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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23179617 No.23179617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

USA? Canada? UK? Australia? New Zealand? My vote is for the UK:

>The UK has been named the worst place to live in Europe for quality of life, behind countries with damaged economies such as Ireland and Italy, according to the latest uSwitch quality of life index.

>The UK emerged as having the second lowest hours of sunshine a year, the fourth highest retirement age, and the third lowest spend on health as a percentage of GDP.

>Despite above average household income – the fourth highest in Europe – Britons have 5.5 fewer days holiday a year than the European average and endure a below average government spend on education.

>UK households also struggle with a high cost of living, with food and diesel prices the highest in Europe, and unleaded petrol, alcohol and cigarettes all costing more than the European average.

>As a result, more than one in 10 Britons (12%) said they are "seriously considering" emigrating, with "broken society" the biggest concern for 59% of those questioned, followed by the cost of living (49%), and crime and violence (47%). Just 5% of those questioned are happy in the UK.


>> No.23179645

All of them are dogshit, especially the women

>> No.23179656

Ok but how many people did they question?

>> No.23179662

USA>>*power gap*>>UK>Canada>Aus>NZ

>> No.23179666

Uhhh...I'd say UK. Mostly cuz brits are so fucking ugly.

>> No.23179689

if you live on the north american continent then youve already won, even if youre a shitter in central america you can make your way to texas

>> No.23179690

in no way is the USA worse than the UK, the UK is ultracompetitive and yet crowded shitty weather ugly women etc. its like a white euro version of japan. meanwhile in the US, retards get rich, there are empty tracts of land, etc.

>> No.23179736

Proper bants would get you thrown in prison.

>> No.23179749

>UK is ultracompetitive and yet crowded shitty weather ugly women etc. its like a white euro version of japan.
I can tell you’ve never been to either. The US is a borderline third-world country at this point. It’s a perfect amalgamation of everything everyone hates about modern society

>> No.23179783

Competition is good. Absent public services, shit public education, shit public health and mass incarceration is not. I've been in pubs older than your country.

>> No.23179855

>ultra competetive
Nope, the brits are the most passive people I have ever dealt with. This is result of your big daddy government. Everyone expects to be taken care of, there is no enterprenual spirit and taxes make it very difficult to run a small business.

>> No.23179904

Maybe we were condescending to you but you didn't notice.

>> No.23179973

America for sure

>> No.23180147

I mostly gathered this through observation, not dealing with them directly. Recent crane collapse in London is a good example. If one person had spoken up, it wouldn't have happened. Yet there are so many health and safety coordinators that will continue to milk HS2 budget.
Conversely, face to face I had positive experiences. I am in construction business and its much better to have British clients than Indians or pakis.

>> No.23180185

>that pic
nightmare fuel

>> No.23180193

I can tell you have never stepped outside of your city.

>> No.23180201

anglo world is disgusting
jewish oligarchs empowering feminists
spreading this dystopian lifestyle with soft power

>> No.23180352

>Victoria line northbound anywhere north of Warren St

>> No.23180613
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we need jesus back. imagine what he'd do today what he did to them when he beat them out of the church.

>> No.23180628

>, behind countries with damaged economies such as Ireland and Italy
WTF isn't Ireland first world?

>> No.23180642

You can't help the sunlight by 100% of the big problems in the UK are because of politicians and of course immigration led by those same politicians. I hate how we now live in a world where they are seemingly untouchable. Tyrants need to be dealt with.

>> No.23180648


>> No.23180736

>we need more jews

>> No.23180759

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
fuck off to /pol/ faggot

>> No.23180765

Australia, you'd only understand if you lived there, how cucked and shit this dump actually is.
Third world countries look enticing after living here for a while.

>> No.23180818

Is it that cucked? I'll never forget that video of a based Aussie cracking a whip next to the Chinese embassy yelling at those bugs to GTFO to their countries.

>> No.23180825

In Austfailia you get the worst of third world niggerdom and the added bonus of brave new world nanny statism.

>> No.23180856

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.23180897

I struggle to describe how much I hate it here, I wish the chinks would nuke the cities so we can start over.

>> No.23180918


>> No.23180937

Jesus was an Israelite not a jew. there are 12 tribes of Israel.


27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

>> No.23180945

He was most likely an actor paid by the chinese to make Aussies look like clowns.
I never heard about him being charged, which would happen if you pointed a spoon at anyone.

>> No.23180962

That was great. What is it from?

>> No.23180988

This should actually be on /int/ or /trv/

>> No.23181086

just found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lchB_CEg5VI

>> No.23181095

it's all going to shit, seclude yourself in the wilderness and kill any nigger or kike that walks on your property is the only real answer

>> No.23181150

Based. Also choose carefully the people that will be part of your community, unless you're going hardcore alone in which case good luck not going crazy.

