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File: 173 KB, 547x502, ledg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23214063 No.23214063 [Reply] [Original]

What if Ledger put a backdoor in their devices and are just quietly waiting to scam everyone when crypto moons to 10 trillion mcap?

>> No.23214110

>people with public names and easily found addresses want to steal your magic beans

Sure thing, anon.

>> No.23214144

>hack 20 Ledgers with very large holdings
>make it look random
>nobody knows it was a Ledger back door
Why anyone would buy a Ledger over a Trezor is beyond me

>> No.23214183

What if Trezor put a backdoor in their devices and are just quietly waiting to scam everyone when crypto moons to 10 trillion mcap?

>> No.23214186

ledger confirmed ruling class, thanks for playing

>> No.23214339

Trezor is open source and anyone can see the code. Ledger is private.

>> No.23214462
File: 21 KB, 600x600, Trezor_Model_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a Trezor. It's open source.

Do your research before you even bother replying, moron.

>> No.23214571

same reason why binance wont exit scam. they already make a ton of money being legit, why throw everything away just to make money you won't even be able to spend.

>> No.23214667

>won't even be able to spend.

>> No.23214688

Trezor looks like some boomer shit from the 90s

>> No.23214825

Oh, you perused the code. Good thing you have peace of mind!

>> No.23214895


>> No.23214985

A backdoor could easily be in the hardware not the software.

>> No.23215017

It’s hideous, yes, but it works well.

>> No.23215043

Hardware still more auditable than Ledger's software. Hackers all the time are trying to hardware hack HWs, from what I understand a trezor without a wallet password is vulnerable to specialized attacks on the hardware to reveal the seed phrase. Nothing a hacker can do to find your wallet password though, so anyone using one I highly recommend it - just don't fucking forget it. If you know your seed is super safe might be worth storing the wallet password on your computer encrypted for easier access, as you would need both the physical wallet (to get the seed phrase) and the password which is disconnected from the hardware to open it. Cheers.

>> No.23215045

that would mean rolling their own silicon and passing it as an STM chip
I don't think so, anon

>> No.23215069

Both ledger and trezor use chips made in china. If you want to get super paranoid how do you know the chinese factories arent secretly doing this?

>> No.23215178

I got a nano x recently. I like it but to get mainstream adaption it needs to be more straightforward to use. It’s like using old tech in a modern world but it works and I know my linkies are safe

>> No.23215770

Have you never seen what happens to people who manage to steal large amounts of crypto? Their address gets blacklisted by every exchange in a matter of hours. What are you going to do with thousands of BTC if everyone on the planet knows they are stolen and refuses to take them from you?

>> No.23216001
File: 39 KB, 598x608, 1586213476099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Retarded shit we know the company is in France, they would be sued to oblivion if there was a backdoor which there isn't.

Also there reputation would be gone forever they live on their reputation to make money in this space and other sectors like energy.

>> No.23216182

i just put my shit on a cheap desktop that i don't use the internet with. can't be hacked but i guess a nigger could break into my house and steal my pc

>> No.23216290

I think the concern with backdoors comes from law enforcement/governments being able to freeze or seizing accounts by forcing ledger the company to do so, not that ledger themselves would steal your funds because as pointed out they are running a business and have a reputation to uphold. Just a thought.

>> No.23216334



here you go anons,nightmare fuel, ledger owners are like gold bugs to me, just store it on a paper 4head

>> No.23216685

>every device manufactured has had an NSA backdoor installed for at least a decade.
>every private key generated on these chips can be compromised

>> No.23216718

>using closed source ledger over the patrician open source trezor

>> No.23216735


They'd get chopped up into pieces.

>> No.23216745

careful about "reputation shit", you're living in a world where Tether exists.

>> No.23216779

Hasn't trezor been hacked way more than ledger?

>> No.23216850 [DELETED] 

Lmao at using trezor


>> No.23216987
File: 11 KB, 280x180, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't blacklist tokens like 0x<>MR, it's account based not UTXO.

>> No.23217271
File: 113 KB, 645x729, 1577401043872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is tumbling