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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 993x1024, blueboldnotexture-993x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23193468 No.23193468 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you have your bags loaded because we are going to rugpull.

>> No.23193508

It took one anime autist to shoa the discord.

>> No.23193913

Truly the /biz/ way

>> No.23193926

450 eth poof and it’s gone.

>> No.23193968

This thing still exists? I thought for sure they wouldve just taken the money by now.

>> No.23193997

Rug pull in 45 minutes.

>> No.23194104

they just hired 6 developers from Zokyo.io, you fucking morons who didnt buy in are going to be so salty.

>> No.23194122

>they hired more pajeets
literally go fuck yourself

>> No.23194127

24 hours and the can't even fill the soft cap. LOL

>> No.23194822


>> No.23194898

Im only coping because they have 20 of my ETH and I want to recoup

>> No.23194919
File: 55 KB, 1214x791, lol niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-wtf why won't they buy our bags that the devs gave us to shill nonstop on biz for weeks

>> No.23194955
File: 124 KB, 500x750, 4hjgpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this meme was funny, and now in retrospect a classic.

>> No.23194984

it hasnt rugged yet I will get my money back

>> No.23195023


You guys are on another level of FUD

Whats the point of FUD honestly, makes no sense, you are literal pajeets that hang around /biz/ all day, accepting 3 rupee's as payment from competitors to post shit like this.

Have you not ever thought about just erasing yourself from existence? You are depressed and suicidal, and /biz/ gives you the chance to release your inner frustration by trash talking other people's success.

KYS, seriously, kys. just do it, your pain will be over quickly.

>> No.23195039

YGY dev are you seriously this mad? Or are you kuwaryeet.

>> No.23195067


Your life wont get any better, you will not get a GF with FUD. accept the inevitable and use the rope

>> No.23195131

holy shit the absolute seethe
Your eth is going to be stuck in that limbo bounce pool forever kek
Or you're just mad you wasted weeks of your life shitting up the board and don't get to dump on presalers

>> No.23195199
File: 676 KB, 800x600, 12-56-39-1600932738319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Must be a real shame that you didn't get to perfectly execute the rug.

Humor me please since it's soon over. How much did you spend making the website, writing some medium articles and hiring in some marketers?

>> No.23195353

I will get my eth back. this I know for sure, the dev is white.

>> No.23195372

probably less then the 460 ETH in bounce right now

>> No.23195440


holy shit you pajeets have outdone yourself, now you call random /biz/tards Devs?

Don't forget to rope, you will die a lonely virgin anyway

>> No.23195478

Dude, it hasn't rugged? Would do you mean? Can you sell your YGY tokens to get eth you put into this? No you can't. You just gave someone your eth, they don't even need to rug you. You rugged yourself!

>> No.23195532

They're opening the TG back up today

>> No.23195563
File: 8 KB, 246x205, 16673345845632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what you're trying to do. we were warned about the paid FUD campaign
i won't fall for the fud, you can go fuck yourself

>> No.23195609

Yes. To announce a RUGPULL

>> No.23195632

if I get rugged I am going to kill myself honestly but I WILL GET MY ETH BACK

>> No.23195662

You're welcome

>> No.23195718

They haven't rugged until they don't list liquidity after the presale. Lets understand how the system works before commenting.

>> No.23196329

Why would they announce a rugpull

usually they just pull

>> No.23196453

Whatever pajeets are trying to do with this fake "FUD" campaign, it won't work. I still won't buy or take part in any scam belonging to the YFbeam family, try with other retards. This is so obivious it hurts. Nobody is believing into your narrative except for the poor gamblers you dragged in shilling for free

end your lives
end your lives
end your lives

>> No.23196500

I will give you benefit of doubt and maybe instruct some people that actually think about coming into this shitfest just because it was so hilarious on their TG channel.

So for some ungodly reason (probably to seem professional or honest) devs published code on github about 1.50 hours before planned presale. No keep in mind that they advertised that they've been working on this project for month and it was in the works before core was a thing. Now what a surprise! This supposedly genius product was just a core fork with some spaghetti erc generated generic code and it had even advertisments to the site that it was generated from in it. Admin couldn't answer any of it, banned couple people but all the chat was against them and after a little damage control from fake accounts they hid github code and started presale 1 hour early!

Now does that sound as honest project?

>> No.23196514


>> No.23197393

not sure if this is the worst project that will become good or not

>> No.23198222
