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23169171 No.23169171 [Reply] [Original]

>good job
>lots of saving in stock and crypto
>still not happy

What's the secret to happiness? I'm spirallng downwards

>> No.23169205

if i dont eat sugar i get a depression

>> No.23169266

A family

>> No.23169270


>> No.23169278

I don't have a gf

>> No.23169307
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Just admit your gay for black tranny bbc

>> No.23169320

Learn to be content with life whatever your current circumstances.

If you're waiting for some material goal to be accomplished, like X amount of net worth, or having 5 lambos etc.. You're always going to be sad.

Stop thinking that you're going to get any "relief" or "finality" from life itself. That only comes at death. Stop wishing for "it" to end. It never will.

Taking a break from whatever you're currently doing and going to do something else for a few weeks or maybe even months can be a good way to gain perspective when you're constantly stuck in the same thought patterns. Or just take 5g of mushrooms, realize you're not actually as strong a person as you could be and then turn your life around from there.

>> No.23169335

Actual level of degen psyops shilling on this board is insane. Fuck off back to palestine.

>> No.23169373

I want to try mushrooms but no one I know does drugs

>> No.23169598

That you focused on the drug taking part of my thesis tells me that you're not ready or willing to change yourself, so drugs will only make whatever is afflicting you right now much worse.

You need to want to change, and you'll need to put in the effort yourself, drugs won't do anything magical or suddenly put your life on a different or positive trajectory. You need to be at that point already.

>> No.23169616
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Eternal salvation
A meaningful life needs 2 things
Love and faith
Now say amen to be blessed be eternal gains

>> No.23169684
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happiness comes from having just enough challenge in life to keep it interesting and distracting but not so much that you become miserable
Or you can look at it like a slot machine. If life's rewards come to you at a steady rate, but with unpredictable timing, you will be content to keep pulling that handle.

>> No.23169789

Get saved and you will have peace of mind and forgiveness for your sins.


>> No.23170017

Wise words

>> No.23170048

Family. I chased knowledge, money, power and social status for decades and am surrounded by things & people that leave me feeling empty.

>> No.23170054
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Happiness comes from the mind learn to control your mind (meditation training) and you have a chance to understand and accept both happiness and sorrow

>> No.23170075

There is only working towards happiness. If you feel you can't cope. Talk to a mental health professional.

>> No.23170079

>lonely incel
>hurr durr why me no happy
dunno man, just play more video games and make more money that will sure help ;)

>> No.23170085

make some content to youtube
code some apps
trade crypto
go to a prostitute amd smell her stinky feet

>> No.23170145
File: 125 KB, 1280x853, Above Montesinho (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiness is something you notice when you're doing something else, that is either novel, or challenging. The longer you live, the easier it is to find challenging things than novel things.

Also check brain chemicals and vitamins.

>> No.23171032

staking VRA?

i'm not that happy either...things are tough rn

>> No.23171430

Take some vitamin D and go get a hobby where you socialize.

>> No.23171448


>> No.23171508

Trust me DO NOT DO DRUGS. It could help but it’s not worth the risk. I took 250mg LSD the other day and it fucked with my head so bad and I started freaking out and called 911 so I wouldn’t have a heart attack. I’m still super anxious 3 days later

>> No.23171577

pay me and i can be your life coach

>> No.23171595


>> No.23171614

What's your diet like?

>> No.23171837
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hang in there fren

>> No.23172122

Get a family and work out regular.

It's what I do and I feel happy.

>> No.23172149

Meaningful work.

>> No.23172807

You kinda sound like a pussy. The first time I did LSD I took 400 mg. I was tripping hard as fuck and it felt like time was frozen. I don't think that you would harm yourself or freak out on 200 mg OP. Maybe if you are a manlet.
However I would prefer magic mushrooms, to learn something. But in the end it's all fucking nonsense.
I have done it all. All kind of drugs. Heavy alcohol consumption, psychedelics, Ecstasy, weed, Cocaine, you fucking name it.
I fucked drunk bitches at 6 am in the middle of the city outside in front of some house entrance. I fucking traveled around to world to fuck more exotic pussy, with more or less success.
I read books about self development.
I have done it all. I tried to cope with good friends and a big social circle.
But nothing made me happy for much longer than a few weeks max and then I fell back into this state of emptyness and unhappyness.
All of that while studying.
And then I came across >>23169616
And it truely changed my life in ways I can't explain. I didn't read the bible and hoped for anything, but I did a lot of research and realized that Jesus is real. And I confessed and repented with my heart and asked for his help.
And he changed me over night.
My extreme lust was gone, my cooming addiction gone. The holy spirit changes you from the inside out.
So that is your answer.
And realize, that is coming from someone who already planed out to go on a whore and drug binge after the next bullrun

>> No.23172883

If you are being honest and you're financially settup already for success just recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

Find what appeals to you and work towards it as in a career path. The money will follow. It sounds cliche but its true.

>> No.23172906

Take a month off and see how you feel.

>> No.23172942

>You kinda sound like a pussy. The first time I did LSD I took 400 mg. I was tripping hard as fuck and it felt like time was frozen. I don't think that you would harm yourself or freak out on 200 mg OP.
Bro people react differently to drugs, relax. Doesn’t make someone a pussy and it doesn’t make someone badass if they took a lot of some drug. In fact it mostly makes them stupid.

>> No.23172955

exercise daily, have a hobby that doesnt involve greed. greed is the personality trait of brain rot.