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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23204464 No.23204464 [Reply] [Original]

I got fired for incompetence.
Make me feel worse.

>> No.23204472

get neetbux.
put it all in chainlink.

>> No.23204499

Just be more competent next time

>> No.23204512

just try not to think about it so much. go for a night walk or drink beer.

also. do you still qualify for unemployment if you get fired for being incompetent? i'm so close to being fired for incompetence

>> No.23204519
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>> No.23204553

there are billions of people living in poverty and living off crumbs
still not as big of a faggot as you tho

>> No.23204568

they did you a favor anon, now you can collect neetbux

>> No.23204573

They had to lay you off but they didnt want their premiums to rise so they found a nitpick to fire you for. Chin up they are still hiring.

>> No.23204577

Did you fuck something up? Or was it just politics?

>> No.23204578

true. Fuck those bitches

>> No.23204586

Some men literally still date cis women.

>> No.23204591

Both. I could tell I wasn't like by higher ups. Also felt justified though.

>> No.23204611

If you dont end your job because you were fired you arw a wage cuck faggot desu. Never be competent

>> No.23204648

you get unemployment +600 for being fired for incompetence?

>> No.23204677
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>> No.23204681
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>> No.23204696

there's always gambling, ay? I fucking wish.

>> No.23204929

If someone from upper management doesn't like the way your face looks like,
you were gonna get fired eventually anyways.

>> No.23204984
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greentext nao

>> No.23204996

Collect unemployment lol

>> No.23205010

>be me
>be incompetent
>gets fired

>> No.23205038

they replaced you with a diversity

>> No.23205055

Fyck i hope i get fired

>> No.23205056

If you felt that way, then you probably deserved to get fired.

>> No.23205233
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You're no fun.

>> No.23205273

lucky bastard

>> No.23205293

I lost 1 eth on an obvious scam because I didn't think the DEV's decision not to lock liquidity before sales started wasn't that sketchy, purely because I had talked to him on telegram before.

>> No.23205521

Go all in on $PAD kneepad.finance

>> No.23205576

You're kind of right lol
I've lost 5k in a year from trading alt coins. Lost a bit of my bitcoin stash too being retarded too.
Just imagine doubling 500 dollars a couple times with margin trades.. (25x leverage and no stop. I got free money from uniswap airdrop so a part of me wants to). I fear trading now, but just imagine.. freedom is a couple of lucky trades (with macro TA) away.. would be so nice..

>> No.23205593
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Amusingly enough I might get my money back or at least comeuppance- the FEEL telegram turned into some kind of detective agency to go and find the dev that exit scammed.

>steal money from autistic people
>get caught

>> No.23205617

I once got fired for incompetence too, but in hindsight it was the people that fired me that were bad leaders. Now I make 4x as much money and do something actually cool

>> No.23205702

Just for funsies:
Start 500
1. 1000
2. 2000
3. 4000
4. 8000
5. 16000
repeat and eventually get to:
6. 32k
7. 64k
8. 128k
Finish and repeat again with like 500 or whatever.

It's fucking crazy to imagine.. 4% move you double your money.. 4% isn't THAT rare (especially with eth, but btc safer)..
Just imagine. Never having to be someone's bitch. Being free is so fucking close. Fuck.

>> No.23205734

*with 25x leverage
is any if this realistic even with TA? No, probably not.. idk, maybe it won't be too hard when the bull market actually sets in

>> No.23205738

Their business model expectations for their employees was probably unrealistic and didn't like you anyways.

Societies gone to shit where low IQ sociopaths expect you to give as much of a shit about your profession as if you were the owner. Yeah, do your job and don't be a slacker, but working free overtime, cocksucking, and pleading "yes master may I have another" is pathetic dehumanizing work that will not earn you anything you couldn't go elsewheres for in the long run.

>> No.23205793

Why feel bad?
Why cry over spilled milk?
Just enjoy your time off for a bit if you need to, go find something else.

I was fired once somewhat like >>23205617
but not for incompetence. I brushed too much the other way against a company that didn't care to move forwards (left leaning, hard core).

I now work for another 2 companies like this, but, at the end of the day, I've hedged my position of financial strength (you should never be dependent on another person for sustenance, ever), and I'm not at risk as much due to faulty employer ideology.

I'd suggest you do the same. Because this is a business board, consider the investment, cost, and risk tied to any job, then weigh that against running a business, by yourself, or even with others (2 strands are not easily broken, and a chair normally has 4 legs). This can be an opportunity to not only get another job, but see about having alternative forms of income too. Good luck anon.

