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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23193098 No.23193098 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there never any actual business threads on this board? Maybe once every day or two there’s a thread about the US stock market but that’s as close as it gets to real business. Are there even any entrepreneurs here? Or are you all just playing pretend “Wolf of Wall Street”?

>> No.23193113

smg and pmg are the only two actual biz related threads here ever. The rest is shitskins shilling crypto currency scams

>> No.23193116


>> No.23193131

Sell your Thinkpad and invest in a real computer pal

>> No.23193163

I don’t own a Thinkpad, mister schizo.

>> No.23193170
File: 918 KB, 971x933, hngggggrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing at your fucking "rise and grind" niggers
mot of you are working 14 hours a day to make less than a wageslave but atleast ur different and unique!!!!

you will not be the next Bezos with your shitty gym clothing line, if you are not a jew with nepotism ties fucking give up already lmao

>> No.23193172

Most of this board is straight trash. It's basically where I come to shitpost at this point. It's full of people from other sites now that act like total faggots. Social media is unironically a better place to talk about business most of the time

>> No.23193310

Quite the generalization, but I absolutely see where you’re coming from. I also hate the people you’re referring to. Instagram “entrepreneurs” and faggy business majors who think they’ll be billionaires one day are not the people I want to see on /biz/. I would bet money that the majority of that group hasn’t sold anything in their lives.
I’m not one of those people, I have a degree in computer science and have a full time job as a software engineer. On the side I sell niche business management software but it isn’t nearly profitable enough to quit my day job. I’m actively working on changing that
I want threads and conversations with people like myself, not wantrepreneurs with unrealistic expectations.

>> No.23193479

I sell guitar tutorials on patreon and I am in the process of making documentary style videos for youtube about great guitarists/folk musicans/ generally well known normie popstars

Patreon is already providing me with almost the same amount of income as my main job but thats because I get donations in USD and my countries economy is shit.

>> No.23193526
File: 154 KB, 1366x768, AverageBiztard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how a biztard looks like

>> No.23194397
File: 29 KB, 600x450, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot, and for this reason... I'm out.

>> No.23194429


>> No.23194616

dude is an irish swindler who got rich by conning mattel into buying his shitty software company at the peak of the dot com bubble.

>> No.23194634

pmg is retarded though

>> No.23194688
File: 70 KB, 575x410, 1980-mr-olympia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest pill to swallow is that no one ever makes it without help from someone. Humans are meant to be social and even tribal to succeed in life. There are no self-made entrepreneurs on here but larping faggots who always say they make $400k a year just to get the attention of impressionable pajeets

>> No.23194689
File: 1.98 MB, 390x205, 1534556970009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wasted a thread, why didn't you post anything valuable?

>> No.23194713

Pmg is the only place where everyone will agree the price is extremely manipulated, but you should buy more

>> No.23195221

Do you not respect that? I do. :^)