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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 968x1106, Cover_Logo_Master_Transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23210956 No.23210956 [Reply] [Original]

Where you at poors? Cover just released their countdown website to beta release. Get in and invest or REEEEEEEEEEEEE


>> No.23210977

Hey you piece of shit are you going to refund people who got rugpulled on SAFE?

>> No.23211020

Yeah that major investor dumping due to a devs stupid tweet hurt. Hes gone and dev learned his lesson, so it looks pretty primed rn

>> No.23211058

You lying sack of shit, the project didnt "dump" the fucking dev killed the project and had to migrate to a new one

>> No.23211093

Didnt the dev also receive money from Andre and Blue Kirby??? And the mods on the discord are associates of Kirby as well shady as fuck

>> No.23211191

If you want real crypto insurance stick with Foresight


Very active dev team.

>> No.23211214

Andre and Blue Kirby are legends, you seem to be the only one taking issue that they're on the team.

Either way, thisll be 4 figures in the coming months easy so you do you

>> No.23211219
File: 6 KB, 275x183, tone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a joke of a project and pathetic attempt of a money grab. Let me guess, you're gonna have a pre-sale.

The website looks like you got the most basic js template on github and filled it with shit.

Who the fuck are these nobody devs:

kryptocucumber -> this cunt doesn't even have a profile.

Great to see you have an Aussie crackhead advisor, defi_ted.

Let's see if AC & SBF actually endorse this scam.

>> No.23211252
File: 97 KB, 608x462, 1602292739280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>andre & blue kirby are legends
Hi shill. Are you going to ignore that kirby deleted his twitter after trying to scam yet more people on rarible? Rarible even banned him lmao what about EMN scam? Which of the mods are you Alan, kiwi? Why are you defending scammers doesnt make your project look good and your friend kirby is going to jail

>> No.23211371

Ah cool, wasn't aware of BlueKirby the last few days, was at the cottage. Good to know, thanks! I also see that he's not on the team anymore anyways

>> No.23211441

Yeah nice deflection faggot calling scammers "legends" and now trying to play it off as cool and saying it doesnt matter cause he's not on the team anyways. Again before you shill your Cover garbage why dont you address the points: you are shilling a project that received money from 2 well known scammers like Andre & Kirby, why? The dev already rugpulled once whats stopping him from doing it again? And the mods on the discord were also friends or acquaintances with kirby how do we know they arent scammers themselves?

>> No.23211577

Holy fuck chill. Hadnt realized the BlueKirby had happened the last few days. Already admitted I was wrong, and hat you were correct. Calm down

>> No.23211705
File: 16 KB, 320x309, a5148f03ce56b65718d59485454b39aeb03d0aacf8b39e3d80aa7f38102cd8ca_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still havent answered a single of my points. You sound like that teddyfag with your deflections. Let me type them yet again:
Why are you shilling a project that was funded by scammers and why did you call those scammers legends?
Whats stopping Alan for rugpulling this like he did SAFE?
Why are the mods that are acquainted with scammers like Kirby allowed to moderate and be on the team? Now are you going to answer those questions or be a bitch ass nigga and act like they arent there

>> No.23211927

Only Scammer was apparently BlueKirby who was only a marketing advisor, hes now gone
Alan never rugpulled
Thats honestly it. Very distant advisor who scammed elsewhere was booted off the team. End of story

>> No.23212032

Thanks for lying and proving you are a bitch nigga.
>kirby was only distant advisor
Are you denying kirby gave money to alan for the project? Are you denying other devs/mods like kiwi knew kirby?
>only scammer was kirby
Andre didn't take part in the EMN scam of 15 million dollars?
>Alan never rugpulled
Ok I will give you this one to be nice because I still havent found evidence he took the money, but he literally killed the first project SAFE by pulling out. SAFE went to 0 which is almost the same as doing a rugpull. There is still the question what is stopping him from doing it again?
>End of story
Not so fast sweetie you are the one who made the thread and doesnt want to even come clean with all the shady shit involving this project. The fact you called Andre and Kirby legends really says a lot

>> No.23212225

I firmly believe Andre didnt rug pull. But yeah, fuck BlueKirby. Seemed like a legend before he sketched out, Im sure 99% of the community would have agreed with that statement last week

>> No.23212541

Man I dont like the stuff these ratfaces do myself, but dude you seem to have a mission lol

>> No.23212968

Damn right I do
Dude he lied to everyone saying he was "asleep" and didnt know people were sending money to the contract when his twitter timestamps show he was sharing EMN screenshots at this time. Then a mysterious hacker walks away with 15 million and graciously returns 8 to the yearn team lol. Then he dissapears from twitter while his devs are asking for fucking tips to return a small portion of the stolen funds. As if that wasnt enough its clear people on his team like bluekirby are professional conmen always looking for the next hussle that says a lot about Andre & the people he surrounds himself with. The problem is CT is full of simps sucking their balls just to feel like they're part of something

>> No.23213619

You should have been buying at 130 last week