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2315985 No.2315985 [Reply] [Original]

How do you disconnect your emotions from trading? Right now it's gotten to the point where I basically derive my entire self worth from how well my coins are doing. When they go up, I'm really happy. When they stagnate for more than a day or two, I start to get really depressed. If/when the market crashes and they go down by a lot, I'm anticipating that I'm going to become suicidal. I'm not even memeing, I really think I might kill myself if crypto crashes because I have nothing else going for me in life.

>> No.2316017

you've got too much on the line if it's swinging your mood so much.

>> No.2316023

That's good though, you don't want to be a mindless idiot smiling while you descend into hell.
The euphoria you get from making gains should drive you to make more gains and do better, and the feeling you get from doing bad should make you strive to avoid that.

>> No.2316057
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Crypto trading reminds me a lot of playing poker. The emotional investment, the swings. Training yourself to have faith in your decisions and their expected future value is recommended, along with an iron stomach.

>> No.2316060

Never get in with anything you can't afford to lose.

>> No.2316070
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>he still has a feeling of self worth

you're in the wrong place, kiddo

>> No.2316097

It's really not though. I only put about $10k of my savings (out of like $40k total) into crypto and I'm already up to $60k since last month, but I just feel like if the market crashes I will have forever lost my opportunity to ever be successful and there won't be anything worth living for anymore.

>> No.2316127

i was buying the dip this morning until suddenly my account got deactivated cuz my checking accout which had 30k a month ago went into the negatives without me realizing it

transferred 5k from another acct immediately but it was a wakeup call

i basically have 3 full pages of only coinbase purchases on my statement

how has it only been a month?????

>> No.2316156

i feel immense pressure and stress. basically ive amounted to nothing in life. and ive been presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity for financial gains. but theres a small timeline i feel. i cant just ""hold" , theres not enough time for that. i feel like i have 6 months - 1 year to get 10x gains. so its a race against the clock every day. otherwise i will be a poor miserable wagecuck for the rest of my life. this is our one chance at freedom.

>> No.2316175

You're doing a lot better than a lot of other people are

The key is not to chase after success and instead realize that you are successful now and continue to live like someone who is successful

Also maybe you're depressed in which case it doesn't really matter how much money you have you'll still feel this way, so goggle how to goodbye depression and do what you need to do to increase your sense of self-worth

>> No.2316202

Holy shit same here I actually overdrafted my account for the first time in my life. Scooped up some cash immediately but still

>> No.2316203

The problem with bullmarkets like this one, or the tech bubble is you get people who really aren't cut out for trading trying to become traders.

That's what most of the HODLers are, bullmarket normies.

>> No.2316262

>realize that you are successful now
But I'm not successful and never have been. My job makes me think about suicide on a daily basis and has for a very long time. Crypto is supposed to be my ticket out of wagecuckery, but unless I can grow my portfolio to at least a few million (because fucking taxes are going to eat up nearly half of it), it's not going to be enough to do that. And if I have to keep living like this for the rest of my life, I will surely end up killing myself in the not so distant future.

>> No.2316263

How do you disconnect your emotions from Trading?

> First rule: Remove the money that you can not lose. You should not be using money that can be lost. This what creates emotion
> Second: Remove yourself yourself from checking every little dip. hit the 5 or 10 min mark and look at it as a whole. Is it going up or going down? This helped me reduce a lot of stress looking at it all day. It really fucks with your mind. Stop it, everyone knock that shit off. See the big picture and be ready for any news or updates.
> Third: You need to diversify your portfolio you will win and you will lose. Some people focus on 3-5 coins. I personally have close to 9 different coins a little bit of each. But the big pool is ETH 20% BTC 15%
> Forth: Split a long term plan and a short term plan for some coins. So I have some coins that are trending and I will sell them once they hit ATH and apply that to other long term and reinvest the money in to another short term investment.

This was not easy to figure out. I lost about 2k and gained 3k in just day trading. I figure day trading is NOT my thing and it was extremely stressful. I had anxiety sometimes it sucked. So I changed the game to play a more long term hold and buy and sell my short term.

You did not miss the train at all. You did miss some gains that is for sure but don't think you will be a millionaire over night. Everyone thinks that. It will be a few years till you see some MASSIVE gains but you could see some short term gains as well, just reapply them back to the alt or take some for yourself. Do what you want. Wish you and everyone luck :)

>> No.2316279

then kill yourself you faggot

god what a fucking pansy, try living in venezuela like me and only having $1k in crypto and basically $0 irl

>> No.2316290
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>> No.2316324

I'm already holding at least 30 different coins in the hopes that one of them will moon like 1000x in the next few weeks/months. So far the only one that's done well enough is DGB and I regret not putting more into it at the beginning.

>> No.2316337

Pull out your 60k

Put 10k back in. That way you don't lose everything.

