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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23227007 No.23227007 [Reply] [Original]

Posted this on /adv/ but they're too busy talking about girl problems. So I thought maybe my /biz/ frens could help

I'm 23 years old, and I've never had a real job. I have two degrees, but they're in meme humanities subjects (philosophy & political science. I love philosophy but it's not exactly great for employment). I was a bartender before Covid fucked everything up, and have been unemployed since the end of march. What exactly can I do get a respectable job at this point? I was thinking of learning webdev since I was comp sci major before I switched when classes started getting to hard to bullshit, but I've also considered taking the LSAT/GMAT and going for law/business school. The problem with the latter option is that it will be a couple of years before I'm actually in the work force, and I would need to get into a good program to make up for my lack of employment history. Any ideas? Sick of being a NEET, even though it still seems so hard to summon up the motivation to give a shit.

>> No.23227049

>he posted on adv before biz
anon, don't you like us?

>> No.23227127

Far more than /adv/, but somehow I accidentally clicked it while I was browsing /fit/ and the idea to make the thread popped into my head at that point.

>> No.23227421

learn to code

>> No.23227467



The meme is nice

>> No.23227480

same position. probably head to law school to fuck some law QTs. Grown up college lol

>> No.23227645

I wonder if I could cram for the LSAT in time to get admission to a program starting next fall. I don't really want to start school at 25.
Are the memes about it being over-saturated true?

>> No.23227820
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>find nearest community college
>apply for registered nurse program
>take a week and study entrance exam
>$10k down and 2yrs later start in icu making $30/hr
>quit 1yr later to go hospital part time or agency at $50/hr
It's a dirty job, it's hard, and you'll see more shit, blood, and piss than your mind can comprehend but it's just two or three days a week and 60-90k/yr. You're breaking six figures if you can stand doing your shifts a week. All with just a two year degree and great job security. High demand so you'll get offers between $2k-$15k to sign up for one to three years at many facilities. Play the markets right and you have a modest retirement in ten years.

>> No.23227931

>Are the memes about it being over-saturated true?
Yes but everything else is even worse.

>> No.23228041

Man, if you know philosophy, you're a step ahead a random code nerd

>> No.23228072

This is bull shit the CC's get you by requiring 3 years of Pre reqs to get into the program. On top of that you need 4.0 and get lucky to get into the first program the semester after your done with prereqs.

>> No.23228073


This. Yes, but you can still get a job paying a living *wage* without knowing someone high up. Code monkeys are still needed.


This is also very true. For bonus points, do radiology and style on all the programmers by making 200k with a 2-year degree.

As far as being over-saturated. That's the definition of law school.

Don't bother with business unless top 10 target school and connections.

>> No.23228086

>be mechanical engineer
>don’t be a retarded cringe zoomer
>get a comfy maintenance job at factory
>spend most my time working from home and reading emails
>$100k+ a year

But idk do CS or something

>> No.23228103


>This is bull shit the CC's get you by requiring 3 years of Pre reqs to get into the program.

This is partially true - you need some bio and chem. Some of the pre-reqs from bullshit humanities will cover them.

>On top of that you need 4.0 and get lucky to get into the first program the semester after your done with prereqs.

For the more prestigious programs, like radiology and anesthesiology, yes. Other nursing shit? Not so much.

>> No.23228138

I think I could get into a good business school and my father is pretty high up at one of the big 4 investment banks in the US. So I would have connections, albeit through nepotism. Just not really sure I want to do corporate business. Not really sure of anything right now. Do I need to learn backend shit for getting a decent code monkey job? Or could I do webdev stuff.
Nah, that's just not for me.

>> No.23228155


ME is 1337. AE is god-tier. However, there is a reason most EEs are now code monkeys. Basically, a true engineer degree is comfy mode, but in reality, finding a job if you don't place out of college can be very difficult. Furthermore, you might need to get the professional Engineer cert to truly be comfy.

The problem with CS is you really do re-qual hard every 5 years, if you don't want to become

>a retarded cringe zoomer

>> No.23228171

Get a day job. Save money. Invest it in your passion.

>> No.23228277


>I think I could get into a good business school and my father is pretty high up at one of the big 4 investment banks in the US.

Depends on what he does. If he does sales bs, you are going to be doing sales bs. If he actually does analysis on mergers/acquisitions and/or stock research, it could be good.

Basically, business is more of a soul drain than even the harshest critics make it out to be. All the "fundamentals" are bullshit. All the "real" stuff is either quant HFT or backdoor deals. Also, you would need to get a CFA or the actuarial certs, which are both are horribly dated and useless, but less so than the actual "business" degree, even with a focus on quant/finance/stats.