>> No.23205819
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>more than a year and a half ago
>desperate for work because I didn't realize most employers were shit then
>get a job with a manager that was younger than me
>all people in their 20s, poorly run by an unseen greater company of boomers
>nearly hit my impossible target
>don't quite make it
>let go first week

The joke is on them since it was a temporary job anyway and most of them didn't have college degrees/would inevitably be worse off than me. I started the year with a job making a fuckton more before corona fucked my ass.

>> No.23205839

I've studied a course twice over on wholesaling and I think I got it down. Have it registered besides some paperwork I need to mail in. Reseller's permit, ein, etc.
Hopefully it works out. Ya, being dependent on an employer only is fucking dogshit.

>> No.23205852

>Make me feel worse.
how much LINK do you hold?

>> No.23205890

If you live in America, get to know the tax code really well. You'll thank yourself for it :)

Job workers get screwed on taxes. Businesses, not so much.

>> No.23205910

Bought at 2.3 and sold all at 4ish dollars. I thought 5 dollar eoy was a meme yet that shit touched 20 before it ended. That shit was crazy. I'm sure some anons here became millionaires

>> No.23205915


I recruit for business. First thing I look for are pronouns on their social bio. If so, into the trash it goes. You won't even know why you don't get an interview or even an email.

You're never worth the trouble you bring.

>> No.23205969

The companies were left leaning, not me lol. I knew I worded that wrong. Whatever

>> No.23206103

Thank fuck for that

>> No.23206165
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I hear walmart is hiring

>> No.23206203

What about the people who don't use social media? I'm one of those people who hasn't posted anything in nearly 10 years

>> No.23206313 [DELETED] 

its okay anon ive made a disastrous fuck up where i messed it up for everyone, everyone treats me super nice now as if they think im retarded or are plotting to kill me

>> No.23206340

wtf did u do

>> No.23206357 [DELETED] 

I posted login credentials to my jobs FTM server on /g/, they uploaded a bunch of gore and nasty shit. It all got traced back to me.

>> No.23206399
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>> No.23206576 [DELETED] 

this you, retard?

>> No.23206827

what did they post?

>> No.23206830

look at the LOKI chart RN if you don't want to feel even worse in 2021.

>> No.23206841
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no i won't i can sense that you get off on that. you need Jesus. REPENT and the Holy Roman Catholic church will receive you with open arms

>> No.23207171

Forgive me father for I have sinned

>> No.23207199

how do i lie to the government to acquire maximum neetbux?
I have diagnosed depression and anxiety, can I use that for anything? Want to live off parents and dump neetgains on memecoins

>> No.23207301
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Don't worry anon, I got fired a few years ago and it only derailed my entire career plan and it's been 3 years since I've had a job related to my degree.

>> No.23207314

Storytime? I'm budding into finance and curious what may have happened to a fellow anon. I will sleep soon but I will read it in the morning fren

>> No.23207325
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In a workforce full of niggers, poos and women you still got fired for incompetence

Clean your act up

>> No.23207417


>> No.23207429

Get a government job anon these are some greentext examples of the retarded boomers whom I work around/with

>Get drunk on the job on a regular basis(everyone knows you're drunk), run forklift into barriers/poles in front of supervisor/higher ups, no problem!

>Someone finds you in your car passed out from huffing cans of air, fire? No way! We'll just "transfer" you!

>Drive forklift while hanging leg outside of the vehicle all of the time, not pay attention and end up twisting your leg around a pole while driving . Safety violation? Nah , immense sick leave and you still keep your job!

These boomers all deserve death...

>> No.23207451

What’s the easiest way to go about getting a government job?

>> No.23207501

knee pads, lip gloss.

>> No.23207533


Ended? You really are incompetent

>> No.23207554

be a nigger/woman/nigger woman preferably. white men are rarely hired unless they have a perfect related skillset, and will never be promoted. the government is inefficient because it's entirely niggers and women lol.

>> No.23207571

>he thinks bureaucracy wants to be efficient

Anon, I...

>> No.23207753

i'm not saying 20 is the top, stupid. I'm just saying I missed out on that massive growth.

>> No.23208232

bump because fuck it why not

>> No.23208435

This bitch is right! Vote Democrat or lose your job.

>> No.23208463

Even if you have one you reserve the right not to give it. People are so proud of theirs they would happily and might think it would help them. The best to do is say you dont use it. If thats a problem, fuck that job.

>> No.23209414

Wear diapers.