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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23222874 No.23222874 [Reply] [Original]

Guess what faggots, YGY team just dropped an announcement saying 100% of the ETH raised are gonna be locked as liquidity
By locking 100% liquidity of presale the devs keep nothing
Get in while you still can lmao

>> No.23222922

Shhh, they are burning all unsold tokens. If you tell them there will be more supply

>> No.23222933

top kek the madmen actually did it

>> No.23223163

big if true

>> No.23223174

So thats why people were fudding this so hard

>> No.23223194

nope. still not giving you my money

>> No.23223206

Gonna lmao if this, which I put .3 eth into, moons, whereas Amplyfi, which I put 4 eth into, immediately rugged

>> No.23223243

have they announced a date for listing yet?

>> No.23223291

right after presale. Hardcap or when it ends tomorrow

>> No.23223354

Alright, this isnt a scam
Whatever, it still doesnt have a working product

>> No.23223463

thanks for notifying me OP, actually not a faggot for once

>> No.23223725

I don't think they would be listing 100% liquidity if they weren't serious about building the product

>> No.23223795


They hired the dev that worked on storj he’s in the discord now.

Looks like this shit is turning around

>> No.23223907

I guess this wasn't a scam after all

>> No.23223956

that's pretty based

>> No.23224343
File: 144 KB, 500x750, avgholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOAT always wins

>> No.23224531

When do I receive my tokens?

>> No.23224625

As soon as the ETH network gives them to you

>> No.23224746

soft cap reached so we have a coin people. This will list

>> No.23224748


>> No.23224833

where do i buy?

>> No.23225151


It is on bounce, just link your metamask


>> No.23225191

it's on bounce, fixed pool number 3573, check the discord for the official link nDkxqpw

>> No.23225853 [DELETED] 

thanks nigga you the man

>> No.23225905

thanks nigga

>> No.23226651

That actual might lead to a pretty big pump

>> No.23226700

I put in 6 eth in, it better not be a fucking rug

>> No.23226889
File: 26 KB, 474x431, 2a16de0c02b4777dd3ebc760a05d0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These niggas finna run away with hundreds of thousands of dollas

>> No.23226951

Someone explain to a brainlet like me why locked liquidity is a good thing, how it works, and what do you gain from having your money locked?

>> No.23226954

price EOW price prediction boys?

>> No.23227594


they can't rug, liq is locked nigger

>> No.23227807

100% no rugpull

>> No.23227891

This is made by pajeets copy pasters. It does nothing new and will fail sooner or later. Make sure to get out before the majority.

>> No.23228024

Probably around 2k to 3k

>> No.23228077

it's not our money, it's the liquidity owner money, you can sell whenever you want without worrying about them pulling out

>> No.23228095

When you put a token onto uniswap, you have to add liquidity. The problem then is that the people who added that liquidity can remove it and walk away with the money at any point. This is the typical rugpull. Locked liquidity means no one can remove liquidity until a certain amount of time passes. Effectively guaranteeing no rugpulls for at least that amount of time. This does not effect your money unless you also add liquidity, in which case you will have to wait until the lock is lifted to pull out.

tldr it's just a safety sticker telling you pajeets aren't going to rape you