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>> No.23157876

first bitches

>> No.23157885

first for GME short sale restriction on monday and WKHS hype moon

>> No.23157886
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>> No.23157887

Nothing can stop what's cooming next monday, GME bros

>> No.23157891

nth for OPTT

>> No.23157895
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Red-pill me /BIZ/ why am I wrong?

>> No.23157898
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Pumped and dumped a few calls lol

>> No.23157899

Won't TQQQ end up more valuable than QQQ? What happens then? A split?

>> No.23157904

We killed the hype, if you think their GPUs are going to do well buy the cheapies, If not buy the post gpu rip and hold till November 5th

>> No.23157905
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>have to wait 3 whole fucking days before I get to see shorts blow their fucking brains out

>> No.23157910
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>> No.23157909
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goddamn if i would've just all-in'd ARKK when I started in June I'd be up near 24% (as opposed to being up 16%). kind of want to just do that now and let go of the whole day trading act kek

>> No.23157930
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>> No.23157937


>> No.23157938

In hindsight it was pretty dumb to get GME calls after a 40% rise. At least I didn’t blow up my account by going all in kek

>> No.23157941

based, thanks for using my pic in the in the OP fellow GMEr

>> No.23157946

My college is so fucking gay, genuine Marxist professors
I'm taking a dumb pop culture class (for my general ed) and we're focusing on romantic comedies rn
Here's what he says about the ideology in them:
>Ideology: Heterosexual, white couple, with widened perspective which includes blacks and gays. Note: None has tried to suggest that monogamy is an outmoded concept. Capitalist society has relied on monogamy for its stability as well as procreation for its continuance.

>> No.23157947

Someone tell me about why it dropping 10% will make it moon Monday

>> No.23157948


>GME -10.90%
>The SSR restricts short-sales on a stock that has declined in price by 10 percent or more from the previous day’s close.
>Once triggered, the SSR remains in effect until the end of the following trading day. The rule applies to all equity securities whether traded on an exchange or over the counter.

So Monday can be interesting....

>> No.23157954

TQQQ has already been split 5 times

>> No.23157958

>20/20 Hindsight only 8% more

Based humble trader, you'll make it

>> No.23157961

we’re literally going to be at 11.95 all after hours

>> No.23157967

Is Citigroup a good buy to hedge my portfolio

>> No.23157975

Does it happen when the prices are the same or what?

>> No.23157982


>> No.23157983

>your professor is right tho

>> No.23157984
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>> No.23157985

Even if Trump were to agree to a 2.2 bill, there's no chance it'll get through the Senate
>"I'd like to see us rise above that like we did back in March and April, but I think that's unlikely in the next three weeks."
>"McConnell has said that there are members of his GOP majority who think the government has already provided enough stimulus."

>> No.23157987
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>> No.23157990
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>closed above $12, all those calls get exercised
>closed just below -10%, triggering short sale rule
im literally going to nut in my fucking hand

>> No.23157995

65 million volume made it look like a squeeze, but in hindsight it should have been clear it was nothing when AH was only +5%-10% at most.
Outstanding shares probably still around 130 million shares

>> No.23157997

I have insider info

>> No.23157999

what in the actual fuck does this have to do with stonks

>> No.23158000

It won't. At most it'll return to where it was (~14) in early November.

>> No.23158006

Name one society that hasn't relied on procreation for it's continuance

>> No.23158007

A 2.2 bill with all the poison pills*

>> No.23158012

not if there's no news

>> No.23158015
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>> No.23158019
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>You have -$110.65 in pending activity
>On a $3800 portfolio

>> No.23158020
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>> No.23158022

clf after hours cheapies

>> No.23158027


>> No.23158034
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We dumpin ABEO on Monday bros? I think its done.

>> No.23158041

To be fair, name one society that hasn't been essentially reliant on the principles of exchange which drive capitalism (as understood by normies).
Your prof is accidentally right because he acknowledges that monogamy is the ongoing precondition of civilization.

>> No.23158046

the amount of work going into the GME fudding today, here and everywhere else, is honestly hilarious.

>> No.23158048
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I'm not buying your mindgames, Cohen anon

>> No.23158052
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How much did you lose this week AMDbros?

>> No.23158055
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What the fuck is this true?
I can't buy and sell as many times as I want?

>> No.23158056

Seems like they just try to keep the price from getting too high over $100. I think the firm proshares just does it when they feel like it.

