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23166033 No.23166033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All they had to do is stay home and wear a mask. How can red states be this idiotic?

Watch the full animation here:


>> No.23166044

The Floridian cases were vacationing New Yorkers

>> No.23166127
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>Are Republicans this retarded?
>All they had to do is stay home and wear a mask. How can red states be this idiotic?

>> No.23166135

i literally could not care less about america

>> No.23166164

>viruses spread
now show the death rates, the only thing that matters

>> No.23166175

I hope you die

>> No.23166186

Fuck you bitch

>> No.23166211

>meanwhile in reality, governor coumo forced covid-19 positive patients into nursing homes, and killed 30,000 grandmothers.

>> No.23166219

Oh no a cold that you have to be tested for to even know if you have it that 99.97 percent of people survive. If you believe you're at risk for this then you're retarded.

>> No.23166255
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>t. Herman Cain

>> No.23166269

Blue states are just postponing the inevitable. Red states and taking it like chads and not giving a fuck. Kys reddit tourist

>> No.23166283

Jannies do your fucking job and get this communist retard out of here

>> No.23166289

Same with Comrad Murphy and NJ has the worst survival rate for COV-19 still in the nation

>Not even allowed to vote in person on a machine unless you are disabled

Schools in the state have 1000x more security than the voting system now

>> No.23166296

Fucking this. People living in NYC act like it's great there when Rick Morranis can't even walk down the street without getting punched by some dindu.

>> No.23166307

Have a nice 3 day vacation OP

>> No.23166314

I caught it and recovered. Nbd, only causes problems in morbidly obese, geriatrics, and niggers with diabetes superimposed on renal and heart failure. I work in a covid ICU. This shit is the biggest joke in the last hundred years. Same mortality as DKA, something we see all the time in the SE US. It kills less than the flu unless you cook the books a little. And cook we did considering how insanely profitable this hoax is. Despite some of our worst census numbers in years across the board from ED visits to scheduled surgeries profits vastly exceeded our target range for FY2020 breaking records. I'm expecting a nice bump again for L&D thanks to the lockdown lust bumps that are soon ripe for harvest.
We skipped the drug approval process for Remdesivir despite Gilead shilling the fuck out of it for everything they can semi-shoehorn it to fit with. They got a nice payday from all this too because prior to the Chinese virus fiasco they were shot down every time they applied. No change in mortality rates so it hardly even works. The plasma was effective but it's not standardized and many patients got bunk cp just because the donor was a weak bitch that couldn't make antibodies while others got dope shit that fixed them right up. It's not standardized and blood bank doesn't even look at antibody concentration before releasing to determine if it's a good bag or not. You can get the only demonstrated treatment that skipped all ethics and processes before a drug is approved but it's luck of the draw whether the dose you get is worth a shit.

>> No.23166327


>> No.23166357

This is a White supremacist board. Get the fuck out

>> No.23166382

I would leave if I could.

>> No.23166399

How obese are we talking here? Like 30-50lbs overweight or blimps?

>> No.23166422

AmericaN conservatives= blimps

>> No.23166450

Oh yea because there's no fat black/hispanics/feminists.

>> No.23166476
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>> No.23166499
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>> No.23166533

My youngest covid was a 25yo AA F at 225kg. Most were either 60s and 70s or 40s and 50s how do you even wipe tier. The Rotoprone beds we use have a weight limit of 160kg so it's kind of funny. The ones who need it the most won't fit. You want to piss off a nurse write manual proning orders every 8hrs. Helps them to believe you when saying we're accepting o2 sats of 85% in the future at least.

>> No.23166583

I'm in my 30s and am about 94kg. I have been walking every day and I'm terrified I'm going to get killed by this shit. Popping vit D, C, and magnesium every day along with regular multis and fish oil to try and turn my life around but fuck, I need a gym badly but I'm also worried thats where I'll catch it because the world is an ironic piece of shit.

>> No.23166622

That info graphic-
How many states are there again? And why not look at cases per capita instead of # cases?

/Pol/ bullshit even discounting faulty tests and incentives to misdiagnose.

>> No.23166653

It is cases per capita. Watch the animation.