Don't get greedy. When you get greedy is when you lose it all.

>> No.2316403

Kinda get you, am in the same boat.
Wish you luck lol.

Why do you need millions though? Such an expensive life?

>> No.2316417

I don't even need the 60k though, and whether or not I lose it wouldn't make any difference, because in either case I would have to continue being a wagecuck in a shitty career that I fucking hate.

>> No.2316420

It really is though, this is just another altcoin boom like there was before.
Look at any coin from long ago, they either boomed and then stagnated for years before being started back up, or in much more common cases, boomed, dropped and then stayed at the bottom indefinitely, or even worse they got delisted.

When you can take your profits take them and reinvest SOME. If you get greedy and hold too long hoping to boom then you're going to lose everything.

>> No.2316457

I feel you. What do you do for work? Maybe you can take that 60k and use it to kickstart your own business or something.

>> No.2316494

>Why do you need millions though?
Because you can't buy a decent house in a decent neighborhood in america for anything less than $500k. And after that, at the low end, your expenses would be $50k/year just to live a basic middle class lifestyle.

>> No.2316496

I have a tendency to plough my way through these barriers. Looking back, the first time I lost $200 in 5 minutes because of a panic sell on a margin trade, I could see where it would fuck a lot of people up.

I was not happy. But I just kept on and limited the amount of money I put into anything. Devoting 100% of my mental energy to learning what mistakes I was making.

Now I can buy something with confidence and know that I'll at least break even as long as I just fucking WAIT. I stopped over reaching and on average my portfolio is showing $120+ gains every day for 3 days in a row.

I love this. I love the idea of moving money around and especially when I can feel like I'm actually staking the company that's created what I'm investing in. I love feeling like I'm going to look back at the way things are today, in 20 years, and shake my head at how different and new it was.
I love a challenge, though. Not everyone does. I can see a lot of people who aren't cut out for any part of this shit.

>> No.2316502

This 1000%. Don't gamble with more than you are comfortable losing, and trust me these coins are no different than gambling with better odds, but a crash may come and wipe you out at any time.

>> No.2316520

This shit right here.

Listen to this person.

Once you get bitten with a shitty mistake and lose your gains + 70%, you stop fucking around. If you don't, just buy some ETH and BTC and forget about it for 6 months.

>> No.2316527

protip, only trade while you're drunk
then you can enjoy the party should it go up
and just blame it on the drink if shit goes south
sober you would obviously make only good financial decisions
so no need to sudoku if it was just the beer's fault
and you are still no.1 smartest human being alive

>> No.2316540

Take $40k of that out and lock it in. With current growth you can turn $20k into $60k again with a few good moves and a week or two. Move your gains to a relatively safe market investment and by the time you retire it will have quadrupled.

>> No.2316582

Don't trade with your entire net worth do you>>2316097
>only put about $10k of my savings (out of like $40k total) into crypto and I'm already up to $60k
Then quit being a pussy. Losing $10k is called a learning experience. I lost that when I first started trading. You make it back up in a day when you become more experienced.

>> No.2316586

Day trading is hard and you always seem to miss the boat. If you sit on any of the top 10 for a few weeks you will make good returns.

>> No.2316622

Ha living is some overpriced liberal shithole. A good house in my good conservative strong economic area is maybe $250k and you can do well in the 100's. Move out of the scummy liberal dumps that are taking all your cash to fund Jamal's KFC and weed habits.

>> No.2316671

There's a reason daytrading isnt a popular job. It's stressful. All u can tell you is that you need to quit being emotional about it. Learn what you're doing. And just roll with it faggot

>> No.2316676

>$250k house in a strong economic area
Yeah no, that's definitely not possible. For $250k you're going to have your fair share of poor people living near you, no matter where you are in the US.

>> No.2316802


Glad I'm not the only poker player who's now trading crypto.

OP, play online poker and watch your pair of aces get beat by an idiot with shit. Or go on a 10,000 hand downswing even though you were playing by the book. Then trading will seem stable and sane in comparison.

>> No.2316814

Yeah ok, head to the Midwest. $250k no problem. Shit I can get a house on 40 acres a less than a mile from lake Michigan for that in farm country. No one near. In the city that is easily a comfortable house in a good suburb.

>> No.2316830

can i buy like $150 worth of ether at gemini or do i have to buy the whole coin?


>> No.2316848

I live in a $180K house half a mile from the Gulf of Mexico in a 99.7% white community and havent seen a shit skin in 12+ months in the fastest growing county within 1000 miles.

>> No.2316861

Yes you can future rich anon bro, yes you can.

>> No.2316894

Ok, if you want to live far away from society, sure, land becomes very cheap. But that would be a real boring place to live. There definitely isn't a single thriving city in America where you can buy a house for $250k that isn't in some shithole part of town near niggers or other kinds of poor people.