>> No.23181266

The above article is from 2011, woefully out of date. Here's the current uswitch rankings https://www.uswitch.com/place-to-live/europe/#rankings
UK is at number 5 (of 15 rated)

>> No.23181295

White euro version of Japan. Kek

>> No.23181308

kiwi here, is a decent country but the housing market is absolutey fucked beyond belief and none of the politicans give a remote fuck

>> No.23181319

Moving to the least shit part of Australia, Tasmania. The fact it is a frozen tundra is a small price to pay for getting away from those people.

>> No.23181326

> broken society
Aka due to shitskin invasion

>> No.23181351

I don;t think it's fair to blame politicians for the state of the housing market. The housing market operates under free market economics. What do you want to see, the government artificially increasing house prices? First time buyers might not agree with you. It really depends on your outlook.

>> No.23181378

Mass immigration has made everything even worse.

Living in a depressing Norf city is 10x worse when you go outside and it's a bunch of Pakistanis everywhere who hate you and wish you were dead.

>> No.23181393

>The housing market operates under free market economics
no it doesnt
>What do you want to see, the government artificially increasing house prices
thats exactly what they did with insane regulations

>> No.23181396

Encouraged by Jews.

>> No.23181419

Definitely bongland. Bonglanders dream of escaping this shithole and moving to one of the other anglo countries. Unfortunately a crappy education system means most will never actually qualify for a visa to the other countries. We're pretty much traped as low wage slaves to the upper classes, it's pretty much hell on earth here and I would avoid visiting.

>> No.23181472

So your complaint is that house prices are too HIGH? Well, tell that to the people who own property they've seen increase in value. You think they'd be happy to see their house values drop? If people can't afford to buy property, the house prices drop to meet the demand. Whining about how you want house prices to be lower, and blaming the government rings a bit hollow desu

>> No.23181558

>If people can't afford to buy property, the house prices drop to meet the demand.
yeah but the people buying are foreign (chinese) buyers and the supply is artificially limited due to the councils dictating the supply of residential land available for new houses to be built on. so the government controls the supply by deciding housing regulations

>> No.23181591

also if reply is somehting like:
>nah man its counter intuitive its actually good that there are homeless white people sleeping on the concrete while asian insects move in and house prices are super high thats good for home owners bro you need to shift your perspective

didnt read, still voting as far right as possible

>> No.23181647

Councils must have some control over housing development otherwise we'd have rampant development of beauty areas etc. It has always been this way, and for good reason. Corporations would just develop the hell out of everywhere if this wasn't the case. I understand your frustration, but there is defo 2 sides to the argument

>> No.23181686
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Good luck with that, naive child.

>> No.23181705

Your government lets greedy chinks buy up all the property, who don't even live there. It's just an investment to them.

>> No.23181721

You're a retard if you think New Zealand real estate is operating in a free market environment. Almost nowhere in the West is that true.

>> No.23181736

yeah but we have some of the most strict regulations in the world and we allowed like fucking 1 million people to migrate here since 2000 and fill auckland and other cities to the brim (which has the shittest outdated transport system ever) while also limiting housing supply in this way and now in my suburb there are faggot slim apartment complex things being built where bungalow houses with actual garden sections used to be. you can't have it both ways with huge immigration and also such strict regulations on new housing


>> No.23181849

What? That makes no sense, diversity is our strength???

>> No.23181950

>car hits me
>90000000000000 dollars in hospital bills

>> No.23182002

Okay, explain to me how it's not free. No one is forcing me to sell my house for price X. I could sell it for much less, but that would be stupid as someone is prepared to pay X for it. In what way is this not a free market?

>> No.23182021

Sounds like your issue with your government is immigration, not the housing market.

>> No.23182106

the worst angophone country to live in is either in Africa or the West Indies, although what the speak arguably isn't even English

>> No.23182723
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>United States 13.7
>Australia 11.7
>New Zealand 11.6
>Canada 10.4

>UK 7.6

Suicide rate says it all, even with poor sun/weather (correlated with increased depression/suicide), UK is still easily lowest in number of suicides.

>> No.23182768


California/NY < London < Canadian major cities < Canada < UK < US < NZ < Australia

Cali is a literal shithole full of retard pollies, debt and high taxes. London is way too expensive. Canada is much the same, major cities are quite bad. Montreal, Vancouver and Quebec are fucked up and overpriced, as are politics generally. England outside London isn't that bad, if you can find a job as is the US.

NZ is alright but just a generally worse version of Australia. Poorer because of having less iron ore but quite pretty. Ardern's also done her best to obliterate the NZ economy.

Australia leads in everything, HDI, life expectancy... slightly behind US in GDP per capita but makes up for all that in much more stability, less inequality and lower crime. Property is still expensive but its a justified expense. Australia will be safe and stable even as the rest of the world burns.

>> No.23182784

Canada's pretty chill having lived here my whole life. I'd also consider Australia and New Zealand. Fuck no to the US or Europe though.