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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23200793 No.23200793 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23200814

Considering boden would make brytpo ille gal in a way yes

>> No.23200836
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Please stop drinking anon

>> No.23201062
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Yes, Chads know he's going to win. Its these other mouthy faggots that dont seem to understand that.

>> No.23201103

Yes I bet he will lose and we will be back on the path to best country in the world again

>> No.23201106

don't care how you fuck your country up further.
if you like imbeciles for presidents this election is just for you.

>> No.23201121

I have an actual money bet against Trump right now, but only because I always bet against the guy/team who I actually want to win as long as there's a reasonable chance that he/they could lose
That way if I win the bet and my guy/team loses, then at least I made money
If I lose the bet, then I lost money but at least my guy/team won

>> No.23201133

Trump is not the candidate of destiny this time

>> No.23201140

Take your meds Anon.

>> No.23201194

>when I buy stonks I want them to go down!
Classic Trump voter brain.

>> No.23201221
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either that or tax all your gains anyway

>> No.23201298

don't worry you are nowhere near the top 1%

>> No.23201316

>what are capital gains
what are you doing on this board nigger lmao

>> No.23201323

No matter who wins 2021 is going to be fucking crazy due to pent up demand.

>> No.23201406

gonna be a whole lotta coom blasting around, easy to get a faceful

>> No.23201438

yeah capital gains tax is bollocks.
you shoulder all the risk they reap the rewards meh.
not that i pay any. my traditional funds are in a 5y construct that is tax free fully matured and nobody knows about my crypto officially.

>> No.23201441

Statistically, no

>> No.23201451

Capital gains still applies to your income not how much you made selling, you fucking retard.

>> No.23201477

No, the fucking market manipulation via twitter has to stop. It makes trading too stressful. Hope Biden wins

>> No.23201563

against him, yes. odds way too conservative on biden because everyone thinks another 2016 could happen (hint: it won't)

>> No.23201604

the way i see it murrica is fucked either way i'm betting against the usd.

>> No.23201613

I bet against trump so I win either way

>> No.23201623

yeah, i'm going to bet on an orange monkey who fucks everything up and is 12 points behind in the polls. I hate money.

>> No.23202521

Yes im literally betting 20K € on him. I will 2.6x my money when he wins.

>> No.23202534

I would if there wasn't the possibility of voter fraud on a scale we've never seen before

>> No.23202563

I've put 5 pounds on trump.
In the UK the odds for Trump are 2.6, Those are decent. I'm tempted to make a bigger bet because I think it might be a repeat of 2016 but then again you never know. The dems ar ereally pushing for mail-in votes for example.That makes me uncertain.

>> No.23202574

That is not true

You think if you have $1 million in capital gains but you work at McDonald's you'll only owe the minimum (20%?) on it?

>> No.23202580

i like this. emotional hedging

>> No.23202585

>Polls are right and indicative
OK Hilldawg, OK EU

>> No.23202630
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Am I gonna make it Sir?

>> No.23202737

now im wondering something.
what about placing a bet as the results are being announced?

I'm thinking og keeping track of the swing states and betting when start being confirmed. I would be worried aboutt he results being contested though. is this a good strat?

>> No.23202745

I bought 500k on TrumpWin Tokens, if he wins i make it instantly, nothing wrong.

>> No.23202758
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>> No.23202831

nah I don't let my personal political views cloud my judgement when it comes to investing/ betting.
It seems extremely unlikely that Trump will win at this point and the betting odds aren't THAT good (unlike in 2016). Not worth it.

>> No.23202856

Ask yourself if you really think you're the first person to come up with this strategy and the betting sides haven't thought of it...

>> No.23202862

Yes, but I try to convince people to bet on Biden so I will make more money when Trump wins

>> No.23202865

it actually doesn't seem unlikely. only according to polls. almost all the other data is pointing to a trump win, that's what's so confusing about this.

>> No.23202893

From what I figure, there are 0 people who voted for Trump in 2016, who are going to vote for Joe fucking Biden in 2020. If you actually believe there are people who are FORMER DRUMPF VOTER HERE I'M RIDIN WITH BIDEN NOW you might have brain damage

People talk about "swing voters" or whatever as if these people actually existed. Everyone has picked their side.

