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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23218586 No.23218586 [Reply] [Original]

>be college student
>taking lab class so am part of the small group of students that are allowed to return to campus
>very few occupied dorm rooms, most "on campus" students renting off campus anyways
>order x10 antminer s9 asics with psu for $50 each on ebay
>place strategically throughout campus, leech off free electricity
>they only have to go unnoticed for 1.5 months to be profitable

placing the extreme amount of autism aside, what could realistically go wrong here lads? the asics just showed up

>> No.23218619

nice blogpost faggot

now you can fuck off to /b or where ever the fuck you crawled out of

>> No.23218663

I’m retarded what to the anti miner things do? Something with crypto I’d imagine.

>> No.23218702

if you are in USA i wouldnt risk getting jail time over such a small profit

>> No.23218769

very possible if done correctly. If your labs or rooms don't have watt monitoring plugs you can get away with it in Minecraft. Just be careful of people stealing them or snitching. probably the latter with college soibois

>> No.23218864

>s9 asics
Why are S9's so cheap? Whats the best antminer now days?

>> No.23218882


>> No.23219055

7 S9's ($350) is the same as 1 T19 cost ($1422) Both options would have the hash rate of 84TH/s. I'm impressed OP. S9 seems like a great deal. However if you got just 1 T19 then you only have to hide it in 1 place.

>> No.23219102
File: 257 KB, 1080x1492, WELlLqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're loud as fuck. 1.5 months is a long time to go without any single person getting close enough to hear the racket and investigating.

>> No.23219201

highly based

they're loud so make sure people can't hear them. maybe bribe a few people to not snitch