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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 250x140, POTUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23223736 No.23223736 [Reply] [Original]

You are early anon. Admin just announced unsold presale tokens will be burnt (almost all of it at 50 million) + New airdrop event for 2020 token holders (airdrop will be unlocked on the 21st). Major betting event for Nov 3rd election night. This is gonna be big come election week!

token name: POTUS 2020
ticker: 2020
Medium: medium.com/@2020_dev/potus-2020-a-brief-outline-presale-details-future-plans-53a6044b7c2c

total supply: 331,000,000
future incentives: 131,000,000 (will be locked before presale for 3 months)
team: 30,000,000 (will be locked before presale for 3 months)
marketing: 25,000,000
airdrops: 25,000,000
exchanges: 70,000,000
presale: 50,000,00

Blockchain-driven experiment aimed at finding a link between politics, sociology, and gambling.
>Can a pool of staked tokens fairly represent political partisanship as a social identity?
>Stake $2020 and farm $RED/ $BLUE by locking your UNI-LP tokens.
>Bet seamlessly on the daily/ weekly tally (in development).
>More TBA

Future (mid- to long-term) development plans include but are not limited to:
>Allow sociological agencies, NGOs, journalists, and other public influencers to make certifiable election predictions by locking/ staking tokens. Burn/ reward mechanisms will be applied based on the actual result (confirmed up by an oracle service).
>Create a robust and chain-agnostic betting platform specifically suited for elections/ referenda.

>> No.23223760

Genius idea with the election farming anon

>> No.23223783

stinks like curry

>> No.23223823

Nice poo id anon. Master race election isn't curry tho

>> No.23223839

Getting the airdrop. Wouldn't buy this shit though.

>> No.23223886

Its increasing in price tho. When is the next airdrop?

>> No.23223904

The first one hasn't even been distributed

>> No.23223925
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>> No.23223985

I always buy when presales are listed, 9/10 times I make money

>> No.23224068

Looks interesting. Might pump with elections coming up and degen anons wanting to gamble

>> No.23224092

my brown id is probably the color of your stinky skin

>> No.23224146
File: 62 KB, 750x179, 57DCB4F1-63C9-4458-AD0F-2F297B6866C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidity lock incoming. Confirmed not a rug pull fwiw

>> No.23224374

still stinks like curry

>> No.23224412

fake and gay. They should have named it Poohinder token

>> No.23224479

If you check the contract, it’s actually locked. I think these guys are serious.. I was definitely skeptical at first

>> No.23224480

Contract is locked as well now! Looks good so far

>> No.23224505

we'll see when we get the first airdrop!

>> No.23224557

Sure buddy. Ive been in /biz/ airdrop groups before dude. I know how this game works

>> No.23224578

How does it work then? Please, enlighten me

>> No.23224665

Street shitter KYS

>> No.23224684

No shitter here sir. The true American dream!

>> No.23225124

wow, I got up just in time
thanks man
I hope you all live good long lives

>> No.23225203

MAGA 2020

>> No.23225406

You too bud. Enjoy them gains
Go team RED!

>> No.23225496

We all know trump is gonna win, Biden is a meme

>> No.23225790

even though liquidity is locked, im still a little skeptical. i might throw an eth or two in, though.

>> No.23225914

team red only way to go desu

>> No.23226061

imagine being a burger and have to vote for either of those two fucking retards

>> No.23226587

Maximum kek

>> No.23226668

dont actually have to vote for either, kanye made it on the ballot :P

>> No.23226681

Meh, this is just a glorified betting contract. Not saying anything bad but lets face it, degens will only look / care about betting on the winner.

>> No.23226752

Is it crazy to sportsbet on alaska for republicans? 1.20 return....

>> No.23227387

Locked liquidity is the starting point. I'll give 5 eth just for that. Looks interesting. Hopefully the team can push it before someone makes a copy

>> No.23227767

kek well with the farming contract it'll be fun to see where it goes

>> No.23227868

based and presalepilled

>> No.23228197

Definitely will be interesting to see how they play it. 5/5 so far, hopefully they keep it up. Got some hard deadlines

>> No.23228596

Happy birthday to 4chan :)

>> No.23228609
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top kek

>> No.23228683
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Imagine thinking we "have to" do anything here in freedom land

>> No.23228848

you might be smelling yourself bud

>> No.23229148

how many red to make it?