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File: 172 KB, 480x608, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23175649 No.23175649 [Reply] [Original]

I think I have HIV, got all the symptoms. Just ordered a test kit for myself.

I'm not gonna make it am I ?

>> No.23175684

Try to stay positive

>> No.23175693

Walmart has test kits. I took two tests just to be sure. Just go buy one at walmart. Hope all ends well.

>> No.23175711

how tf do you get HIV

>> No.23175759

stay supportive of our fellow anons. I know that's seems opposite of biz but chill.

>> No.23175770

You gay?

>> No.23175774

Slept with a girl on tinder, got the flu symptoms straight away, then mouth ulcer, candida on tongue etc, cough etc.

Feels like my life is basically over honestly.

>> No.23175780

Stop having gay sex,
start eating a balanced diet,
and go to confession

>> No.23175790

>buys chainlink
>now he has aids

>> No.23175791

spread the gift anon! pozz up some bitches. I kinda wish I had a toxic load like that too. I wouldn't waste it that's for sure.

>> No.23175806

I'm not gay, and the girl I slept with is only the third one I have had sex with and I am only 22.

>> No.23175808

At home test is a great start, but do try to schedule a Dr appt. There's only like 30 people on biz we can't afford to lose another. God speed anon.

>> No.23175810

why didn't you use a condom?

>> No.23175831
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Symptoms don't show for around 2 weeks, you don't have HIV. But use it as a lesson for the future buddy. You're gonna make it.

>> No.23175851

are you serious
did you not use any protection? please tell me you did not sleep with the dirtiest looking bitch

>> No.23175852

How long ago did you fuck her? I know how you’re feeling, I’ve been in that paranoid place before, but the risk of getting hiv from one instance of sex is almost zero if you’re not fucking niggers or trannies

>> No.23175870
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You don't have HIV.

Symptoms don't appear that quickly, they usually appear 5 or so years after being infected.
You may have a different STD however, get tested
Wear a condom next time and don't sleep with sleazy people

>> No.23175895

the absolute state of this board

>> No.23175898

Sir it takes YEARS to show serious symptoms

>> No.23175931

Probably syphilis honestly. Just go into a local clinic and get penicillin

>> No.23175934

No during seroconversion you present symptoms when your viral load peaks before you have produced antibodies, then the virus is asymptomatic and slowly overpowers your immune system until it becomes Aids.

>> No.23175937

It was roughly 2 weeks ago I had sex with her, she wasn't nasty looking, just a thicc asian bitch lel. I would go to extremes to get rid of the HIV if I have it , is there any alt cures out there?

>> No.23175940

I'm sorry anon.
You don't have to have sex to lead a good life though.

>> No.23175942

> Business and Finance
anyway, how do you even know that she is HIV positive? did she tell you after the sex or what?

>> No.23175969

In the U.S.?

>> No.23175970

normies getting btfo, hope you die from it

>> No.23175976

why even have sex fuck condoms

>> No.23175988

very unlikely. female to male transmission is extremely rare among cases with hiv positive women. more likely you just got a cold.
reminder to all anons that having sex has consequences and pick your partners carefully.

>> No.23175989

Also, sorry man. I have a date with a tinder chick tomorrow and likely having sex. This shit scares the shit out of me, BUT I GOTTA COOM

>> No.23175991

Then get tested now. I'm almost sure you don't have HIV.
If you do however, this is no cure. There are treatments that you can take so you can become Undetectable.
Undetectable means that the virus in your body is so low that you cant spread it and you wont show up positive in a test.

>> No.23175992

How does a virgin get hiv?

>> No.23176002

No condom?

>> No.23176027

>I'm almost sure you don't have HIV.
from his description so far I am not even sure if she has HIV.

>> No.23176033

HIV is a faggot disease.
The whore gave you something else.
Serious advice: submerge your dick in a mug full of hydrogen peroxide 2-3 times per week for about a month

>> No.23176041

Yeah, no condom.

>> No.23176077

It could be that actually.

>> No.23176103

Because it is over.

>> No.23176135


>> No.23176157

Sometimes people get what they deserve

>> No.23176202

Cringe. Also I think it could be Syphilis not HIV based on my research , plus this shit is random and could happen to literally anyone.

>> No.23176203

Bruh. Was the sex worth it at least?

>> No.23176237


You can't get aids from pussy anon

>> No.23176248

Quitting smoking cigarettes or pipe smoking will cause the cough and candida. The bacteria in pipes causes candida. It will eventually stop. Just drink water will lemon juice in and it will kill the candida. I had it and didnt have hiv. Just a heavy smoker that quit.

>> No.23176247

It was good, but obviously i'd prefer to be a virgin and not get get this life ruining disease.

>> No.23176265

Holy shit

>> No.23176298

It's just the herp retard or hpv, relax.

>> No.23176324

He asked a question and if you want to support anyone here, the answer would behoove everyone and serve as an example as a means of avoiding its acquisition.

>> No.23176352

Also your passive aggressive bullshit copout shows you're a worthless individual.

>> No.23176376

I quit vaping a while ago. Perhaps it could be that.

>> No.23176389


>> No.23176397

idk anon, OP makes a good case why maybe you should wear a condom.

eat shit bugchaser

>> No.23176407

Severely based and Joseph de Maistre pilled.