>> No.23166695

Republican states have much higher obesity and poverty rates So it’s not that surprising that they are being hit the most I guess

>> No.23166697

nice. based and redpilled. not scared of the sniffles. gigachads. the backbone of our country

>> No.23166775

I'm 80kg and 30s, honestly the worst part was the headaches which were quite bad. Sats never dropped or anything. Lots of coworkers who got it were asymptomatic. It can be bad but I temper my perception seen in patients with the laughable mortality rate and how so many I work with shrugged it off. One found out she had it because she just lost her taste one day, no other symptoms all the way up until she eventually got a negative. So many asymptomatics the hospital had to test all employees because checking Temps at the door and screening for symptoms didn't catch anyone.
Wash your hands and wear a good goy muzzle, you likely won't have any trouble. My state lifted the mask mandate so I don't even bother with that much, just legislate the virus and it goes away apparently. You should be washing hands anyway because dumb fucks everywhere go around smearing literal shit on doorknobs all the time.

>> No.23166816

Just stop worrying faggot literally nothing is going to happen to you lmao
That is a good stack though now start lifting weights and running

>> No.23166818

I do all those things and desu since the mask wearing started I haven't caught a single cold this year. I hope it sticks around because people are fucking disgusting.

>> No.23166871

Majority of even mild cases end up with hidden heart damage.
Enjoy your sudden heart attack in your 40s while trying to get it up for a hooker.

>> No.23167038

Like not even sarcastic, where did you read this?

>> No.23167039

I'm on test+tren, my hearts gonna go out before then anyway unless the roid rage writes a check my ass can't cash first. Hidden damage is a meme. It also scars your lungs and people can't climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, yet my 5km is the same as before I got it.

>> No.23167054

The “sniffles” is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.

>> No.23167092


>> No.23167630

>Since june
Did covid just start in June? So why not show that most of it is blue states back in April and May?

>> No.23167989
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libtards gonna libtard

>> No.23168012

Covid is the biggest liberal scam since the trump impeachement. They use Covid to further their socalist political agendas.

Liberals should literally all off themselves, and especially you OP you fucking sheep

>> No.23168023

is this true?

>> No.23168025

How stupid can you be? Are you a fucking doctor? Are you a scientist? No. What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to travel, read, open your mind. And for crying out loud, learn what the fuck communism and socialism are before you accuse me or anyone else of belonging to the ideologies. Pull your head out of your ass, man.

>> No.23168044

Liberals have destroyed America. Liberals are socialist scumbags. COVID is an absolute scam, death rates are significantly lower than what is reported. Mass censorship of the truth from doctors by liberal controlled google. Just shut the fuck up you retard.

>> No.23168056

absolute meme virus that npc's eat up


>> No.23168064

>we all die eventually fren.
The sooner you realize and accept that the less intimidating life becomes

>> No.23168072

Its almost like there's alot of retarded people on both sides and it isn't a simple blue team vs red team thing where one group is braindead and the other is smart and knows what's correct

>> No.23168076

yeah how will they ever get over that 99,98% survival rate.

>> No.23168085

>average age of of fatalities is 80
quick destroy the global economy and burn the constitution

>> No.23168089

>"Democrats are locking us down"
If our President acted in February; none of this would have happened.
>in;b4 no one could predict covid.

>> No.23168098

No, how stupid can YOU be? I mean, I know you're kinda stupid, but let's prove that you can be even more stupid. Death rate is pretty much same as the flu, and reinfection rate ... You know what, do you know anyone who has covid?

>> No.23168099

>actually thinking this way

>> No.23168104

President of the United States

>> No.23168113

Oh, look at that, he's cured. How stupid do you feel now?

>> No.23168150

prove it; and for brownie points try to redpill me on why 4 more years of trump will be good for cannabis and stocks related to cannabis.

>> No.23168154

covid is a hoax retards

>> No.23168167

the amount of death and pain caused by liberal fear-mongering plus the fact that they screamed racism when trump shut down flights from china and saved over 2 million lives, Pelosi shaking hands giving hugs in Chinatown, Biden accusing trump of xenophobia, if these morons were in office the death rate would be 10X and they run around blaming trump lmao. The economy was literally booming, and this fucking virus comes out of nowhere, and they blame him for all deaths and mismanagement, even though he shut down flights, even though he made deals with private companies to get more testing, liberals are so fucking stupid and pathetic it's unreal. I wish they would all fall of a cliff

>> No.23168168
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