Speaking of quant, logistics are a good business major most people don't think about for some reason. It's usually labelled "Quantitative Analysis." However, jobs are rare. Can make bank though.

>Do I need to learn backend shit for getting a decent code monkey job? Or could I do webdev stuff.

No, but you probably want to. Front end is going to get mixed in with CSS/SASS/LESS/Bootstrap/Bulma/other style bullshit.

Also, messing with Webpack/JavaScript frameworks is pain.

So, unless you want to also be a UI/UX designer and write CSS, become "full stack."

I will be here for 5 more mins if you have any questions on any of these fields, but especially anything finance/stats/accounting or dev.

>> No.23228387
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Law School median age is like 33.

>> No.23228802

I'm in a similar situation and my main problem is a lack of motivation to give enough shit to pursue anything. Everything seems so non worthwhile, including any top tier career. Started a law degree but it felt boring so I dropped out. My own internet psychology take is that I'm a narcissist since I often think I'm above almost everyone and I have a great need to be admired, so just doing any job wouldn't make me a special boy. Maybe I'm a high IQ genius but like, even if, that's probably not enough reason to place oneself above everything else and be a NEET. And it's also most likely a cope to make up for big insecurities, more than anything. Maybe you don't have the same issue but some people on 4chan and biz probably have a lot of this attitude so whatever someone might feel it. Anyways, I think reevaluating oneself realistically and to be humbled without resorting to superiority cope is step one and to only feel pride (in moderation) when actually accomplishing something is the real path to actually doing something.

>> No.23228858

>accomplishing something
well i have bad news for you

>> No.23229109

give it to me straight dr. peterson

>> No.23229267
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Learn a skill or two, freelance, and then learn how to start a biz. Or just do an e-commerce biz

>> No.23229389

Get a realtors license and work your way up to broker at a commercial firm
Or try commercial real estate appraisal, work toward a general license in the first 3 years and you’re set for life. Just get the MAI designation after that and you’re getting 100k+ even with a meme humanities degree

>> No.23229773

I've considered this. One of my good friends is working at a growing RE firm in Cali right now, so I might have a connection in that area. I have some background experience in construction too, albeit very limited. Any good resources for pursuing this?
Checked back in this thread too late, but my Dad is basically the boss of all the east coast branch managers. He wanted to get me an analyst position if I started working on my Series 7 or getting an MBA. And yea, I've heard its so fucking soul crushing and I really don't want to deal with the corporate culture and the mindgames that go with it. I do like reading about finance but I'm not sure I have the mentality to do well in that environment. I will check out that logistics thing though. As for CS, I am a little intimidated by becoming fullstack because I have the impression that you need to have strong math skills and I haven't taken a math class since high school calc.

>> No.23229836

you have a phil degree but can't into mathematics? you don't need to have a formal math background to be a code monkey, just logic.

>> No.23230096

It's not that I can't into them, it's that I haven't focused on it for a long time.

>> No.23230121

Return to your home of Nigger Island and earn your diploma.

>> No.23230232

A&P 1 and 2 can be done over one summer, microbiology can be done in a one month accelerated course. If two years is too much and you already have a bachelors then take a year to knock out prereqs and do a one year accelerated bachelors of nursing program. I think mine required college algebra. OP already said he did philosophy so he has math and all that other shit. My associates did not require chemistry, nor did my bachelors. I didn't have a 4.0 either.
This is just defeatist bullshit. If you want to then just do it. If you don't then like you're your own man, man. You don't have to be a nurse, it's just a good fit for some people's time x money goals and the hours allow a decent work life balance. I'm Saturday and Sunday only, 60k/yr. Beats the shit out of my previous 30k a year Monday through Friday five to nine.
A lot of people don't know this but it's radiology that keep the cath lab going, some of them know better than the doctors in some areas. But it's probably going to be four days a week plus taking call for emergency heart caths at 0300 now and then. You have 30 minutes or an hour to get to the hospital when that alarm goes off. ICU was more my speed, but they also have a nurse or two in cath and ep labs. Rad is pretty cool but it's it's own degree and cert/license.
It's not for everyone. I'm mildly autistic and I don't do well with whiny needy medsurg or outpatient types. Give me someone tied to the bed, tube down their throat, and a few ivs keeping them alive and or unconscious. The 'easy' patients are always the hardest.
Nursing informatics is more of a desk and screen gig but in that case just do literally any other data science based job. Business intelligence analyst. Get some math courses and do a two year masters program. 80k starting, six figs within five years. Should be doable for ~30k in tuition or less. Actually a strong fit for someone with a philosophy undergrad.