>> No.23158058

Well games are going to be more expensive. Jacked to $70. I thought it was fucking insane when it was 50 per.. Thank god I'm outta that form of entertainment. (I like my classics better)

>> No.23158061


jews oujewing other jews

>> No.23158062


>> No.23158063

GME is the easiest hold of my life and the one stock I don't get weak hands for.
Based on book value and customer data alone someone buying this company for $1 billion is $15.35 per share.
If Ryan Cohen turns the company around and sells it for $2 billion that's $30.69 per share.
If Ryan Cohen *really* turns the company around and sells it for $3 billion like Chewy that's $46.04 per share.

>> No.23158064

Citi is a bit of a value trap. They’re not a terrible bank but there needs to be willingness on the part of investors to push the price up. JPM, GS, and to a lesser extent MS are better banks. Regionals are also interesting, but they don’t have the diversified businesses and trading desks like the former.

>> No.23158066

>Your prof is accidentally right because he acknowledges that monogamy is the ongoing precondition of civilization.
Sure, but the way he frames it is that it's sort of exclusive to capitalism

>> No.23158068
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>up huge this week

>> No.23158070


>> No.23158076

SEC here. Its too protect the public. We hope you understand.

>> No.23158080

That was me withdrawing weed money for the weekend. So i can buy more cannabis from my CURLF and TCNNF

>> No.23158083

Bought at the start of October, sold the top today, then shorted it immediately after, then closed at the bottom and rebought at $83 with gains secured.

>> No.23158086

Except they literally had to steal another city's women to mate with or else they would perish

>> No.23158087

BIG coom

>> No.23158089
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But what if there will be no stimulus?

>> No.23158100

I sold today. Walked out with a nice wad. Rolled most into more C. Yeah holding could've paid off more but hell I was looking at over 30% gains as it was so I was like fuck it I'm out.

>> No.23158101


>> No.23158104

how the fuck do I get around it on Fidelity?

>> No.23158105

DPHC and JE are lit

>> No.23158113

sure, but it should be clear now that this isn't a November play anymore
short sellers are NOT going to cover based on hype alone
only share buybacks, re-introducing dividends, or a shareholder vote will make them cover
im going to go back to just setting price alerts and forgetting about GME for now

75 million volume today though, it's like we had 10 days of trading today

>> No.23158114

Apologize for what? That you have spent over 12 hours making these forced memes? I am up over 500% in calls overall since buying in late August. I don’t care about one shitty day. Guess I’m coping though :^)

>> No.23158123

I had +£50 in gains before it was killed. Now just barely +£4. I bought more stocks though.

>> No.23158128
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it is CURRENTLY undervalued
>2020 revenue: 6.47B
>2020 expenses: 4.56B
>2020 gross income: 1.91B
>2020 market cap: 783.25M (AT CURRENT SHARE PRICE)
upcoming/ongoing catalysts:
>reggie on the board
>closing down losing stores to free up lease money
>new console generation
>ryan cohen
>michael burry
>microsoft partnership (added revenue and exposure)
and last but not least
>the fucking short squeeze

>> No.23158133

Cannastocks go up with

>> No.23158144

GME just partnered up with one of the largest tech companies in the world, Mircosoft, if you really sold or didn't buy more on today's dip, I feel fucking sorry for you, most likely $30 by end of year

>> No.23158149
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did some whale set us up for maximum COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMING?

>> No.23158150

You should be angry that """""pop culture class""""" even exists. Your kike fuck university is literally stealing money from you. Shit like this is why college has become such a waste.

>> No.23158158
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>> No.23158161

Thank you for understanding. You will need to have $25,000 or more in order to avoid the restrictions. For more information please see our website

Maybe open accounts at multiple brokerages?

>> No.23158170

>sure, but it should be clear now that this isn't a November play anymore
Yeah, it was obviously an October play lmao

>> No.23158171
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Honestly should have expected the dip after a 40% jump in a day

>> No.23158172

... what?

>> No.23158175

I just bought $500 in Bitcoin, what color lambo should I get?

