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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23199603 No.23199603 [Reply] [Original]

I legit just made a token on the platform


Not desire finance, not a rugpull

>> No.23199697

that's pretty based

>> No.23199699


fucking jizz token? are you 12?

>> No.23199708

Working product before it even launches? I dont believe it

>> No.23199868


Wtf it works... IM RICH

>> No.23199973


>> No.23199993

im unironically going to scam some bounce sales

>> No.23200061

thats how these jeets should shill this. rip off popular bounce sales and scam your way to a new toilet

>> No.23200078

well that beats the other threads claiming this is a scam lmao

>> No.23200133

Scammers might be the main market for this coin but I am starting to be convinced that the project itself isn't a scam now

>> No.23200616

It’s really not. It already has a working product and hasn’t got to presale yet.

>> No.23200980

based, i'm solf

>> No.23201055


>> No.23201081

Just made one too this is going to change shit big time during the bullrun

>> No.23201108

You submitted information to the dev who used it to generate a token with this


He also controls the token because it's generated with his address

Keep posting threads though if there's one thing /biz/ needs it's more .finance scams

>> No.23201447

It takes 5-10 minutes for the token to be generated. You really think the dev is sitting there 24/7 to make tokens for you as soon as submit? Come on dude, you can make up better fud then that

>> No.23201585
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>> No.23201602
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>> No.23201642

Kek those scammers are getting lazy

>> No.23201756

So they took a template from another site on one of their tabs?

>> No.23201802
File: 26 KB, 474x431, 2a16de0c02b4777dd3ebc760a05d0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh nononononononono

>> No.23201873

Copying a site is whatever, they got a working token generator which is pretty cool

>> No.23202003

so what if they have a site inspired from another, if they have a working product that's what matters most lmao

>> No.23202052

That actually is kind of funny. They got lazy on the website but actually made a working token generator. I guess I care more about the working product though

>> No.23202213
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>> No.23202598
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I am going to make so many retarded as meme coins and just fill everyone's wallets with them

>> No.23202638

lots of projects do this lmao, you are absolutely new here

>> No.23202827

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I know the guy that fucked my ex wallet I’m going to make “baby penis” coin and roast his address HARD

>> No.23202905

who the fuck would buy this? a token generator?

>> No.23203084

anons that see the value behind harnessing the power of scammers

>> No.23203205

If they pull off all the features they are planning to add then this will probably be the main place scammers go to generate coins. Every time they use it the token burns and reduces supply. It’s really a bet that scammers won't give up trying to scam people. I don't know if I want to buy into a system like this but I can see the value in it

>> No.23203439

I guess there are a few use cases other then scamcoins but the scamcoins will probably be the majority of it. That being said, people used Bitcoin to hire hitmen before. Who can really say if its morally wrong to profit off this

>> No.23203738

Those pajeets at desire.finance would never be able to code anything. Doesn't quite prove these guys are legit yet but probably not desire

>> No.23203740

I honestly think making it easier for scammers to create tokens is very fluid and almost bullish for the space

>> No.23203839

Your opinion makes me sad

>> No.23203866

They have a working Mailchimp signup form


>> No.23203994

What does linking another generator prove? I tested the generator on the site and it worked

>> No.23204011

There is no generator anywhere on the site. It's a Mailchimp signup form.

>> No.23204061

I linked the ERC-20 token generator to show that there are already token generators that exist where you enter the info and it spins up an Ethereum token for you.

I also linked it because it's most likely what the "dev" is using to create a shitcoin whenever he receives a submission on his Mailchimp form. But that's impossible to know really, there are many ERC-20 token generators out there.

>> No.23204305

A Mailchimp form that asks for your ETH address? You realize how weak this fud is right? Anyone can test it and see that it works.

>> No.23204389

it shows up in your wallet, you just need to add “rinksby. “ at the beginning of your etherscsn and it shows up

>> No.23204411

>posting something isn't a scam literally means it is

Why even bother with this when there are a dozen good LTH's, like Kleros?

>> No.23204427

>Mailchimp form submits email with form information
>Pajeet receives email and email notification
>Pajeet manually sets up token using a third party
>Probably a team of 2 or more pajeets so that when one sleeps, the other takes over

There's no real generators, retards

>> No.23204446

You can put literally anything as a field on a Mailchimp form you lying retarded faggot shill

>> No.23204688

this is fucking dope

>> No.23204941

this is actually a really good idea. mint tokens and drop a presale on bounce that’s hyped. just have to think of a good project now.

>> No.23205001


>> No.23205383

Linkpool had this exact same thing with their presale.

>> No.23205500

These anons giving a tough time about literally just being resourceful

>> No.23205704

shit is based retard, I can scam people now

>> No.23205870

Not only that, but you can attack peoples wallets with meme tokens lol

>> No.23206129

This means literally nothing. Large companies use mail chimp to retain and log email addresses.

>> No.23206615

you obviously don’t understand what is going on right now or what mail chimp is being used here for in the first place

>> No.23206898

It's not like I was saying there's something about Mailchimp you absolute fucking retard.

Of course you know that, every time I point out that it's just a fucking Mailchimp form, you start saying shit about "so what, Mailchimp is the industry leader in email lists!" or that "they can only allow one token per email address!" because there's nothing else you can say, you've been caught out so you just start saying random nonsensical shit.

I would love to hear you try and explain how the information that I input into the Mailchimp form is used to "generate the token".

By the way, you can generate an INFINITE AMOUNT of testnet ethereum tokens without providing an email address using the link below!


>> No.23206918

Oh wow really? Surely don't mind telling what sort of obscure esoteric function the Mailchimp form is serving here beyond collecting data like every other Mailchimp form in existence?

Hopefully my small simpleton mind will be able to comprehend it. I'll try my best!

>> No.23206993

Hahahahahaha how are you doing, desire fags?


>> No.23207240

shit is cringe