.23228791

This is not a 10 in America, pajeet.

>> No.23229912

2 million AUD to live relatively well and decouple my work from the need for an income.

>> No.23230169

>Tfw no trailer trash slampig gf

>> No.23230219

Enough to pay Brazilian women to fart on me

>> No.23230258

2 million. .5 of it will be in the safest dividend stocks known to man.

>> No.23230261

>chicken legs
>beer gut
>sagging titties
>fat sausage arms
>awful taste in style
>green roastie clown hair
this bitch hit the wall hard in her 20's

>> No.23230310

she's 18 kek

>> No.23230354

what’s her portfolio look like

>> No.23230377

100milly baseline? No. I'd say 25mm is the real baseline for old money lifestyle. You'd just have to not live in a major city.

>> No.23230383

She got a nice rack ngl

>> No.23230414

he needs to start exercising and get in good physical shape.

>> No.23230506

Depends on what "making it" means for you. For me:
>1mil: Financial independence, e.g. "fuck you" money, I can walk out on any job that isn't worth it (unhappy, shitty work/life balance, low wage, etc)
>5mil: Low-end retirement money. Enough to live comfortably indefinitely in most cities that aren't SF/NYC/LA/etc. This is possible for most middle-class folks if they work until their 60s.
>50mil: High-end retirement, generational wealth, trust-fund territory. Only accessible to most people by being a C-level executive at a medium/large company. This is my "making it", but is unrealistic for most people.

>> No.23230508

70k usd it is enough for me to make it.

>> No.23230577

If you invest it in link

>> No.23230592

50mill isn't even possible by a c level exec unless they invest their assets very well.

>> No.23230619

Why do you need 1 million to walk out if a job. I’ve walked out of many jobs with far less money in the bank account.

>> No.23230634

3 mil you're good everywhere but the most expensive places
5 mil you're good everywhere but still gotta be sensible
10 mil you can do whatever the fuck you want forever as long as you're not into buying yachts and living in 5 star hotels etc.

>> No.23230667
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If you cant buy this in cash you havent made it

>> No.23230722

It's a bit of both. CEO of my company makes around 2mil/yr, but there are about a dozen C-levels and 100 executives/VPs in the 1mil/high-thousands territory. Do that for a decade and that's 10mil, at 6% interest over the same period that's at least 20mil. That's assuming just boring VTSAX investing, not real estate/angel investing/riskier market trades (options, etc).
Following the 4% rule, it's (approximately) how much I'd need to replace my current spending on interest alone. That's not to say that you shouldn't walk out on bad jobs, but it's harder to make that choice if you're earning six figures (good money that might take time to replace) with a mortgage to pay and mouths to feed (financial obligations).

>> No.23230729

1 million. I make on average 3% a day from my returns. I think I could live off 30k a day

>> No.23230735

How much is that?

>> No.23230756

If you really made that you'd be a trillionaire in like a year start with a few bucks.

>> No.23230761

5 million after taxes

>> No.23230765

Your telling me nigger who make rap music are old money now?

>> No.23230766

What even is making it? I just want a ridiculous house with high speed internet access, to do whatever I want and not think about money, and to not have to work to support this lifestyle. 500k for a small 5 or 10 acre lot with a big house and basement lap pool/gym/sauna. I might pay extra to be on a river or lake as long as there's no neighbors within a gun shots distance.
So 500k land and house, 2.6mm in diversified ETFs with a very conservative 2% draw to give me $1k/wk for food, roids, and whatever toys I want. Or let it pile up and go for a skiing trip. Half the usual 4% safe withdrawal will let the stack keep growing just in case I get a little more expensive tastes with age.
I already make my own beer and wine, good set of guns and fishing shit, TV and computer for anime I download fansubs of for free, already have a good camera and lenses, even have my own truck and washer/dryer/deep freezer, etc.. Basically the lifestyle is there I just have to work to maintain it and need the dream house. When I sell my current house that's a good 75k of equity to put towards the land price. 50k link so it is just a matter of time now. Steaking will be a dream come true. Worst case I get impatient and sell 15k at $250 to get everything lined up, probably won't even need the 2% draw since I could live off steaking returns even if it's a mere 2%/yr.
I want the lowest risk of slashing and steaking as a service so I don't have to do any maintenance, just give me my $1k/wk plus some extra to funnel into btc/eth for cryptodiversity.
How fucking rich are you already to come to figures like 25mm to make it? That's a million per year at 4%.

>> No.23230807

if your dreams if given infinite money consist of nothing but material goods, you have failed the karmic test and will continue to reincarnate/go to hell spiritually

>> No.23230820

>he bred with female
Ew what a loser

>> No.23230867

ugh what a gross fat cow... and of course she looks like a typical dyed hair dyke.

>> No.23230880

If I had infinite money I'd give everyone a infinite money and then buy all the orphans and lost puppies and kittens to raise them and also give them a infinite money and build giant 100m gold statues of vishnus and krishnas and Shivas everywhere and then go to karma spirit heaven when I die.

>> No.23230964

about 300k

>> No.23231013


>> No.23231049

Beautiful breasts that will never provide sustenance to a child

>> No.23231083

I would get jealous anyway. I want beautiful wife who induces lactation for me only and I greedily take it all for myself.

>> No.23231107

In California it is..

