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23213812 No.23213812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

every time girl asks me out i just go full autism mode panic and refuse even when i would like to
how to cure anxiety?

>> No.23213832


>> No.23213841

>emotionally available
>no girlfriend

>> No.23213874

Motherfucker if that’s why I got rejected by that qt autist...

>> No.23213873


>> No.23213946

Just say yes, or else say you'll contact her back, then when you're at home send her a message.
end of the fucking story

>> No.23213970

talk to her about the jews.

>> No.23214080

Yes that must happen to you a lot. Then you come to a place where cavedwelling incels like yourself gather.

>> No.23214106

i opened up about the death pedophile cult and she called me anti semitic
>what do

>> No.23214115

I'm the same bro. I push them away. I don't want to deal with them or their problems.

>> No.23214161

Try being honest.
Tell her you have anxiety because you have a lack of experience with girls and that you have social problems, but then tell her that you have a lot of love to give but you just dont know how and how you'd like her to teach you.
Either the autismo drives her away or it will trigger her saviour complex.
Try it, you will be surprised.

>> No.23214197

>her saviour complex
That's the only hope with this approach. You will end up being the broken puppy she nurses back to health... It would be better to just pretend to be a confident Chad and never apologize for your mistakes.

>> No.23214232

Its the only approach that will make him confortable and actually cure his autism somewhat. Fake it till you make it only works if you are somewhat adjusted socially.

>> No.23214292
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Nah mate showing weakness in any capacity is a massive turn off for women. If anything I bet girls like OP cause he pushes them away, they love that shit. OP here's some advice just say "sure let's hang out sometime" grab her number and then, you know, hang out. It's really that easy. Or keep pushing them away and forever be alone the rest of your life, it's up to you OP.

>> No.23214340

Yeah the only real option is to chadmode and make mistakes. Learn the hard way.

>> No.23214347

only thing that has helped me is alcohol and to a lesser extent pills like propranolol

>> No.23214371

Fucking based. It turns me from a shaking jittery mess into a slightly normal person.

>> No.23214410

True, never cry in front of your girl. The whole "i like when men show their emotions" is the biggest trap there is.
The problem here is the guy is clearly not a confident chad.
Maybe that some drugs, like phenibut or some stim.
Its really just about getting over the hill, once he's successful once he will lose the anxiety.

>> No.23215092

>every time girl asks me out

Literally how? What the fuck?

>> No.23215321

If you’re decent looking and dress well, and go about your day completely oblivious to women, they start wondering about you and can’t piece together why your not NPC # 23 trying to “holla” and mush their muffin like every other man. These would be women you see consistently; the gym, work, a restaurant, etc. most of the time I catch them staring too long, playing with their hair, smiling m and, on a rare occasion we do exchange words, their start laughing at shit that isn’t anyway intended to be funny.

>T. 35 year old archmage with severe ADHD and horrific, uncontrolled dysthymia that truly “gave up” on the idea of going on dates or touching a boob, but had women ask him out.

You do get used to being alone and accept dying a virgin. When link moons, I’m using my money for a few men’s physique shows, making music and killinh myself after my goals are through

>> No.23215509

If a girl really likes you, it doesn't matter what you say it how you act.
I've been a total sperg around girls but they don't care because they like me.

>> No.23215546

>women you see consistently; the gym, work, a restaurant
alright normie

>> No.23215574

>Men's physique

Perhaps you'd find more luck with the boys.

>> No.23215740

I can't wait to be a boomer. Women my age never want to engage with me in anything other than a professional/polite level. I'm decent looking as well, they just pick up on my incel vibe immediately.

>> No.23215929

Post pics. You must look like a god

>> No.23216028

In case you're not LARPing. I've had this problem in the past. Not really with girls I'm hitting on, I can be okay smooth at that. But when I actually like a girl beyond just wanting to fuck her I become a grade S autist. To the point where my crush and I were out ALONE for my birthday, and she started touching my leg with hers and I panicked and asked "emm what are you doing" as if hoping she'd just get me out of my misery and tell me she likes me. She proceeded to withdraw immediately and we ended up talking about how her PA in a math class is a bitch, until I fucked that up too when she told me her name and I was like oh that's my ex. I could feel how absolutely uncomfortable she was at the end of the day. Went home and after wanting to bash my head against the wall until enough blood left my autist brain to become normal or I fucking died, I said fuck it I'd rather be rejected than feel like this. Texted her the next day and told her I had to talk to her no matter what. We met, it was really fucking awkward, told her I was sorry I was an autist but I get that way when I'm nervous sometimes, and that I was really into her which is why I was so nervous. So just own up to it. I know it's the "hehe just don't be depressed bro" meme, but it's literally the only way you can fight anxiety.

>> No.23216068


>> No.23216140

Bro don't leave me fucking hanging. Tell me she sucked you off on the spot and you are now pumping out white babies

>> No.23216171

Are you underage?

>> No.23216176

Just nod

>> No.23216287

She's my gf to this day :)
Point is it doesn't matter if things go to shit afterwards, and yes I know it's very easy to say this when it works out. But there's no worse feeling than missing out on potential happiness because you're a pussy.

>> No.23216376

I'm not posting pics, and I don't look like a god. But I've gotten away with being a sperg because if a girl likes you, you can get away with almost anything

>> No.23216485

Just turn 360° and walk away

>> No.23216764

Based. We are all going to make it

>> No.23217429

Normie? Hardly.

>> No.23217456

The precursor of liking other dicks would have to be a thing for that to work, no?

>> No.23217673

>how to cure anxiety?
Write down a list of all the things that give you anxiety, rank them from 1 - 10, 1 being least anxiety producing. Then to start exposing yourself to that list starting with the things in rank 1 and work your way up, embrace the uncomfortableness of it all.

>> No.23217836

t. retards

being vulnerable only got me good results, sure maybe some girls will think it makes you look weak but who cares what those sloots think?