>> No.23158178

Some new games were $70 back in the Genesis and SNES days

>> No.23158180


>> No.23158181

Cope what?
I didn't buy the top today like a FOMO retard

>> No.23158185


>> No.23158190

You get 25k in your account

>> No.23158192

There won't be. House was already emergency recalled for the post office debacle, and they passed this 2.2 trillion bill with all the poison pills
>halt to deportations of illegal immigrants
>stimulus checks to illegal immigrants
>voter ID illegal nationwide
>requirements for all States for the election
The Senate just had coronavirus cases spike causing McConnell to end the sessions other than for Barrett confirmation. All focus is now on trying to get Barrett confirmed
There will be no stimulus - this is just Trump & Pelosi posturing to try and make it look like it's the other sides fault, or at least, not their fault
I saw a comment that made me laugh "Fancy Nancy knows when she has the reins"
Right now, it would not be politically savvy to pass a stimulus - things should get worse, not better, before the election (in her mind)

>> No.23158199
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>tfw $32 worth of QQQ divvies at the end of the month

>> No.23158202

>pajeet colour!

>> No.23158206

Can we still make it to 16 by November 20? Pls say yep

>> No.23158208

Can some turbo autist fill me in on NAK? I'm fed up with being a stupid idiot options baby who only loses money. I want to start investing like a chad, and I think NAK would be a good place to start.

>> No.23158211

I sold CEI at 40% gains and then it climbed another 60% after that. But, it dumped again today so I'll take what I can get.

>> No.23158221

kill elizabeth warren

>> No.23158222

Say Anon not to sound retarded but are there any laws here like what they have in the US over trading with under 25k

>> No.23158231
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>stimulus checks to illegal immigrants
We are born into this land of plenty and a large number of retards wish to give that up in order to provide for people that will never normally associate with.

>> No.23158236

You gotta have $25k to access all the good features, just a way to keep the poor poor. You'll laugh about it when you're rich.

>> No.23158237

mine approved = $$$$$
mine not approved = bags

>> No.23158242

I cant wait for it to fucking MOOOOOOOOON

>> No.23158245

Thing with C is that it's still cheap as fuck with a medium target of 64 per. The high is 80. Plus they're still paying out that 0.51 divvy w/4+ yield. So at worst I hold a year and collect the divvy and sell most for around 20,000 and get a tax break as a bonus. High side same as above but I walk out with 24,000. Either way I win.

>> No.23158249

When are you guys pulling out of the market?

>> No.23158257

I’m not even gonna give you another (You). Keep spamming with your forced meme

>> No.23158262

Some fag gave me a "lol'd" shit comment.

It was going to drop because 40% growth in a day is IMMENSE. It was great news for GME, but it didn't revolutionize the business. Morons think it was only going to go up....Retards.

GameStop will capitulate, that's when to buy in.

>> No.23158264
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in case you guys were wondering why they dropped it from 14 today

>> No.23158269


>> No.23158270

I just cashed out from crypto. I want to get in the stock market. What are some good risk-reward ratios to buy in now? I wanna throw in about 1000$, which I do not care for if I get in the red.

>> No.23158281
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So we are going to see blood, aren't we? Or no deal is priced in already?

>> No.23158286

what does it mean that there are no more GME shares to short available?

>> No.23158287

Nigga don’t ignore me nigga

>> No.23158289

might as well buy GME, consoles haven't even come out yet and it had a nice dip today due to options getting killed. great entry point right now.

>> No.23158290

How do you hedge against financial collapse?

>> No.23158291

What are the chances that Reggie is pulling strings to get Nintendo on the Gamestop train?

>> No.23158298

Wait until the thread is filled with pink Wojacks, only then should you buy

>> No.23158301

who? and wtf am i looking at

>> No.23158306


>> No.23158309

TSM if you want a comfy hold

>> No.23158320


>> No.23158325

Imagine Nintendo and Sony getting blown out and shoved online at fucken GameStop.
That’s a big loss.

>> No.23158326
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Thoughts on KIE?
> Insurance ETF > Individual Insurance Stock
> Unpopular yet mandatory industry
> Better overall valuations than S&P 500, NASDAQ, or Financial sector
> Better overall growth prospects than S&P 500, NASDAQ, or Financial sector
> Better Dividend Yield than S&P 500, NASDAQ, or Financial sector
> Better Payout Ratio than S&P 500, NASDAQ, or Financial sector
> Reasonable expense ratio

>> No.23158331

Isn't GME just hyped up right now?
That is a good indicator to buy, yes.

>> No.23158335
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Never. Only accumulating. But I still have huge piles of cash on the sidelines. Sadly, I was too cautious buying the dip

>> No.23158341


So i have to time my dumps accordingly otherwise I might miss on some sweet gains?

>> No.23158342

Makes sense. I am very pleased to see the amount of $4.50 and $11 puts that are underwater now though.