>> No.2316917
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Tfw I live in Toronto and the average house is 1 million CAD

Hour drive away into nearby suburbs decent houses are 600k.

3 hour drive away houses are 250k-350k

Decent condos are 450-600k but you also have to pay high condo fees on top of a mortgage

>> No.2316921

>There definitely isn't a single thriving city in America where you can buy a house for $250k that isn't in some shithole part of town near niggers or other kinds of poor people.
God you Democrats need to get out of California/Jew York more.

>> No.2316937

i typed in the amount in usd but it doesnt give me an amount in ether, only 1 eth. i just want to buy like 160 dollars worth but it shows that my order is like 1 full ether.

>> No.2316965
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I'm in my 4th year of having fallen for the STEM / electrical engineering meme.
My major is a mix of EE and CS.

At first I loved it, now I fucking loathe it. I can't imagine working as a wageslave, life is too short for this.

I put everything I had into crypto and have around 50k now, which is more than I ever had in my life.

If my portfolio is doing great I feel the endorphines rushing through me and the future looks bright.

When a coin is crashing and my portfolio drops I consider suicide because I fear of being a wageslave.

I'm 22.
Is it too late to switch majors?

Should I just get it done with so the investment in my degree wasn't for nothing?

>> No.2316967
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Here's what $850k buys you in Austin TX. I just looked it up.

>> No.2316970

chill, take some pills if ya feel the need to relax, or smoke some, think about your gains and move forward. stop being a pussy. I have way less than you and I ain't stressing, if it ain't the crypto - it's gonna be something else. you'll make it eventually.

>> No.2316972

When you type in your Usd amount it doesn't auto fill the eth field?

>> No.2317012
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no man. no

it doesnt do it. fuck

>> No.2317049

I also kinda relate poker to crypto - you have to be patient

>> No.2317053

Or just do the math and buy $160 worth

>> No.2317057

>this tbqh senpai baka

>> No.2317087

Dude. Youre just depressed. There is something bigger going on with you. Its more than just work, or the idea of it. A genuinely happy person can derive some satisfaction from a job well done, regardless of how shit tier the work is.

Id tell you, maybe you need another job, but I can tell just from the your posts youre a genuinely depressed person right now, and crypto isnt a cure, its a euphoric distraction.

Go see a Dr, because the other anon was right. No amount of crypto or money will help you famalam. 10k to 60k is an awesome return most investors would kill to get that. Get right before you realize this yourself, because you likely will play this off in your head right now.

>> No.2317135

I have $400 invested starting may 3 and I have gained only $30 so far. What the fuck am I doing wrong, everyone else is gaining like insane amounts, and I even managed to get the DGB moon. Should I stop minute trading for tiny amounts of gains? Got most of it in SC

>> No.2317159

There's no such thing as "a job well done" when you're working for somebody else. Nobody values good work, only being able to do things as fast as possible, regardless of how shitty the result is. That's part of the reason why I hate my job/career so much and want out of this fucking wagecuck hell.

>> No.2317168

Are you hodling? Or selling peaks and rebuying dips?

>> No.2317212

I've determined that I need approximately 180k post-tax in order to escape my wageslavery.

This is because that is the down payment I need to buy a 3-bedroom house and rent out the rooms to working professionals/students in my area.

The rental income from this will take care of the mortgage and leave me with enough passive income that matches about what I currently spend per month.

I only started yesterday, but I hope I can do this

>> No.2317216

I disagree, when a client tells my boss how happy they are with my work and ethic, and it results in preferential treatment, that makes me happy. Its kinda the first step in realizing your own value, to me at least.

>> No.2317220

If i were to sell, would i be able to use what ive earned immediately or is there a 3 day wait period.

>> No.2317242

When you buy and sell on exchanges like polo or bittrex, it happens right away. Those wait times are for fiat to coin or vise versa (like on coinbase). Theres validation and bank wait times that need to happen.

So when i said sell i meant, your ltc for btc for example. Then buy more ltc with your btc when it dips. Thats all instant, so long as your orders fill.

>> No.2317256
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Get fucked, lmao

>> No.2317332

It varies. On DGB I hodled, on SC I hodled a small portion for a large dip and it rose higher, but recently I've been buying low selling high except half the time I misjudge and lose small amounts. But nothing like most anons claim. We have BTC mooning practically but once it dips, as the market tends to go, most alts go way high. So I'm hodling, but it seems like most anons do miniscule BLSH and make gains larger than ISIS in the al-anbar province.

>> No.2317344

hmm thanks for the info

>> No.2317430

Where is this Utopia?

>> No.2317461

i bought 50 dollars worth of bitcoin today, it's sitting there, my plan is doubling and tripling money with meme coins and jump between waves. my rule is simple: if you see 2x in that coin, sell it now. if i double that money in a week, i wll dump half of my savings into coins.
what do you say guys?

