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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23197417 No.23197417 [Reply] [Original]

I went all into xsn and I will never bother with crypto again
fuck this garbage

>> No.23197476

XSN is up 4% in the last 24 hours

>> No.23197518

Its also down what 70% from where it was months ago in a BULL MARKET
everything is fucking delayed
no news on raiden
people losing faith market selling daily
3 btc buy pressure
I really wanted to believe but its fucking over
devs are fucking incompetent and this whole fucking 4.0.4 update showed me
could have just called security update but instead they called it 4.0.4 and delayed swap ui update

>> No.23197585

>we're in a bull market
I want what you're taking. my drugs still allow me to remain lucid.

>> No.23197610

thanks OP I just bought a bag

>> No.23197621

XSN has been shilled here numerous times and you fags keep buying that disgusting piece of shit move on finally.

>> No.23197653

>btc goes from 10k well on its way to 12k
>xsn loses 75% of its value
it just hurts so much

>> No.23197715

number of mn nodes keeps going up.

>> No.23197737

because it costs like 1k to set one up now so niggers who had huge amounts of XSN not made into masternodes are dumping and niggers who are greedy are making nodes

>> No.23197806

cypto is packed with bs projects so why did you buy it RETARD? just buy the proven ones idiot. BTC ETH XMR etc. fucking drooling bizztards

>> No.23197882

We know almost nothing about the devs. Everyone using a fake bio. They could rug it today, and no one would know who did it.

>> No.23197943

I'm saying this since the recent dead silence indicates they've hit a wall, again. Discord is dead as fuck, with no updates on what and when. The hired mods are clearly completely out of the loop, with statements like "working on it and should be released soon". Core devs are nowhere to be seen. Annoyed as fuck that I'm holding these bags.

>> No.23197997

really bothers me too
no updates
how hard would it be to say "next month" or something?
>inb4 they dont want to promise cuz what if they miss the date
if you cannot accurately estimate when your update is ready you have no idea what you are doing and I dont trust you to manage a project

>> No.23198080

>how hard would it be to say "next month" or something?
Simple answer is that raiden just isn't ready for a release, and no one know when it will be. If they stated this, price would plummet to 500 sat immediately.

>> No.23198104

weird seeing people still buying this shit. as if all the red flags along with the shitty 'working' product weren't enough.


>> No.23198180

The initial value proposition is compelling. It takes a while to see that they are just at the same point as in 2018. I didn't realize this before the pump was over, and I'm too rekt to sell now lmao.