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23218726 No.23218726 [Reply] [Original]

do some americans really have multiple jobs?

>> No.23218753

yes they do some have 3

>> No.23218877

Most northern Irish that work have 2-3 jobs

>> No.23218944

Do people in other countries even have jobs or does social welfare and 60% tax rates pay for everything?

>> No.23218992

I know many germans that have 1 legal and 1 illegal job.

>> No.23219046

yes, i had some college student coworkers in the summer working 80+ hours a week

>> No.23219070

>be all americans except office salaried workers

>> No.23219083

Dont you need certification to work like every job in Germany? Im pretty sure you need 6 years of higher education to become a carpenter if I remember correctly.

>> No.23219110

is it not normal in the rest of the world?

>> No.23219149

I do. This year I'm making $155k at my main job and $30k at my side job. Altogether, I'm averaging 50 hours of work every week.

>> No.23219255

wtf is ur job

>> No.23219355

i had three jobs and went to college full time. needless to say, i burned out pretty quickly

>> No.23219383

Retail pharmacy manager and prn staff hospital pharmacist

>> No.23219414

I'm 23 and making 50k working from home (paying no rent living with parents)
Only end up doing about 2hrs of work and the rest of the time I'm fucking my gf, smoking weed, or shitposting on 4chan

>> No.23219473

kek paying 15% income tax.
cope harder mutt

>> No.23219508

Yeah have some chick on snap that works at burger king and a day care..she also sells nudes so three jobs kek

>> No.23219718

Yup, remote work has never been easier to scam since the Chinavirus hit. I have two jobs, looking to make $250k if I can hang on for 9 months.

The hardest part is timing meetings and coming up with good excuses. You really can only use the Rona nuclear excuse once, so I am waiting for the right time. Most of the time, you can use kids or pets for sympathy days off when the hangover/withdrawals are too much.

>t. Code monkey

>> No.23219896

Most jobs take 3-3,5 years of apprenticeship for a job qualification. Uni is something extra in that regard.

>> No.23220087

What do you do?

>> No.23220140

how? why risk it?

>> No.23220182

fucking lmao. America is a proper third world shithole.

>> No.23220232

assuming he doesn't lose BOTH jobs there's no reason not to. he'sdoubling his income. if one job eventually fires him oh well, he will now have more time off and his work ethic will be seen as an improvement by bosses anyways.

>> No.23220275

Lmao in my country it's actually illegal to have more than one full time job

>> No.23220316

I’m an yurofag bringing home 120k euro gross, and I have two other side jobs that I do from 7pm till midnight and on the weekend.
My wife wants to kill me but fuck it, I want to retire young

>> No.23220338

I quit my job because XRP is about to make me filthy rich, no point working anymore.

>> No.23220392

Kek, enjoy your dumb in 3 days.

>> No.23220480
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>> No.23220491

Supply chain grunt work
The title is 'buyer' but it amounts to emailing manufacturers about dates for material arriving and reporting information to management/planning.
I didn't go to school for this, I just interview well so managed to pivot from STEM into this.

>> No.23220517

oh nonoono
some places in America have 0% income tax and like 7% VAT.

>> No.23221035


Most of them get the government gibs and works illegally doing more than some fulltime working PhD over here

Germany isnt really for honest work, its for milking the government the most best way possible

>> No.23221078

>illegal jobs

>> No.23221521

some nanny state in jewrope I assume?

>> No.23221714

usually tradesmen doing jobs on the side without reporting tax

>> No.23221899

Yes, there's really nothing to do in America but earn money and consume.
Niggers and consuming
Not allowed often, when allowed it's typically to see minorities dressed as Jewish cartoon characters in 40C weather in a playground for men and women that care about cartoons
Nope, learning just to learn is expensive and evil.

>> No.23222952

You can get an east coast job and a west coast job so that meeting conflicts rarely happen. You also need good time management skills and the ability to switch context.

I have a half-complete college education. I spent most of my 20s learning JavaScript and its frameworks. Most of my jobs are shit I did years ago, so I just coast and get paid well for it.

Tech goes through booms and busts. Right now it feels like it’s about to pop, so I’m cashing in before I have to settle for a safe Java job with the government. Pajeets are being phased out due to their incompetence, shadiness and a well-played Trump policy.

>> No.23223122

where do you find these remote jobs?

>> No.23223679

They’re everywhere now that COVID has shut down the in-person office requirements that usually hinder the double dip. People reach out to me on LinkedIn or I scan Craigslist for some jobs. You can also use Dice or Indeed or StackOverflow to find jobs. The interviews are where you get the most trouble, as software interviews tend to be many rounds and filled with pedantic neckbeards and Asians with small dick anger.

>> No.23223754

Have a temporary second job so I can get out of this debt. Will no longer be a slave to a banker.

>> No.23223832

That sounds nice

>> No.23223849
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I worked two jobs. I kind of wish I still did except for corona. It was chill and it was some extra spending cash working at a grocery store on the weekend. Really not all that bad and I just ate fruit all day. I made 16.10/hr to stare at cute girls, talk to my chill coworkers, eat produce, and hang out. Now I'm paid like 24-26/hr to click things on a screen for 8 hours as an office drone engineer and the only reason I don't quit and go back is because I have student loans. Still, for me, I found it quite productive. Better than office politics especially since my office is gonna force me back to work soon.