>> No.2317477

I feel for OP, slaving away from the rest of my life is a hellish thought.

Crypto seems to be the only way out. There better be *at least* another year of this market, or else I will live with the fact that I missed the only time in my life where I could get rich

>> No.2317494

Stop watching your shit for a week. You will care less as before

>> No.2317529

That's where you're right, kiddo

>> No.2317573

-Risk Management
-Trade log
-Don't overtrade
-Don't chase your losses
-Adjust your strategies

>> No.2317674

Yeah well that's not how it works in web development. Nobody gives a shit about quality. The faster and shittier it's done, the better. That's why so many pajeets get hired in this industry these days.

>> No.2317776

Yeah you're depressed. Healthy people don't think like that.

>> No.2317794

Drink more water.

>> No.2317808

I thought I was healthy, I think a lot of healthy people think like that, they just find ways to rationalize it. Or they find jobs where the meaninglessness is more manageable, or find hobbies outside of work, stuff like that.

>> No.2317825

I agree with this, don't watch it for a little while.

Also make sure that you're only spending what you can afford losing. Then when you stop watching for a week you're safe. Also with cryptocurrency the real gains are usually in holding rather than daytrading so as long as you're careful things can work out.

>> No.2317853

Lol, try Gulf Shores, Alabama for better deals.

>> No.2317883

Gulf Shores/Orange Beach Alabama.

>> No.2317914

I don't think healthy people think like that. Usually you know you're working towards something and you get pleasure in realizing you're getting closer to it.
I'm not saying you need to find intrinsic value in the specific work you're doing, but you should find value in the fact that you're doing work.
Hobbies obviously help, but one of the signs of depression is being disinterested, so if you're having trouble finding a hobby the odds are even higher that you're depressed.
Also the level of resentment I'm hearing doesn't sound healthy. Lots of people work dead end jobs and don't talk about killing themselves unless they make a windfall on an investment.
You seem angry about the whole concept of work, and just angry about having a job you don't like.
I'd do some serious personal digging and sort myself out if I were you, and I'd consider talking to a professional just in case.

>> No.2317955

He said a conservative area, not Austin TX

He's right that 250k will get you a decent house in many parts of the country

>> No.2317970

Learn how to use stops.

>> No.2318009

That's because lots of people have friends and a girlfriend and other people that they care about. I don't have nor want any of those things, so money is the only thing I really care about at this point.

>> No.2318015


>> No.2318043

Yeah I have been looking for other work so you're right about that. I got a job offer and was ready to put in my two weeks notice about a month ago, but then the company offering the job backed out last minute (even though I had the offer in writing). So now I'll be looking again to find another one.

Otherwise my attitude before was pretty similar but I wasn't so eager to leave since it wasn't as bad, I just try to find some balance between what I do that's meaningful and what I do to get money to give me freedom to do something meaningful.

>> No.2318214

>remove emotion

Honestly, you've got to lose it all at least once.

I sold a bunch at 40 waiting for the dip. Before that I got scammed at bitcoinity. Probably lost a total of 15btc due to online wallets doing exit scams (btc was sub 10 back then)

Once you lose everything, you see that life goes on. Level up those hands and heart to steel ingots

>> No.2318309
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OP, you are quite literally playing the game to break out of the matrix. If you lose you will literally fry your life away as a wagecuck.

You are not trading to be happy in your future. You are not trading to drive a lambo. You are not trading for a hot wife.

You are trading to survive. There is no emotion in survival, only instincts.

Best of luck. Honestly.

>> No.2318387

It makes me feel even dumber than i really am. I lost 40% of my bankroll in one day investing in shitcoins while being on xanax

>> No.2319431


I've kept scrupulous records over 3 months of crypto and I've had a similar hard time as you as far as emotions in crypto, and what I'd recommend is making investments and just walking away from the PC , don't look at prices, just let it ride for, well, a month. Maybe a week, but I think you are really safe with a month.

As far as my records show, I have a daily and a nightly average. The nightly average is basically the time between I go to sleep and when I wake up.

Guess what, the nightly average outperforms the daily average by 4:1. That is, I'm a 3x better trader when I'm unconscious.

If your emotions are out of control and you know it, you're doing things like selling short, buying tops, hedging against the charts.

Apart from this fact, my results rated against what I would have earned simply buying and holding, no selling, show that I threw away about 10x my actual gains.

If you are not happy with the trading results, you should step away from the market and just be holding. Harder than it sounds, of course.

>> No.2319587

Hey anon, I have a proposal. Help me get the hang or send me in the right direction for crypto trading.

In return I'll help your mental health and be your friend give you the tips I've been using to beat depression and not put my eggs all in one basket.