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23174468 No.23174468 [Reply] [Original]

Mike Morhaime quit Acti-Blizz so he could co-found a new gaming company

A lot of ex-blizzard employees have joined him and so people are naturally getting hyped calling it "Blizzard 2.0".
It's a company called Dreamhaven which is supposed to be the "DNA of old school Blizzard".
Dreamhaven owns two new studios called Moonshot Games and Secret Door.

What do you guys think?
Invest early?

>> No.23175500

this is huge

>> No.23175526

Mike is the kike that sold out to Activision. fuck this retard, ruined a generation of idiots and the games with his greed

>> No.23175534

Are they public yet? They have an IPO/Date if they're not?

>> No.23175573
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>heroes of the storm, hearthsotne and starcraft 2 devs
>the DNA of old school Blizzard
lmao. not sure if OP is a retard who doesn't know shit about games or is just baiting for this exact reply.

They are going to develop games for twitch obsessed zoomers and nothing else.

>> No.23175596

If they make money who the fuck cares?

>> No.23175601

so now we have two blizzards and both are shit

>> No.23175626

Who cares? The entire industry is full of cucks and onions boys. They would rather suck giant black dick instead of making a good video game.

You better believe that this new studio won't be any different. It will be full of diversity hires, BLM advocates, and women who don't know how to use a computer.

>> No.23175705

What makes you think they are going to make money?

Have you not paid attention to the market the last 5 years? 99% of these games that target the zoomer twitch audiences fail. Extremely few of them get any success. And even fewer have LASTING success.

Even Amazon got BTFO chasing after this audience

>> No.23175707

Seriouspost how many times has "ex-blizzard vets quit and make their own studio" EVER lead to a successful studio that even puts out even one good game? And those were the true vets that made games like diablo 2.

>> No.23175756 [DELETED] 

just imagine all the majesty of the universe and human creation reduced all the way down to the arbitrary metrics of biological phenotype

this is the state of academia, media, and the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people, who have been gaslit to the point that they quite literally experience every aspect of reality through the lens of race and sex

>> No.23176646

Anyone have a buy in date?

>> No.23176667
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I'm so tired of these people. This popped up when trying to play battlefield 4 the other day

>> No.23176684


>> No.23176690

Never, they made a shit FPS mmo few years back, already forgot the name. Was boring as fuck and a huge failure.

>> No.23176733

wtf. fuck this world. gamer gate 2.0 on the horizon

>> No.23176763

>And those were the true vets that made games like diablo 2
Please don't talk about hellgate london. I had put it out of my mind.

>> No.23176772
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>Moonshot Games
if this is not bullish i don't know what is

>> No.23176904
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>Even Amazon got BTFO chasing after this audience
Amazon hasn't even released New World yet.
It got delayed from August 25th, 2020 to Spring 2021.

They can delay it until 2025 for all I care, as long as the product I get in my hands can compete with the likes of WoW and Runescape 2.

>> No.23177028

Those are not the devs who made Diablo or diablo 2.

>> No.23177157

>Almost exclusively Hearthstone personnel

Eh, I'll pass.

>> No.23177205


Maybe Amazon gets rekt because they are going to dive into a whole new industry.

>> No.23177631

I started pirating in 1991 and I will go to my grave without paying a cent for software

>> No.23177724

Thanks for breaking it down.

I started on Warcraft II, and will play Warcraft III until the end of my days.

>> No.23177755
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The whole point of them starting a new studio was to ensure private control on development. I highly doubt they will take this public any time soon.