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23170616 No.23170616 [Reply] [Original]

>my real life will begin soon
how do you guys cope with this feeling? everyday is exactly the same and my youth is slowly ticking away

>> No.23170726

By not being a faggot who lurks here 12 hours a day and actually living my life. Things will change once you get money, but not everything, and if you aren't doing anything with yourself at all for the time being, you'll just end up a hedonistic disaster and kill yourself.

For things you can do while poor, reading and getting /fit/ are both excellent choices, outdoor hobbies are also good (small amount of vidya won't kill you just don't fuck with mmo's). Just because investing is the smartest way to get your wealth where you want to be doesn't mean the rest of your life has to be a passive waiting game.

>> No.23170740

You can't get fit when you're poor, especially now that gyms are all shut down. You pretty much need a house that's big enough for a home gym and the money to buy all the equipment.

>> No.23170812

stop being so reactionary in your life, stop waiting for things to happen, go out there and MAKE them happen. We live in a dimension where you need to use will power to get anything done, your life isn't a movie where you get to just sit there and everything comes to you.

>> No.23170834

Where do you live? I'm in a highly populated city in south FL and not only have gyms been open for months they even changed it so you don't have to keep a mask on while working out now. Not to mention you can still get a lot of shit done with body weight exercises unless you're already huge, a pull-up bar costs 20 bucks, the only thing you're lacking is a good leg exercise.

>> No.23170862

You have peter pan syndrome. Read up on Carl jung and the puer. You have to start living in the now, today.

>> No.23170870

I just did 6mths on a frozen island research station where most days were too wild to stay outdoors. On good days I'd jog but mainly I used a pocket monkii to train with my own body weight. On their site it tells you how to make a free version if you can't afford one

>> No.23170901

if you need to cope you're ngmi

>> No.23170927

all you unironically need is to buy two fucking dumbbells

>> No.23170975

These are all good answers, and most of these truths I'm already well aware of. I often get into my own head about these kind of things. Not to blogpost, but to at least give some context, I've had most of my major life decisions made for me since my parents were control freaks. Then I joined the Army where not much changed and I just got out a few months ago. So I'm on my own for the first time and I have no real direction.

>> No.23170983

its not because of the stupid fucking home gym its because of the food that you cant afford. To eat so much you need to have money to sustain it and if you are big you have to eat like a horse to sustain those macros

>> No.23171015

We've all been there, only thing you can do is pick a path and start walking it. Think of it another way, if you were this indecisive with your investments, you wouldn't even have hopes of making it, because you'd have never committed the kind of money needed to risky investments. Think of life the same way, except instead of clicking buttons, you have to invest yourself. Yeah it sounds fucking gay but it works.

>> No.23171027

a human male needs about 80-100 grams of protein a day, you can consume them with a normal diet

>> No.23171058
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wow that was the most defeatist faggot shit I've ever heard. you're never gonna amount to anything with that attitude.

>> No.23171067

Thanks anon, that actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.23171157
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>> No.23171177
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NAHhhhhhhhhhhhh who am I kidding. Daniel wouldn't be here. Unless he was. In case... that'd.. Idont...

>> No.23171340

Shut up and buy some dumbbells for 50$, if you can't even afford that I'm seriously concerned

>> No.23171482
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>>>/fit/ has a Calisthenics General. No gym equipment, all body weight. What's your next excuse?

>> No.23171790

try double that manlet, im 194cm 90kg i need to consume 200g of protein daily, that expense add up