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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23196353 No.23196353 [Reply] [Original]

Up almost 60% today already, before any announcements or the release of the mint. Get in now or fomo even harder at 10x. Not trying to shill too hard, but I’ve been trying to tell you guys for two weeks about this. Hope you bought the bottom!

>> No.23196406

I was in and out of this one, and after losing so much eth to rugpulls I'm down to only 8 ETH in xBTC feelsbadman.

>> No.23196543


If you’ve watched the live ama yesterday then you know this is one of the comfiest hild here in biz among the sea of shitstains like akro and fantom and whatever bullshit biz is peddling these days.

>> No.23196659

oh i know it's legit af, after the recent fiascos in crypto i'm not touching any anon defi yield farm shitcoins with a 10ft barge pool again. xBTC till Jan 2021 for me.

>> No.23196678

Been holding since the start and will continue to hold. Literally on ground floor and the 50x is easily doable.

>> No.23196765

the ama is what convinced me to buy, these guys are serious about this project

>> No.23196802

EOM prediction?

>> No.23196821

How to buy sir?

>> No.23196914


get educated

>> No.23196923

what the fuck is this?

>> No.23196949

Everyone will fomo the other way when negative rebase happens. YOU LITERALLY LOSE YOUR COINS LMAO

>> No.23196974
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It's still very low marketcap so I advise anyone who wants to get in to buy after the inevitable rebase dump and hold.

>> No.23197001
File: 101 KB, 564x1002, esbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just had 3-4 days of negative rebases where I was buying and losing about 5% of my coins. Now up 50% instead of 60% hardly a reason not to buy a rebase coin. You need to learn more about what you are doing before you comment on crypto sonny jim.

>> No.23197401

betting against bit is bold ngl

>> No.23197454

>thinks rebases matter
Well thanks to every retard thinking like you rebases actually matter. Same goes for positive rebases, people fomo in because you get ”more” tokens by holding.

Reminder that rebases don’t affect the market cap at all and if you take the rebase away the coin does literally nothing.

>> No.23197785

why would i buy this then

>> No.23197789

If that is true why do people buy and sell based on the anticipated results of a rebase? Ah, that's right, because it does matter.

>> No.23197811

I don't like how it was essentially stealing my fucking tokens.

>> No.23198497

That's not how negative rebases work, the entire supply changes, not just yours. You still had the same ratio of the market cap before and after.

>> No.23198757

Because others will buy it too, same reason AMPL did 100x within months and is still over 10x from the start of the pump. I have a 5k bag myself too because I know it will go up, the project and the team surrounding it are very solid despite the actual product relying on other things than itself. An altcoin doesn’t need to have any real use to become succesful and in the case of xBTC and AMPL it doesn’t matter if they don’t really ”do” anything if uneducated people think they ”do”
Though now that Coingecko defaults to showing mcap for rebase tokens this might change a bit when people understand it better.

It only matters because of how people act. If you disagree, can you show me how rebases actually affect the market cap?

>> No.23198901

Are you selling me this coin on the idea that it does nothing, but telling me to buy it because other people will think it does something? Jesus.

>> No.23198921

What is the point of that? What is the point of being an early adopter?

>> No.23198926
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I don't entirely disagree. What I mean is, the more people believe xBTC to be a hedge against bitcoin and a bet on alt coin dominance, the more it becomes it. Rebase is just a function that drives the psychological mechanism behind it. Since the only thing that can increase the value of a token is buying it, rebase simply serves as an indicator to investors.

>> No.23199004

I’m not selling you anything because I don’t have to. It’s up 60% today because people want to buy it just as I said, and this is with the project not even running at full speed yet.
Just the fact that it’s currently at 2.5M mcap while AMPL (which isn’t nearly as solid project) went up to 700M and is still almost 40 times higher than xBTC’s will make people believe xBTC has a chance too and buy.

>> No.23199044
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Surely people would not buy something if they don't know what it does.

>> No.23199049

>Rebase is just a function that drives the psychological mechanism behind it. Since the only thing that can increase the value of a token is buying it, rebase simply serves as an indicator to investors.
Exactly. I’m not saying it’s a bad project, it definitely isn’t, it’s just the people claiming rebase does some magic shit and creates value from nothing or ”steals your coins” that irk me.

>> No.23199088

I bet you most of the money in crypto is made because of just that. I don’t care what a coin does if I see the potential in pumping and my total worth has since gone up to 200k (momentarily only though because I’m a retard who cannot take profit)

>> No.23199444

bumping to blatantly pump my bags

>> No.23199505

what can you do with it once you get it?

>> No.23199797

mint platform (staking and yield farming combo) going live tonight. compound your gains even more with constant returns

>> No.23199882

xBTC is only a hedge against btc or s&p 500 of alts if people believe it to be. I feel the team has the vision and capability to at least realise this to the tune of current AMPL market cap, which to be honest is quite doable for any decent defi coin that isn't a scam if market conditions allow it.

>> No.23199981
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Sirs I must confess that I was fudding this while I filled my bags last week, I am sorry to anyone from /biz/ that missed out.
We're still going much higher than this, so get in.

>> No.23200331

As is customary on biz, the biggest fudders are the biggest bagholders. It's about time to switch gears from fud to shill mode, once the mint goes live and partnerships are announced we will see fomo in full swing.

>> No.23200603
File: 471 KB, 300x250, 90935E7F-A081-428C-8426-E298D296B272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all in yesterday at 50c. Feels good to be up for once
Thanks anon

>> No.23200710
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This is a top 50 project in its infancy, get in now or wait until its closer to the peg. Don't dismiss it because Ample clones failed, dyor this is not in the same shitcoin league.

>> No.23200815

Link to ama

>> No.23200845

Just open an account with fatbtc and buy XBC

>> No.23200869

Will I make it with 100 xBTC?

>> No.23201147

what time will minting be available?
and will it be done via an XBTC/ETH pair?

>> No.23201276

The team has members based 26 hours apart so they can ALWAYS claim that it is still yesterday

>> No.23201875

bump for posterity

>> No.23201947

It’s on uniswap

>> No.23202048
File: 64 KB, 459x448, 1599833322385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the mint??

>> No.23202132

soon, brother. soon.

>> No.23202160
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>> No.23202193

Literally a top tier team. This will unironically 100x

>> No.23202201

>this is the way an anon thinks on an xBTC paradigm
Never go all in

>> No.23202336

What the fuck was that?

>> No.23202348

just dumped the 2 cents it had gained all day

>> No.23202357

290 eth whale just sold

>> No.23202377



Just doubled my bag. Thanks whale

>> No.23202424
File: 32 KB, 612x657, pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this pattern called?

>> No.23202468

mountain looking line thingy

>> No.23202504
File: 99 KB, 656x466, 1602238316791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously a reversal kek