>> No.23231108

Better, if they do they will get saggy.
1.5 million and I will leave in peace.
1 million as a min. goal

>> No.23231181

For them. Not their kids

>> No.23231282

Ok homelander

>> No.23231606

1 chainlink token

>> No.23231674
File: 310 KB, 937x1171, 1602547025863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calicucks aren't American.

>> No.23231678

What brand of Crocs are those?

>> No.23231833

What's your make it yearly income? For me, it's 40k minimum. I'd live somewhere cheap. Would just take 3% out of spy every year.

>> No.23231936


>> No.23231963

A house paid off + 4k/month passive income seems like a comfy and humble goal.
400k house + 960k @ 5% so probably 1.4 million post tax is my make it number. Marines salute

>> No.23232061

>she's 18 kek
holy shit bitch hit the wall at 15

>> No.23232138

$1.5M after tax. I'm getting there. Hoping Bonded.Finance gets adopted.

>> No.23232344

I'd say 2mil is good for me
Buy one good home to live in, one shit one to rent out, and then relax

I'm sure there's a hundred obstacles that would get in the way of that plan, but I'll worry about that after I have my 2mil

>> No.23232481

Does he have an adult nursing relationship? I never got into the superman and batman shit but this might be enough to get me finally watching at least one of the capeshits. Is it a big feature of the character or just an obscure side comment hinted at in one episode? I'm really into lactation.

>> No.23232512
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400k a year is not a lot of money if you spend it all.

>> No.23232780
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Banks don't consider you rich until you have $25mm. So a few million might change your life, but there's still a ways to go before you are actually part of the "elite."

>> No.23232789
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Always kek at that pic

>> No.23232855

you guys do know thats Billie Ellish right.? she is worth over 100 mill. i would suck on those titties all day long.

>> No.23232948

you seen 100 million in her account?

>> No.23232989

>you need x money to live old money lifestyle
>well actually if you compromise on a bunch of shit you only need x-y money!
yeah thats not it chief

>> No.23232995

I suddenly find her a lot more attractive now for some reason.

>> No.23232996

she the biggest pop star right now. the next taylor swift

>> No.23233012

all you need to do is take her to the gym 3 times a day and she will become a 10

>> No.23233271

Wtf why am I so turned on by her right now?

>> No.23233623

Looked 25 at age 15. now 18 and looks like 39.

>> No.23233665

don’t listen to the tards you can retire off of $600k taking home roughly $4k/mo easily. if you have willpower you could last your whole life. Even better if you can flip with your net worth. The problem is these plebes want an m5 or a Tesla model s so they can’t see anything past next Friday

>> No.23233682

At that point you’re married to your money and you don’t live a simple life. No thanks

>> No.23233707

i know my skills 1 mil is enough for me to be laid back and relax, don't need to live the high life, PC and games and some travel is all i need.

>> No.23233709

is this Qasem Soleimani's?

>> No.23234138

50 million. anything else is cope

>> No.23234228

I want cut that woman's head from her shoulders

>> No.23234302

3 million and you are set. Buy real estate for 1 million, invest the rest intelligently.

>> No.23234336


>This to never work again and live a middle class lifestyle with no excess.

if you can't invest 3 mil to churn a minimum 150K/yr. then you're too fucking stupid to have made 3 mil in the first place. If you think 150K/yr. is "living with no excess," see above.

>> No.23234378

2-3 mill.

>> No.23234444


>> No.23234451

>Buying an overpriced Audi with cammo paint job.

I'd pay 60k max for that lambo desu.

>> No.23234646

bigger than yours will ever be buckaroo

>> No.23234684

americans aren't even real american, they're just discount bongs. Real americans got their land swiped off of them to make rooms for plantations

>> No.23235092

Investing at a 5% annual return, 40k translates roughly to $1/hr working full time (40hrs). Most people not in a major city can live comfortably enough on ~$16/hr.

>> No.23235129


>> No.23235271

Think they show or imply he's sucking a woman's titty once or twice but I don't remember.
The writers are pretty fucking gay and couldn't help but fill the show with leftist propaganda though.

>> No.23235327

saved me the typing.

Alternatively just 25k+ link

>> No.23235383

>discount bongs
>everyone in the US is British
You really have no understanding. European, Native American, basically anything from anywhere in the world. Open a non-high school history book. You sound like a bitter 1st generation Euro. Get fucked.

>> No.23235394

well, if you divide your money into 8 stocks; general mills, hershey, microsoft, welltower, verizon, at&t, intel, and chevron, you can get a ~4% dividend yield. so, basically, you'd need 1 million into those stocks to live off 40k/year like a neet. you could do it on 500k, but you'd need to work part time. that's actually my plan, once i can liquidate to 500k after tax it's all going into blue chip dividend stocks and i'm going to work 3 days a week/neet 4 days a week until i die lol.

>> No.23235700

$1mil if you just want to live comfy at a cheap place

>> No.23235905
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>being this mad

>> No.23236673

2m and I will travel the world from the dividends.

>> No.23237014

You will cause mass starvings with this because money will have no value when you give an infinite amount of it to everyone...

>> No.23237059

I don't think I've ever seen a character single handedly carry a show as hard as Anthony Starr as Homelander in The Boys.

>> No.23237151

its not, shes just got big tits, big facial features, and an easy to manipulate coke and bbc habit.

100m to never look at a chart again, but id rather be set with a few million to not worry about huge taxes or being kidnapped

>> No.23237257

Or they're corrupt