Now wot

>> No.23202923

Maybe it will happen (I hope so), but the main reason why I thought Trump would win in 2016 was all the meme magic. And it just isn't there this time. Very low energy. Also, Trump had a huge tailwind because everyone hated Hillary. Biden is a lot more likeable (but not great obviously).

>> No.23202924

No because if he loses I'll be so heart broken that I won't be able to handle losing money on top of that, and if he wins I'll be so happy that making some extra money will pale in comparison.

>> No.23202937

it's never reliable but there are sometime strats to reduce risk.
I already looked into gambling and there's a reason I only gamble now and again for fun.

>> No.23202968
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>more likely to make it from gambling on Trump winning than from selling shitcoins

The Defi market is fucked to hell holy fuck.

>on Trump

So far I've had a bunch of capital losses which I can write off on my taxes, but as I understand it gambling losses can only be subtracted from gambling gains unless I'm using predictit which is an 'investment' site. I guess we'll see where we end up, taxwise.

>> No.23202989

Why are you even on a board about making money if you're voting for the liberal candidate who wants to raise taxes? Maybe you're poor because you gamble money you can't afford to lose?

>> No.23203024

exactly! evidence is the high approval he has among GOP voters. trump voters have been loyal since day 1, they're not going to switch because "oh there's a (fake) blue collar white guy from scranton." they chose trump in the first place because they were rejecting people like biden.

>> No.23203028
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It isn't confusing though, polling data is literally only as good as the sampling methodology used. From the fact that yougov gets similar results to 'legitimate'/non-internet pollsters we can tell they're oversampling people they shouldn't be.

>> No.23203040

I don't remember what it's called, but there's a name for the strategy you're suggesting. Some people (try to) do it with tennis games and have a guy sitting in the audience with a hidden mic. Look it up if you're interested. There used to be a lot of money to be made doing it. People got banned all the time and would have to buy IDs from other people to make new accounts. From what I've heard, sites have gotten a lot better at preventing it nowadays though. They will cancel your bet if you place it 1 second before something that changes the odds happens.

>> No.23203044

how much would he owe then anon what are you trying to say

>> No.23203073

I had forgotten you burgers get taxed on gambling winnings.. That's fucked up. Makes no sense.

>> No.23203136

But hey at least all my capital losses from buying into the defi memes are tax writeoffs, haha.

>literally just giving me back the money the government stole to replace the money pajeets and chinks stole

It's a doggy dog world I tell you hwut.

>> No.23203153

I'm 90% convinced Trump is going to win.
I was jsut thinking of making a list of the swing states and making a bet if the first one comes out red.
I wouldn't try and beat the bookmakers by seconds or anything like that.

>> No.23203155

i did place bet on TRUMP winning.
it is around 2500 usd and i am from a poorfaq country.

Might put in more because odds are great.

If you never risk then you never win. Good luck to all MAGAs out here

>> No.23203157

Everybody that posts on 4chan is an alcoholic, or a borderline alcoholic.

>> No.23203159

any money invested anywhere is a bet on Trump

>> No.23203227
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I think that only applies to /ck/

>> No.23203255

He’s raising taxes for people who make way more money than me, and I get an economy that will actually pump my folio. Explain how I lose. Why are you on a board for making money if you’re either already rich or a polfag? Go back.

>> No.23203260

Oh okay. Misunderstood your post then, sorry.

>> No.23203392


>> No.23203436
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What is it about redditors and being physically incapable of including the // for each board lmao?

>go back

Faggot we both know you aren't from here and you're here to shill your gay shit, just fuck off. No one is buying Biden.

>> No.23203677

It’s called business and finance, kind of self explanatory there.

>> No.23203767

Back to where you came from pol fag
This is /biz/

>> No.23204234

Why do you bother posting these words do you really think anyone cares enough to follow them?

>> No.23204261

>He’s raising taxes for people who make way more money than me, and I get an economy that will actually pump my folio

"I am a completely ZOGGED good goy mind-raped slave"

>> No.23204339

lmao like anyone on this board pays taxes

>> No.23204561


>> No.23204693

No way in hell. Trump is very immoral and based on my personal philosophy of America he will lose. He may have an unwavering support of retards behind him but every politician will have that to some extent. I don't think Trump wins but I won't bet on it either.