>> No.23158344

Kek. So true. He's a week late.

>> No.23158347
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Last warning to all, UPS to 200.

>> No.23158358
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>> No.23158359

HUGE deposits of Rhenium, rare earth metal - Trump just signed an executive order saying essentially that the US has to become more self-reliant for rare earth metals, and not rely on China
HUGE deposits of gold, nickel, copper, molybdenum
The mine sits in a environmentally protected area (Alaska final frontier) and has (I think) 2 streams that salmon use for spawning; the local economy relies on fishing - the fear is that the mine will pollute the local area (which it will) and result in less salmon fishing
Trump Jr. is against it because of the salmon
Trump is for it (of course) and tweeted about it before saying essentially he would make sure it got passed
It is facing large backlash from the local population, who doesn't want a massive polluting mine nearby
Right now it is waiting to receive the first part of it's permits - this permit could be denied with or without Trump
Essentially, if Trump wins the election, it makes NAK a lot more likely to actually happen
With a Biden presidency, it makes it a LOT less likely to happen / it will be blocked
So, you should be assigning probabilities to whether or not you think Trump will win the election. Use this map
https://www.270towin.com/ and fill it out yourself based upon your own personal opinion for each state, and then look at the polls to see.
The only states you really need to focus on are
These 3 states are going to decide this election
Are you feeling lucky, punk?

>> No.23158360
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how do I profit from this

>> No.23158362

So with Robinhood's first in and first out way of selling, it doesn't really make sense to have both a long position and to swing the same stock does it? If I have a long position at 5 and then buy a share at 10 with the intention to sell at 11, doesn't that fuck me over because I'm essentially selling the long position then I'm stuck with bags if the stock falls below 10?

>> No.23158363
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Oh. He doesn't know...

>> No.23158364

On Trading 212 the PDT rule doesn't apply to our accounts. So yeah you can trade freely without having 25k deposited. Using the ISA account too makes getting gains even better.

>> No.23158372

I expect more bad news to come out over the weekend and then a bloodbath on Monday.

>> No.23158376
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Made decent gains by selling my calls yesterday/today, but got emotional and FOMO'd $300 on the rise to 14.80, so not a big loss. GME has made me great gains overall, so I'm not gonna be sour over fucking up today.

>> No.23158379

For indices you cam do the SPXU / SPXL method :3

>> No.23158384
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>all those 4.50
holy fucking shit

>> No.23158388

By shorting them

>> No.23158389
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>He sold for profit
>It was red and dead within 5 minutes of being shipped here and never ever got above

Ah, so the swindler who shilled his bags shoes his face at last.

>> No.23158392
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anyone else here comfy?

>> No.23158393

anyone experience this fucking bullshit before? robinhood just automatically sold my AAPL $116.25 calls like 2.5 hours ago when AAPL was only like $116. AAPL spiked in price last hour of market and is now at $117.35

are they going to credit me for the value of the options when they were high value near end of day? so far they sold them for $21 per contract which they gave me but if someone exercised the contract end of day they would have made over $100 per 100 shares bought, thats way more than the $21 premium. i had 7 contracts so this is like $700 worth of gains that im not receiving but could have gotten if i just exercised and bought the shares myself to instantly flip in afterhours right now. who the fuck is jewing me here and collecting on this shit?

>> No.23158397

I only bought a share of pltr and I already feel like a dumbass jack ass.

>> No.23158407

Does this site only update at the EOD?

>> No.23158413

Take it that's why we need to sign the waiver on not being a US citizen right?
And give me a qrd on the ISA Anon, Reading Investopedia from front to back tonight.

>> No.23158414

missing sbe

otherwise good portfolio

>> No.23158417

lol retard

>> No.23158425

Are you broke now anon

>> No.23158426

Why do people even use Robinhood?

>> No.23158430

>anyone experience this fucking bullshit before? robinhood just automatically sold my AAPL $116.25 calls like 2.5 hours ago when AAPL was only like $116. AAPL spiked in price last hour of market and is now at $117.35
Yes this is very common. The Bogs know that Robinhood does this.

>> No.23158437

Profit is profit either way, I think you just can't trust their calculations on your average price paid. You'll have to keep track of that yourself.

