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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23167433 No.23167433 [Reply] [Original]

What do you even buy with your cryptocurrency?

>> No.23167437

rugs with string attached to them

>> No.23167448
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I transfer crypto into my bank account every week to buy groceries

>> No.23167466

even more cryptocurrency

>> No.23167496

Real money. Hopefully more than the amount used to purchase your internet arcade tokens in the first place.

>> No.23167500

A new penis

>> No.23167510

Assassin hits

>> No.23167515

more crypto, duh

>> No.23167517

I buy my steroids and whatever I want on Amazon mostly. Almost bought a 90s miata in good condition on Craigslist but it sold before I had made up my mind. Most fun I ever had test driving and even had the hard top. Btc went up a good bit since then so I don't feel too bad over it. What do you buy with it?

>> No.23167591

Spending money on roids and depreciating assets like cars only bought for flexing purposes, you sound like a colossal faggot

>> No.23167649

You buy steroids from the spoopy web?

>> No.23167677

You can't really flex with roids or a miata. One you have to keep secret and the other is a miata. You do them for fun. What good is money if all you do is sit on it? Now that's the definition of a faggot. Enjoy being a skinny runt and driving something boring but expensive I guess.

>> No.23167687

Clearnet, it's just hormones. A risk maybe but not much.

>> No.23167720

More cryptocurrencies. I love watching the numbers go up but I never spend any money or upgrade my life. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in crypto, but live in my car. I am incredibly lonely and just want a gf

>> No.23167927

I don't, I will use Union to keep my fiat safe. UNN geyser too? sign me the fuck up.

>> No.23168230

this nigga poor, lurk more fagget

>> No.23168298

It’s p2p you can buy or trade anything for it without anyone knowing. There’s even an ATM you can actively take part in the trade if you want to say buy a set of weights of Craigslist, if you’re selling something on Craigslist or buying there’s a box you can tick that you can filter. It’s essentially cash without the inflation with benefits of being electronic so you can still buy from Amazon if you gotta have your 3080. Very basic rundown of the uses of it compared to cash and banks, is it practical? Idk but it’s better than the system in place, ofc there’s going to be the idiot that somehow manages to ruin it for everyone so take advantage while you can.

>> No.23168307

I buy drugs and vpn

>> No.23168337

peace of mind

>> No.23168356

Where can I buy that?

>> No.23168380

Access to a vagina

>> No.23168384

serenity, knowing the value of my work is safe

>> No.23168389


>> No.23168405
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a nigger

>> No.23168435

There will only ever be 21 million whole bitcoin. Bitcoin is devisable to 16 decimal places or something like that, but still, the total amount is fixed and impossible to change.

You buy a ticket to generational wealth when you buy bitcoin, because it is digital gold. Better than gold, actually, because we can't just drag an asteroid with a trillion tons of bitcoin to the moon and mine it for the next 300 years if we want more.

Bitcoin isn't for spending. It's for holding as the rest of the world figures out what stateless electronic peer to peer cash means.

You only need 1 to be in the top 1%. The entire fraudulent crypto space exists to seperate retail speculators from bitcoin by convincing them to exchange their bitcoin for worthless tokens or alternative crypto which has no reason to exist and has the functionality of software that should be free.

>> No.23168444

Do you have schizophrenia?

>> No.23168452

Now this is fucking based.

>> No.23168461

bitrefill right into walmart giftcards usually. get some grocerys and maybe some minor things.

then maybe don't live in your car and have a respectable image. God asspies are so tiresome.

>> No.23168568

Let me guess, you are "invested" into catpoop.finance? It's going to "the moon"?

>> No.23168575

No wait, it's zuchinni.finance! 237% apr!

>> No.23168592

Fiat, people who think the current generation of crypto will somehow replace fiat are retarded. If your beloved downfall of old school economy happens we're going back to bartering.

>> No.23168611

I took out a few hundred to gamble with last night :^)

>> No.23168624

Errr shit zucchini finance just rugpulled. There is hope in the new crableg.finance! Delicious crab legs 455% apr! Become a CRAB MARINE now!! Crabbies ASSEMBLE!

>> No.23169195

ticket out of slavery

>> No.23169208
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more shitcoins

buying ZORA in Q4 will probably be the best financial decision anyone can ever make
