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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23198444 No.23198444 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23198616

i didnt kno much about xdai which the anon in this thread seemed to praise but made a good argument the token is just a ponzi and has no incentive to gain value
idk about a scam but holding stake is kinda retarded if this thread is true

>> No.23198631

Drop the zero and get with the hero OMG

>> No.23198635

did you sell the bottom or are you an OMG bagholder?

>> No.23198783

Currently mad as fuck whilst holding 3k

>> No.23198929

Stake that is

>> No.23199406

A working product with tons of adoption? Of course /biz/ doesn't like it.

Just wait until a pajeet releases yStake or sStake and then you guys can waste your money on that.

>> No.23199711
File: 270 KB, 1000x1092, Trump+does+quite+well+with+minorities+in+the+polls+_fd623476f8909a2a222759a9716abfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides anon

>> No.23199908

Wow, so much wrong FUD there and no one even corrected them, wtf

>> No.23199943

I have so much faith in this fucking project but feel so let down by my stakies being $13. There are real steaks worth way more.

>> No.23200131

Could you correct?

>> No.23200348

Dont forget xStake ;)

>> No.23200385

1. It can bridges different type of token
2. Very low mcap atm

It’s defo à buy no matter if you believe in it or not

>> No.23200408


>> No.23200634

That's cool, but realistic time frames? It's a new language that isn't quite finished.

>> No.23200824

Nothing is yet quite finished in crypto, but it still pumps// im pretty sure xdai/stake is done w regardless of the working product as hype has greatly died down. Hopefully im wrong. I have 3k of these bitches

>> No.23200889
File: 933 KB, 2844x3134, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enlighten me motherfucker

>> No.23201222

absolute piece of shit trash garbage coin, my entry was $19, selling it as soon as it reaches 15
hurr durr scaling solution fuck outta here

>> No.23201264

Simple guide to ETH scaling:

EVM scales with ETH (via Optimism)
non-EVM scales with OMG

If not one of the above, the project is shit.

>> No.23201444

Omg is even worse dont even fucking start

>> No.23201479

Literally you’re a brainlet

>> No.23201546

>t. Coping Omg bag holder

>> No.23201840

Omg has a whopping total of 10 transactions in the last 24 hrs. Don't kid yourself anon.

>> No.23202091

It should be at least somewhat interesting to take note the fact that xDai STAKE has a 40m market cap, whereas OMG has a half a billion market cap.

Also interesting that STAKE has been around for a matter of months, whereas OMG has been around for 3 years.

Also interesting that OMG has no usage and relies completely on hope/hype. Whereas xDai is a working chain with usage.

Interesting OMG shills feel the need, AT ALL, to compare themselves with this tiny coin - that is absolutely infinitesimally miniscule compared to theirs.

>> No.23202379

One of btc core Dev shilled xdai days ago ، that say it all

>> No.23202659
File: 16 KB, 741x609, 1599008514519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer dev on garbage tier dinosaur chain shills project already made irrelevant by more modern/advanced approaches (rollups)

>> No.23202685

> Smart wannabe incle sitting in his underwear claiming he know more than chad Dev

>> No.23202778

>OMG shills
That’s fucking rich coming from a xDai thread. Did you forget the entire months of August and September when an OMG thread couldn’t be made without numerous xDai shills coming in and detailing it?

The entire reason I know of xDai against any other shitcoin is because you fucking faggots actively prevented this board from discussing OMG for months. Fuck you.

>> No.23202787

there's a testnet already, you can test it on rinkeby

>> No.23203074

like you said that thread says it all. be it reddit, or any other big shot, once some huge joins in, stake is due for its pump. sad fucks here shilling omg, at least xdai has a usecase for the foreseeable short term, your solution not only has not seen real usage for scale, but is at risk of being it made irrelevant by 2.0 just the same