>> No.23158439

NAK owns Pebble Mine in Alaska, valuable mine but huge environmental opposition. Was ready to get permit by mid-20, but govt now demands new submissions which push the approval date to end-20. Mgmt also fucked up by bragging that they owned politicians, causing those politicians (AK Sen Sullivan) to disavow Pebble. This + environmental conservative wing (Don Jr, Tucker Carlson etc) are pressing Trump to override normal process and deny permit. Trump claims “no politics” involved in approval process but the thing is politically toxic so I can’t imagine them deciding before election. Biden has stated that he will re-instate Obama regulations which would ban Pebble.

>> No.23158441

Imo, it is going to keep going until it doesn't.
Trump & Pelosi aren't going to stop acting like it's the others fault, and will continue posturing, tweeting, holding news conferences, having Mnuchin come out and say he's making progress in his talks with Pelosi
This going to keep propping up the market, until it doesn't. Eventually, it will become too close to the election, and reality will set in.
Anytime in the next week is my guess
There has to be a major catalyst though, like Pelosi or Trump saying that there's no chance
Trump already saw how the market reacted when he tweeted talks were ending - it makes it very unlikely he'll buckle again

>> No.23158443
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Dude. My wife works for Goldman Sachs so I need to submit in writing a permission slip to purchase any stock or ETF or Fidelity says no. It takes around 15 days to get the approval.

I don't feel bad for you anon. You have it easy.

>> No.23158446
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Oy very, you're starting to sound real antisemetic there. No $25,000? No day trading. It's for your own good, goy!

>> No.23158448

so this is how we get another subprime crisis, by intentionally doing it again

>> No.23158449

yes sadly

>> No.23158451

We got WAY too cocky coomers.....

>> No.23158455

is etoro better?


>> No.23158457

Lol actually I mentioned it when I bought it. And kept a running commentary kinda over the span I had it.

>> No.23158461
File: 245 KB, 1886x868, GME max pain expiring 10-16-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where can i get data on old options data? like maximum pain or swaggy stocks stuff but for older periods, i want to see how much they correlate with stock price movements that have already happened (i.e. how price interacted with the OI walls and max pain during the week of expiration). all i can currently get is stuff that hasn't expired yet.

next week GME options look a bit worrisome. basically options writers want to move the price to 9 to make the greatest number of contracts expire worthless. if the MM's have their way, price will stay in between 8 and 10 all week. screencap this.

>> No.23158462

You are coping because we are all up this week.

>> No.23158466

so monday morning there can be no shorting or no naked shorts?
CARE PACKAGE IN BOUND holy shit bros

>> No.23158469

They usually do it between $150 and $200

>> No.23158475
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I dont hold any AMD right now desu
Its a bit pumped up desu

>> No.23158477


>> No.23158478

I'm white as fuck but I'm also technically 1/8th mexican can I abuse muh minority and get free shit for more stonks?

>> No.23158480

Divorce her.

>> No.23158483

that's for margin accounts. basically you can buy and sell as much as you want in a cash account but you can't borrow any money and you can't go short (which would involve borrowing shares).

>> No.23158484

i got $100 credit on my card that i cant get back into my bank, give me 1 good reason not to use it on this $100 buyin poker tournament with $80k prize for 1st place against 16 other players

>> No.23158491

Just use TD, Schwab, etrade, or tastyworks. They actually have their shit together and have solid platforms.

>> No.23158492

fuck (You)

>> No.23158493

It’s gonna be so funny when all the GME doubters commit mass suicide in November.

>> No.23158494

CREG will moon.

>> No.23158507

Nothing great atm, keep watching

>> No.23158508


>> No.23158511

Thought it said black and Latino homeboys for a second.

>> No.23158513

so what can i do? can i get my contract back and exercise it so i can just flip the stocks for gains? these fuckers are stealing from me

>> No.23158516



>> No.23158526

Did you even watch the video I posted?

>> No.23158528

GME today is just a healthy pullback right? I'm still holding. I borrow desk was only showing like 1000 shares available

>> No.23158531

Yep, so when you fuck up you can't blame them.
So the ISA account lets you deposit £20000 MAX per tax year. Whatever gains you get from that account is completely tax free. Tax man won't come knocking at your door when you exceed your capital gains allowance.
When the next tax year comes you can load up another £20000. The only down side in using an ISA is not being able to buy China stocks, and only available in the invest account. I see that as a blessing desu.

>> No.23158536

How do I check if I have a margin or cash account?

>> No.23158542

Uh, y-you too!

>> No.23158555

which one of you was this:

>> No.23158563

yes, it was only 10%. obviously healthy pullback after zoomer microsoft news.

>> No.23158567

do you just buy index etf's?