>> No.23176422

Or maybe don't have recreational sex with strangers in the first place.

>> No.23176541
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>> No.23176599

HIV usually takes at least 2 months before you begin "noticing something isnt right" sometimes longer than that.
doubtful you have HIV based on this alone just go to a govt health dpt and get a full panel STD test to be sure.
and always use a condom with any woman that you have not seen a recent STD panel from.

there are only 2 things in life you should never gamble with:
1) your health
2) your freedom

never forget my post youngfag, this is a very valuable lesson (You) just got for free.

>> No.23176602

Lol chill out bro. You can only get aids from gays and blacks

>> No.23176641

How many blacks you think filled that bitch up before him?

>> No.23176654


Quite unlikely to actually get HIV from heterosexual intercourse. It can happen, its just unusual.

It comes almost exclusively from buttfucking.

>> No.23176706

Or you could set some ground rules to severely mitigate the risks.

>> No.23176833

asian chicks generally dislike blacks and love whites

>> No.23176907

You don't have aids female to male transmission is more difficult and symptoms wouldn't show up immediately
You probably have something minor

>> No.23177045

Yeah, agreed.

But if she is thicc probably ghetto and involved with some brothas.

>> No.23177158

Bro you got an easy way to check out, you don't even need to kill yourself anymore.
Ayyy lmao

>> No.23177181

how thicc are we talking here?

>> No.23177201
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1584692036705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Met a thicc girl at some random chat site last year in summer

She blow me and me the idiot i am didnt use any protection while she blow me.
We fucked afterwards but i used protection.

Notice some awkward bulp on my dick a week later which disappeared after some time.

Notice a little burning while pissing earlier this year

Go to doc , do std tests = all negative, do hiv test = negative

Still got the uncomfy little burn while pissing but probably cause the fking Urology doc pressed the fucking q tip in my dick like a rabbit fucks a female rabbit ....

What do guys?
I already got antibiotics twice and it didnt help.....When i drink coffee it seems to disappear but comes back after some time...

I repeat NEVER and NEVER do a urethra Q tip probe on yourself. Do the Urinate test but not the Q tip one..

Thank me later

>> No.23177249

Google penis to vagina transmission rate mate. You probably have an std but it's very very unlikely you have the big one.

>> No.23177275

post pic
she gave u syphilis so fuck her

>> No.23177323

takes 6 months to get any viable infection confirmation testkit...

>> No.23177610

You guys understand even if you wear a condom you are not ultra protected. It's like how helmets were in WW2 for direct fire.

I honestly don't even know if HIV is even a thing...like you may juat end up gaslighting your self into believing you have it.

>> No.23177692


>> No.23177738

tell me what random chat site you used and i will help you

>> No.23177975
File: 56 KB, 597x519, 1601617187562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of the dozens in the Appstore called badoo

>> No.23177976

maybe vph

>> No.23178031
File: 27 KB, 112x112, PepeTopKek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23178052
File: 12 KB, 255x224, 1599492560866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.23178107
File: 87 KB, 550x400, 1597837506929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cause the fking Urology doc pressed the fucking q tip in my dick like a rabbit fucks a female rabbit ....
you were raped
go to the police

>> No.23178129

Hope you die OP you degenerate faggot

>> No.23178177


>> No.23178183
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, A50A2AE8-B9FB-4B73-A478-B46E61AE16A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this and use it all over your skin showers. You can also mix it with water to dilute and then use it as mouthwash (kills yeast). My ex gf gave me a systemic yeast infection that almost killed me. Women are disgusting creature with fermenting fungus genitals

>> No.23178243

It’s yeast anon. Women are filthy creatures who don’t know how to clean their own genitalia. YEAST CAN GROW EVERYWHERE IN SKIN ON YOUR BODY-

>> No.23178272

Yeast colonize your mouth. Then go down your trachea colonize everywhere if you don’t have a healthy diet / exercise / etc

>> No.23178283

You have to rape a virgin, it's the only cure

>> No.23178285

Can you actually get shit from a blowjob?

>> No.23178364

HIV doesn't exist. In fact, if you can prove that you have HIV there is a handsome sum of money with your name on it.
>inb4 plebb*t starts with their 'le science is settled' spiel

>> No.23178682

oh okay thanks, and sorry but i lied

>> No.23178751

maybe its corona.

>> No.23178910
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do i get rid of break ingredients growing on my dick ... halp

>> No.23179187


>> No.23179220

HIV wouldn't present with symptoms straight away, retard. It's more likely to be HPV or thrush or even coronavirus.

>> No.23179255

This ain't the 80s where HIV is an automatic death sentence.
Tho if you actually got it, your bank account might not make it

>> No.23179713
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, aputhumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you realize it's extremely, extremely rare to contract HIV from anything aside from taking it in the ass without a condom?
stop worrying, get tested for everything anyway

>> No.23179746

It does actually, it's called seroconversion. Lots of stis have these symptoms though and he probably has something less severe.

>> No.23179757

non-HIV here. if you worry about it too much the stress you put on yourself will manifest symptoms. chill out you're probably fine. unless you're gay.

>t. took an HIV test

>> No.23179792
File: 19 KB, 400x400, trumpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably actually covid-19.