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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 112x112, pepevalue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23180133 No.23180133 [Reply] [Original]

Was trying to stake my Value/YFV into Value's new Gov Vault v2 earlier today and somehow fucked up resulting in running out of ETH for gas fees and not being able to stake, I posted my tx history in Discord to find out what I did wrong and some based Value chad sent me $40 of ETH to cover the cost, don't think you see this kind of support anywhere else so thought it's worth mentioning even if many here do think Value is a shitcoin, and why wouldn't you with that TQT faggot involved.

>> No.23180168

TQT confirmed gay.

>> No.23180169


>> No.23180172
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I'm so fucking long and hard rn

>> No.23180175
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>> No.23180184
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based, fuck that faggot

>> No.23180213

TQT is an asshole.

>> No.23180222

don't tell me bro. my bags are so heavy i needed to get a trolley

>> No.23180242

TQT is a black tranny, I wouldn't touch VALUE after this info

>> No.23180322

Anyone have that meme where it's like a diversity poster but all the people are saying "I STAN VALUE", it's completely fucking retarded but hilarious

>> No.23180375
File: 217 KB, 1058x1186, EB5B3C08-95AF-4D5A-B2E8-D1883500EDC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based devs
Did a few years of work in under a few months
Continued transparency through medium & discord
Value $100EOY
Buy dip

>> No.23180381
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>> No.23180397
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>> No.23180414

pajeet ran out of ETH LOL

>> No.23180429

It's the most fucking retarded shit I've ever seen hahaha

>> No.23180448
File: 1.10 MB, 830x500, 4ft0h2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based memes

>> No.23180494
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>> No.23180545
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>> No.23180557
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Trips confirm 100$ EOY

>> No.23180666
File: 130 KB, 785x1000, a8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOO!!!!! you can't just continue to rise in price even after Andre Cronje used bot attacks in coordination with Balancer & Uniswap to take down VALUELIQUID!!!!!


>> No.23180752

Blue Kirby was talking about how cronje paid off defi pulse to block the value listing, I heard it like 20 times so it seemed pretty reliable tbrfh

>> No.23180985

Based Satan of truth

>> No.23181425

So I was walking down the street this morning around my area (as I usually do for an hour or so each morning, I know this isnt a blogpost, but I'd highly recommend it, it really helps you see things clear), and out of no where it hit me like a ton of bricks what exactly the YFV/VALUE team is trying to do here. I understood bits and pieces, but this was like a moment of clarity where all of a sudden the whole larger picture became crystal clear.

For those of you in the know, this unironically has the ability to mint millionaires, right? This shit is going to ebb and flow up and down over and over and over again, predictably. It can't be this fucking easy though, is it? Literally just "buy low, sell high", with staking in the middle. Am I missing something?

if you dont know what Im talking about just disregard this post

>> No.23181531

So I was walking down the street this morning around my area (as I usually do for an hour or so each morning, I know this isnt a blogpost, but I'd highly recommend it, it really helps you see things clear), and out of no where it hit me like a ton of bricks what exactly the YFV/VALUE team is trying to do here. I understood bits and pieces, but this was like a moment of clarity where all of a sudden the whole larger picture became crystal clear.

For those of you in the know, this unironically has the ability to mint millionaires, right? This shit is going to ebb and flow up and down over and over and over again, predictably. It can't be this fucking easy though, is it? Literally just "buy low, sell high", with staking in the middle. Am I missing something?

if you dont know what Im talking about just disregard this post

>> No.23181537
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>> No.23181825

Why people hate money and fall in love with their gay unicorn shitcoin exchange instead is beyond me

There will always be a better project and this is it

>> No.23181852

At these prices, yes. 1k suicide stack could be worth $200k-$1m at the peak of this bull as long as nothing catastrophically fails and development continues the current pace. That would sit us at a market cap between $1.5b - $7.5b within the next couple of years.

I think these numbers are realistic for a few reasons. First, crypto is a notoriously inefficient market with poor liquidity. This is why in 2017, we saw absolute shitcoins get market caps of billions. With a massive wave of buy pressure (moonboi swarm, FOMO retard stampede), sell walls are obliterated and liquidity dries up, forcing prices upward. The new money coming in doesn't understand markets well at all, and all they see is line go up fast make rich, without understanding the reason why - which is, again, a lack of liquidity to meet demand.

Second, governments and central banks are already planning to release their own CBDC programs to do direct gibs. Don't think a large chunk of that money will play the get rich quick game? Think again, we already saw it happen this year with a single stimulus check. Now imagine that, but every month CONSTANTLY.

Third, the tokenomics give the VALUE token inflation-neutral cash flow and automatically scaling buy pressure. Inflation-neutral cash flow gives the token a measurable, intrinsic value (something completely missing from 99% of all crypto) that can be calculated via a DCF analysis much like a stock. That cash flow value is automatically and persistently priced into the token itself via the buyback mechanism. This creates a constant buy pressure which scales with increases in platform liquidity and volume.

