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23171118 No.23171118 [Reply] [Original]

About to put 10k into crypto, what should my portfolio look like?

70% BTC, XMR, LINK, 30% DeFi


70% DeFi, 30% BTC, XMR, and LINK?

>> No.23171130

Look into Loki instead of that gen xmer

>> No.23171160

You are missing out on YFPI. About to explode hop in before it’s late

>> No.23171187

100% AVAX!

>> No.23171232


>> No.23171288

Why not sample the world's FIRST indexed deflationary token? STATERA
It's part of a fund which contains BTC, LINK, ETH & SNX.
When they go up, Statera is bought to balance the pool.
When Statera goes up, the others are then bought to balance the pool.
With it also being deflationary (1% of every transaction is burnt) this induces a constant positive price pressure.

https://stateratoken.com/ (the youtube vid works even though it looks like it doesn't, site is cuirrently being worked on)

The project is only 4 months old, and has now bottomed out after its latest pump. There's a whole host of new stuff on the way, including a dashboard to make access and understanding of the whole ecosystem much more smooth :)

>> No.23171328

I bought around 1k usd worth yesterday actually. STA might definitely be one of my DeFi picks, still need help figuring out my portfolio though.

>> No.23171336
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BTC, XMR, ETH holy trinity. Something like 50-25-25 or whatever but I would hold minimum 50% BTC. Shitcoins are only for increasing these stacks

>> No.23171358

How do you feel about LINK anon? And BTC SV?

>> No.23171400

100% KIF will make you a millionaire in a month

>> No.23171420

dude I said Loki why aren't you replying

>> No.23171527

I have no idea what Loki is, queue me in?

>> No.23171544
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yet to have seen anything implemented or usage in LINK to justify it's price. but if it can maintain and grow its cult following without dumping too much of the supply on holders I can it can continue to grow. I've used it to increase my stack in my core portfolio it's been good to keep my fingers on the pulse of where the momentum is swinging

>> No.23171569

LINK has yet to prove that it's not just another shitcoin. If you believe in it, go for it.

As >>23171336
said, these 3 holdings are the safest bets, but I'd probably hold something like 80/15/5 BTC/ETH/XMR