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23191488 No.23191488 [Reply] [Original]

I'm Black, have an 800+ credit score, and $200k+ in total credit limit.
How do I profit from this??

>> No.23191490

drug dealing and pimping

>> No.23191492

Good goy

>> No.23191506

Credit Score = Slave Score

>> No.23191515

I technically "deal drugs" because I work in a pharmacy

>> No.23191517

Go back Africa and start a wakanda colony. Take others with you. Make American great again

>> No.23191526

And americans are slaves. Good credit score allows you access to credit in a debt based economy. It's good to have a high score.

>> No.23191540

Black...doesn’t matter.

Seriously though, high credit score just makes life easier.

You wont notice the little differences it leads to in a year.

>> No.23191761

Negro small business loans+500 billion trumpnegrobux.

>> No.23191797

Im close to breaking 800s but i just use my credit to buy more crypto fuck credit score. Dont give a shit if it goes to 0

>> No.23191860

That's not very smart. Buying crypto with a credit card is treated as a cash advance so you get charged a fee and interest immediately.

>> No.23191867

look at that walking stereotype

>> No.23191874

I used to be above 800 but then I paid off my student loans and it dropped to about 740.

>> No.23191921

spokesperson and/or testimonial for credit fixing companies

>> No.23192171

mine is almost 800, i have 0 debt and 100k in cash and nothing else besides a couple paid for vehicles and valuable instruments

>> No.23192268

>having to build a credit score

>> No.23192420

Imagine not getting a business loan and staking it on one of the top POS coins. They basically are handing out money to blacks.

>> No.23192542

Buy a one way ticket to Africa for you and your family

>> No.23192581

Credit scores affect interest rates and the amount of risk a bank is willing to take with you. The only way to "profit" off of this is to use that credit as leverage to invest. I'm not sure what you're even asking.

If you want to profit from being black, get into tech and be at least average, but push for promotions and more responsibility. You could become VP level within 10 years easily. Bonus points if you're a woman or a tranny.

>> No.23192598

its a trick OP anon. Never take debt. Its buying a ticket from the jew. The cost? Your soul.

>> No.23192606

I can't stand these takes. If you pay cash when you could instead be taking out low interest loans and investing the difference, this is how you stop yourself from gaining wealth. Use your brain. Learn basic economics. If nothing else, what "opportunity cost" is.

>> No.23192714

I cant stand your low iq rebuttal. Get repo'd, jew. Oh wait, jews dont repo jews so you arent in the same boat as OP

>> No.23192718

Rape, murder and steal and if anyone ever calls you out for it, yell muh racism

>> No.23192746

oh so be a white American?

>> No.23192751

buy link

>> No.23192773

supplement your income by stealing bikes to get it even higher

>> No.23192820

watch less CNN, go out more

>> No.23192876

Never watch the news. I go workout/jog or bike every other day, its important to keep watch for pedophiles.

I am more scared of the methd out white people and machine gun wielding proudboys than black people. Maybe thats because my cities like 99% white/asian or maybe its the reality. Either way, how can you claim whites arent just as mad and destructive? I remember my home town the whites would riot over college football games

>> No.23192894

with qualifications like that you oughta be biden's runningmate instead of kamala

>> No.23192969

good, you should be afraid

>> No.23192999

Fun story a white meth head steals my mail and pulled a knife on me. Oh but black people this and that..like dude..i don't care anymore these rural idiots are so out of touch. Youre the pedophiles now coming in with your militias and backwards jew worship aka Christianity. White people have their ptsd and too many weapons. #1 threat to our homeland is idiot WHITE vigilantes. Not black people, not riots, not muh small business

>> No.23193016

More scared =! afraid, you low iq faggot. I do not fear you pedophiles. I will stop you.

>> No.23193025

you'll get yours


>> No.23193038

Pedophiles will be stopped. You included. Love will prevail hate.

>> No.23193060

I’m poor af and my score is 766. Is 800+ supposed to be make it tier?

>> No.23193073

Btw everyone this is what we call the "tough jew" pushing his muh white militia from Utah

>> No.23193089

and while this faggot is in the city terrorizing my people. I will live in Utah. Nice and safe. At least...i hope????

>> No.23193149

>I'm a nigger, i have nr ### GOY CATTLE SCORE
opinion discarded

>> No.23193160

U r not , stupid kike nigger .

>> No.23193171

Run for mayor in a predominately low IQ black city. You’ll make your money from there.

>> No.23193188

Kek! Best reply!