>> No.23181861
File: 96 KB, 686x798, HODL_YFV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ath back in no time!

>> No.23181977

Look an anon who understands economics. Based comment fren.

>> No.23182050

Now lets tie it all together. We have a market which, by its nature, has poor liquidity. Large surges of buying volume cause prices to go parabolic across the board. We can expect a protracted surge of buying volume once the governments and CBs implement digital wallets with direct gibs. Large chunks of these gibs will be used to play the get rich quick game. VALUE, along with the cryptocurrency market generally, will benefit. An inevitable collapse of sell-side liquidity will force prices parabolic once again. What makes VALUE particularly attractive? Sell-side liquidity will be much thinner due to persistent buybacks and staking incentives, meaning it will go parabolic with less buying pressure and persist longer (again, due to buyback mechanism churning prices upward against no sell-side liquidity) than most other cryptos. It is an insane asymmetrical potential that can't be fully understood without understanding market depth and liquidity.

>> No.23182075

I fucking hate YFV, its a fucking scam please dont buy this

>> No.23182349
File: 73 KB, 231x231, goodfellaslol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha majin your face when it's $100

>> No.23182407
File: 65 KB, 862x691, 787A2A27-DFAA-488D-A005-840E29A9D616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to post lol

>> No.23182423
File: 236 KB, 657x527, 1577490661942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is gonna moon so hard in the bull run it's unreal

>> No.23182443

Dude what age were you when you first realized the immense pleasure you get from anal play?

>> No.23182505

shilling is working on this turdcoin. i bought more. jeez

>> No.23182569


>> No.23182795

It's literally king shitcoin right now.
Best parts of all shitcoins, all it needs is deflationary retard buybacks like CORE to makesure bagholders will never get their money back..

>> No.23182805

What’s the contingency plan if the government doesn’t start direct depositing stimulus to individuals?

>> No.23182853

Yea what this guy said desu

>> No.23182951

you will never keep me out of your discord faggots

>> No.23183072

Holy shit, the moment FARM rewards don't pay for the fee, everyone will move to YFV and PICKLE

>> No.23183444

A bugout location, guns, food, clean water, ammo.

>> No.23183661
File: 28 KB, 128x128, 6793_PeelyGun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would want to keep you out it's fun trolling little faggots

>> No.23183705

In b4 1bil TVL

>> No.23183880

- Value vaults uncap increasing TVL (completion of pending audits by well known auditors)
- Defi pulse listing almost finalized; 1inch and paraswap is in discussion
- Increase partnerships in the defi ecosystem
- Pools begin to accept VALUE tokens
- Farming rewards exhaust from pools and reduced emission from governance vault so less inflation of VALUE supply and farmers dumping
- Team finishes product updates (phases 4)
- Provide clarification to the vUSD and vETH tokens and rebase mechanism initiated
- Complete the major updates to the site(s)
- Accelerate the marketing aspect and promotion once major project developments are complete

SO EXCITED to be a multimillionaire again.

>> No.23183890

Thanks, this guy spinning up so much obvious fud to make it clear its an easy buy . lol

>> No.23184774

yfv is the sta of yf clones

>> No.23185066
File: 576 KB, 765x566, change-my-mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$YFI vault returns have deteriorated to nearly nothing, making the multiple on the token even with the most aggressive possible forward thinking an insane valuation. $YFV / $VALUE is a much better bet on DeFi yield farming.

I can't see the YFI bet here at a pretty high price.. the time to buy YFI was $1k , not $20k.

Value on the other hand, was $4, released changes, positive sentiment, is now at $5.30, with 0.05% of dex trading fees (they vampire forked Balancer and are vampiring a trial of VALUE-ETH Uniswap today (think a bigger UNI vampire coming!) as well as 6.67% of profit from their vaults (which are forked from YFI but with different?/better?) yield strategies... Additionally the vaults are only in "beta" locked to a maximum AUM of $30m (which is hit)... just wait till they open up and allow in more $... then 6.67% from $100m? $200m? $500m AUM coming?

VALUE is both undervalued and on an upward momentum here with much more volume, tvl and aum and value capture coming.

Change my mind?

>> No.23185677

Are you people really this bullish on your dead shitcoin clone?

>> No.23186209

I had 300 YFV staked but when I connect my wallet it shows me nothing in the governance vault.
Is this a new bug?

>> No.23186361
File: 104 KB, 1080x1042, FFD9298D-C0C9-4C17-A0A9-27F49C3B4C22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it’s fucked up UI right now hit you can still see it on Etherscan

>> No.23186801
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>Why are you guys bullish on a better Balancer, better Uniswap and better YFI, all on one platform
Gee wiz I dont know why Fren

>> No.23186841

Oh and did I mention it has 19m mcap?
Bro, it has 19m mcap