>> No.23204784

Put 50% on Trump and 50% on Biden. Can’t lose. You’re welcome brainlets.

>> No.23204834
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Trump was a pretty disappointing president honestly, not voting this time around and don't really care it's going to be the same nigger jew shit no matter who wins.

>> No.23204917

>he took it personally enough to respond
Go back to pol
This is /biz/

>> No.23205298

based retard

>> No.23205317

Trump is going to win California, calling it now.

>> No.23205865

Maybe after hell freezes over and pigs learn to fly

>> No.23206367

I bet $2000 on trump winning the election this year and will come out with over $4300 when he does. I don't see a reality where Joe can pull this one off, it isn't physically possible in this timeline. if trump loses I'll accept the loss and probably try to reset my brain with a massive dose of shrooms because clearly I'd be deranged to have had such a conviction.

>> No.23206387

Welcome to politics

>> No.23206389

Eh... Maybe a little misinformed, deranged is a bit much.

>> No.23206523

Heads up fuckers, when biden wins clean energy stocks are going to pump hard.

>> No.23206544

I’m betting $20,000 on Biden, and I will win, chuds!

>> No.23206630

I have money on both, based on when I took them I'll make money either way but I'd make more if Trump wins.

>> No.23206900

Where are you betting, anons? I wanna short Biden.

>> No.23207103

Not a fan of Biden but just to clarify, the hike on capital gains tax would only be for people who make over $1 million/year, at which point capital gains are treated as a part of your income (and thus are taxed via income tax brackets, not capital gains).

>> No.23207138

I won't feel bad at all for taking your money

>> No.23208079

This has always been a Trump board, good job revealing yourself though

>> No.23208114

Fuck Trump. Biden FTW

>> No.23208194
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Imagine being so naive you want a fake puppet candidate from a party that's in complete dismay. Biden is a snakes oil conman who is self centred and made his family rich through politics. He's never had a real job in his life.

>> No.23208204

yeah but i'm having second thoughts now. im still sure trump will win, but im afraid of bookie faggots voiding all bets if dems contest the election

>> No.23209100

What websites to bet? Have crypto only.

>> No.23209110

I for one hope that Biden wins and buries you under stock-related taxes. As a Europoor I have to pay retarded commissions for every single trade, I pay fucking taxes on fucking unrealized gains. Let's level the playing field just a little bit :)

>> No.23209273

I'm doing the exact same thing. $200 against our man Donnie although I would like to see him win and make MSM seethe for four more years.

>> No.23209299

>on a scale we’ve never seen before
more than 100%?

>> No.23209356

Do I look retarded to you? If I did, then yes, all in trump

>> No.23209399

ofcourse, i'm 100% sure ameritards will vote this retard in office again and go for another 4 years of chaos until their country is completely burned down lmao

>> No.23209413
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I bet everything on general secretary Xi

>> No.23209516

Sign up and go to
You can also bet with 100x leverage on
but I wouldn't recommend

Another website

>> No.23209551


That would be so fucking based. Can you imagine how much butthurt there'd be? I swear Dems would be spontaneously igniting from sheer rage. They'd flame up like in DBZ but it would be JUST hair. We could use their rage as an energy source turning the US into an energy superpower. Finally, we'd be out of this shit timeline, back to the God-Emperor of the Galaxy meme. A man can dream.

>> No.23209804

I am betting on Trump and financial explosions as soon as he wins.
I have been buying
Trump is going to send it

>> No.23209837

I'm looking on oddschecker and odds are fucking against Trump quite strongly. Why?
Was this also the case in 2016 because I don't even remember?
I'm pretty sure he's going to win so I want to put about £100 down

>> No.23209856
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the only thing that should be taxed is land, because who owns it really, almost all land was stolen from the native americans or conquered by some country. but labor, income, and capital should never be taxed.

>> No.23209859
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-canned food

>> No.23209873

Can't wait to spend the next years making fun of trumplets

>> No.23210174
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Just put $500 on a Trump victory paying 3to1

>> No.23210460

I have to agree with you there.

DOT, FLETA, RFUEL gonna pump...

>> No.23210587
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Safest best ever. Im going to ve so fucking RICH!! AAAAAAAHHH!!