>> No.23193202

this. huge push right now in tech for PoC 'leadership' with skills being a distant secondary consideration.

>> No.23193204

take out a gigantic loan and max your credit cards, renounce citizenship and return to your ancestral homelands to live like a king

>> No.23193206


Pretty easy to imagine not committing fraud.

>> No.23193229

>The only way to "profit" off of this is to use that credit as leverage to invest.
This is why I don’t necessarily get why people are so pressed about credit scores. The interest rates are going to offset whatever profits you make in the market (assuming you average 5% a year). Only scenario I see this making sense is if you’re looking to start a business.

>> No.23193254

Literally just be mediocre at anything and you'll be offered the top tier job in your chosen field.

>> No.23193793

Yeah you'll be fine. Everybody here is some type of faggot lefty or mormon and mormons are faggots and con artists that larp as christians.

Join the lds church if you want to be untouchable. They don't care about anything. You can trash them all you want and they won't stop you.

>[W]hen I considered myself ready enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out white prey. I did this consciously, deliberately, willfully, methodically – though looking back I see that I was in a frantic, wild and completely abandoned frame of mind. Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women...I felt I was getting revenge. From the site of the act of rape, consternation spread outwardly in concentric circles. I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race.
>Cleaver was then later baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) on December 11, 1983.[32] He periodically attended regular services and lectured by invitation at LDS gatherings.


>> No.23193969


great writing

>> No.23193994

aw shit my nigga straight ballin

>> No.23194041

Im well aware of the mormons and their veiled pedophilia, such as they say pedophilia is okay if youre wed. I see them flooding our cities with guns.

>> No.23194116

Go lease a Ferrari and never make payments, then call racism when they come to collect.

>> No.23194142
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be black
>apply for JP Morgan "diversity" mortgages to expand PoC house ownership as "reparations" for shitty banking behavior toward minority groups in the past
>be rejected
>actually projected to pay back mortgage instead of being exploited by bank

>> No.23195103
File: 618 KB, 1998x1548, BlackConfederate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those Digits
>Being Black
Welcome to the Reich my Brother.
I suggest you do work to start your own Black Wakanda and build your own people up. Start an African Colney on the dark continent.
Also put some money in Tesla and buy Crypto Dips. Good luck to you
and White Power / also Black Power !

>> No.23195437

>our homeland
That's Africa. Or if you're Native American you had no concept of land ownership, so not technically true.

>> No.23195541

0% balance transfer/direct deposit credit cards with 12-24 months limits, 3% initial fee structure

there are plenty of these floating around. apply to all of them asking for minimum 10k limit on each. You can also focus on cards from banks you already have cards for and then transfer the credit lines from the older cards to the new cards with the 0% APR offers once they arrive.

Wait for the card to arrive. They come with checks you can use to direct deposit into a checking account. Write in the maximum amount, minus the initial fee of course, and use the funds to buy Bitcoin. Wait 11 months. Click sell, pay back w/e you owe. Rinse repeat.

Good luck, fren

>> No.23195617

where do tweakers get their meth
yes drug addicts are a significant part of the problem, but they are not the whole problem

>> No.23195741

euro retards are so annoying and stupid

Yes i agree. I have no hard feelings on drug addicts or drug crimes. Especially my neighbor whom i stay cordial with

>> No.23196029

get a loan, buy empty land near downtown
make a parking lot

>> No.23196053

It never was your home, it never will be your home. You'll always be living on the backs of what Euros built. Just like your brethren flocking to other parts of the West. You're hopeless as a people.

>> No.23196091


Grow up you stupid faggots.

>> No.23196157

you euro fags care so much about race, and religion, and old tradition.

All i care about is call a pedophile a pedophile and stop them. Any race can be my ally. Any person even a woman can be my ally. Any religion could but wont be my ally.

>> No.23196244

seriously fren, if ur new to trading, dont take loans to do it. Ive read lots of stories on this board about it and the only ones that worked were about clown shit. You can use small leverage instead if you want a bigger capital, 3x-5x should do. Dont forget about risk managment and if you trade ponzies, always sell a pump, there are shitloads of them so no need to get greedy. All the best fren

>> No.23196330

Move some furniture put of your house and get arrested. Prove credit score in court. Profit.

>> No.23196589

>Quickly becomes a brag thread

>> No.23196606


>> No.23196891

>buy btc at 17k, repay when btc is 4k.

good plan. foolproof i dare sey

>> No.23196912

go all in on defi and get sick 500000000% apy rates bro

>> No.23197676

Rental property in small college towns.

>> No.23198490

Why not e-transfer?