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23206055 No.23206055 [Reply] [Original]

>he's holding crypto even though we're about to go into a deflationary spiral.
get real

>> No.23206066
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I only hold usdt

>> No.23206079

Stfu bitch we will not give you any more time to accumulate. The train is ready to leave you better have your bags packed because we're not stopping this baby till we arrive on the moon. Understand?

>> No.23206091
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>he isnt holding DAI to profit off the impending volatility

>> No.23206194

Exactly why is crypto going to be worth less fiat now than in say 3-5 years?

>> No.23207220

Ecochain tho...

>> No.23207233

> deflationary

>> No.23207251


FIAT can buy me anything I want. Crypto relies 100% on the belief of the greater fool. I buy this useless token but surely some other idiot is gonna pay more for it later. If this idea pops then all your coins are instantly worthless.

>> No.23207277

Fiat is literally exactly the same

>> No.23207284

People that buy never think they will be that fool. Don't underestimate greed especially when people have to cope with their shitty lives.

>> No.23207294

Can't buy research chemical dissociative analogues from China with fiat.

>> No.23207327

Can't even use euros in America my guy, you'd have to convert them or pesos in China

>> No.23207331

I know.

>> No.23207336

Fuck off you faggot piece of shit. You disgusts me

>> No.23207470

>He has such a shallow grasp of how money works that he thinks the money printer = inflation
wew lad

>> No.23207498

then sell bitch

>> No.23207569

>deflationary spiral
>literally 30% of US dollars that exist have been printed in the last 6 months
>ask us how we know you don't know what deflation means

>> No.23207598
File: 13 KB, 500x287, duuuuuuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking pleb gets angry instead of seeking knowledge
you are food anon

>> No.23207613

>he thinks they actually print money
top fucking kek

>> No.23208157

FIAT can buy me anything I want. {x} relies 100% on the belief of the greater fool. I buy this useless {x} but surely some other idiot is gonna pay more for it later. If this idea pops then all your {x}s are instantly worthless.
>shiny rocks
>pokemon cards

>> No.23209023

I'm so confident about my cvp bag so don't care

>> No.23209240

what can you even hold to defend against that? seems like everyone owuld be fucked

>> No.23209250

wise... nothing gone wrong hodling that gem

>> No.23209527

exact same principle applies to FIAT ... and has happened in the past many times before

>> No.23209558

if FIATs only use case is to purchase things other than itself, that makes itself useless in certain conditions.

>> No.23209841

Currency tokens maybe, utility tokens gain value from use and trade.

>> No.23209923

Yeah, we totally didn't see literally all asset markets blow up in the past years due to the printer.

>> No.23209942

t. doesn't know how the financial system works.

>> No.23210058

>what is QE and what is its net effect on the economy?
>how about giga QE during a black swan event?
you're a fucking brainlet and you only see what you wanna see

>> No.23210089

raoul paul thinks delfation is coming and he's bullish on BTC

>> No.23210096

They don't?

>> No.23210115

>all assets increase in price
>not inflation though ill just call it something different and say its deflationary

>> No.23210120

The fuck you talking about OP, did you know that 22% of USD supply was printed in 2020 alone.

>> No.23210149

Gold has been doing this shit for millennia so

>> No.23210300

fucking read you fools
>muh money printer
>muh inflation





its not as simple as MORE MONEY = INFLATION

>> No.23210349

Whatever faggot, not buying your worthless paper money.
Weird how I suddenly see people shilling this deflationary crap today.

>> No.23210552

I havent told anyone to sell or that they should hedge on the dollar, simply pointed out that inflation isnt actually happening
>ITT fucking retards you are food and you will be consumed

>> No.23211081

>Implying the economy = the markets
>Implying a PPE below 3% for over a decade didn't stop markets from inflating
>Implying the PPE measures asset inflation
>Implying expanded aggregate credit via bank reserves doesn't make its way into leveraging assets
>Implying the FED won't frontrun any meaningful deflation in asset prices like they have the past two years
You think you know, but you don't.

>> No.23211116

>oy vey

>> No.23211529

>price of literally EVERYTHING goes up at a fast rate
>no guys no inflation happening here

>> No.23212301

the prices going up is due to higher DEBT fucking everywhere, increasing demand for MONEY to pay the DEBT - PASSED ON TO YOU VIA HIGHER PRICES
the fed has been trying (and failing) to create inflation since 2008

>> No.23212762

no because you aren't selling it for a higher price unless you trade forex or something, but nobody buys dollars or euros thinking that they will moon, it's a transactional utility

>> No.23212784

but there is no use outside of crypto scams

>> No.23212848

Kek, I remember these same threads in 2009/10. It didn't age well.

>> No.23213325

Anon do you think they gonna let become rich some pleb faggot living in trailer in Alabama because they stack green papers in wardrobe instead keeping it in bank? And do you think anyone would accept it later after it comes out that the most of fiat doesn't exist physically?

>> No.23213386

anon, please don’t misgender me

>> No.23213437

This + lending it on fulcrum

>> No.23213530

you had 2 years ..

>> No.23213787
File: 291 KB, 750x1334, CFE30A93-E0A9-4226-B25E-FB2AE2B8C3FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but that would mean that prices would be going down. Like the Great Depression. You’re retarded economics is starting to make me think you’re the guy from yesterday

>> No.23213872

The fed hasn’t created inflation because we can export all of our inflations since were the reserve currency retard. IF the world says “hey we see you’re debasing your currency. We choose to stockpile another asset instead of USD” then all those dollarswould flood back into the US causing obscene inflation.

Prices have only stayed low for products we can import. TVs , consumer goods, but for stuff we can’t export — education, healthcare, housing —- their price has gone through the roof on the last 20 years. Please stop making these threads you victim of dunning Krueger

>> No.23213922

>deflationary spiral
>printing more dollarinos than literally fucking ever

>> No.23214171

More demand for money means people take refuge in other assets?
I dont know what youre smoking.

>> No.23214335

It doesn't matter how much they'll print we're still going to see deflation in pretty much all markets.
Why? So many people have lost or are about to lose their jobs and they will have to sell whatever assets they hold to pay rent/bills/food.
Especially crypto, which is still a retail driven market will see a long decline as your average hodler will be forced to sell.
Sure in the long run we're going to see inflation, but meanwhile the large instituions have years to pick up all the assets for cheap that average Joe had to dump.

>> No.23214378

That doesn't mean shit. The money velocity is in the shitter. Get ready to be poor really soon.

>> No.23214381

>shilling deflation in a desperate attempt to make faggots sell crypto because he missed the bottom

>> No.23214540

The absolute state

>> No.23214708

You just lack imagination.