>> No.23158571

It was Kirbyone96

>> No.23158573

i guarantee he browses /smg/

>> No.23158576

So an invester account without any of the penalties? Sounds pretty comfy I'll look into it when I get back home. Thanks Anon. Really!

>> No.23158577

I once came in 2nd place in an online poker tournament that had 600 people. I won a $600 entry to a tournament that gave a Million Dollars as top prize. Upon entering that tournament, I crapped out almost immediately. Should of sold the entry token and kept the cash ;)

>> No.23158583

I talked to a person working for Deloitte. He can not buy SPY.
It's really that bad lmao

If you don't know its cash

>> No.23158592

No, I’m busy drinking at a wine bar.

>> No.23158594

You're only gonna have to wait until next week anon

>> No.23158597

I dont get how the prize pool can be 80k with a 100 buyin and 16 people, seems too good to be true

>> No.23158600

Fucking kek, they don't see how this could be a problem?
They're intentionally trying to destroy America at this point

>> No.23158602

anon I hope that's not your real name on that account

>> No.23158610

Yeah that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.23158612

> 1/8th Mexican
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you aren't white. Better luck next time.

>> No.23158615

Prediction for GME, since I got it perfectly right this morning.

GME will like crab or go to -5%. 11 will be the new support level.

>> No.23158617

Where do you guys actually get real news and not bags shilling as in here? Also any website where I can see what is in the trend right now or oversold etc? Any links would help me as I try to get into stocks right now

>> No.23158626

What comes first in a panic / reaction sell off? Price action on stocks or short option volume? Or do they tend to happen hand-in-hand?

>> No.23158628

>wine bar
lol faggot

>> No.23158633

will it reach 15 before the end of November anonstradamus?

>> No.23158634

>wsb retarded fud
im gonna fucking coom

>> No.23158635
File: 51 KB, 773x604, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can NIO realistically reach triple digits or is it just a meme?

>> No.23158657


Imagine being this delusional. The only reason GME isn't at 7$ today is because shorters are holding it to go lower. You rly think this board drives that stock? I doubt we did over $100k today combined.

Meanwhile reports of GME being way overbought are flying around bloomberg terminals and the EOD pump was wall st chads putting their own money into shorts.

>> No.23158666

Nah GME is going to delist for real. You bought blockbuster

>> No.23158667

We poomp like fucking mad on every piece of good news.
First Ryan 13D, now this msft thing

Eventually the short sellers will not be able to hold on.

>> No.23158671


>> No.23158676


GME pump (if it happens) will happen between elections & January. Be patient.

>> No.23158692

its going to 50 in mid to late november, ignore these people

>> No.23158695

Holy fuck these retards.
You cannot be this fucken stupid.
All it takes is a tiny fucken announcement and this thing will spike to $20 without a fucken squeeze.
How can you even think of shorting this shit?

>> No.23158704
File: 19 KB, 343x304, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the man who made gme fall

>> No.23158705


>> No.23158727

Literally "The Princes of USD"

>> No.23158728


>6 hours ago
>GameStop is literally dog shit as a company

>Bankruptcy is destined unless some serious remodeling of business

>> No.23158735

Be honest, once we experience mass inflation and political turmoil this coming month, what are some key assets/commodities to hold us over when (((they))) come?

>> No.23158738

Everyone who has been holding GME, the people that have been telling you to buy since last month, we all know how high this thing will go.
You retards, you fucken dumbasses who are coming in here and listening to the same blockbuster posters as before...
You will never make it.
I'm not even joking. Some people just aren't meant to make it and you won't. God is giving you a fucken free bone here and you won't take it. You won't fucken take it. Its unbelievable.
There really are lions and sheep in life aren't there?

>> No.23158751

Leave politics to faggots who don't care about money.

We're in /BIZ. We make money no matter who's president....or buy High and sell low, like Warren Buffet.

>> No.23158753

Do it

>> No.23158764
File: 726 KB, 631x478, 1592672780072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your average GME fudder
Retards actually got shook out by faggots like this.

>> No.23158782

>what are some key assets/commodities to hold us over when (((they))) come?
A gun
A bullet

((((IT)))) can't be defeated. (((They))) summoned it into this world and we will all pay (the price).

>> No.23158803


>> No.23158805

>m-muh mass inflation
>Fed literally begging congress to pass stimulus so they can reach their 2%/year inflation goal
yeah, im thinking we'll be fine

>> No.23158810

Always knew fudge-pachter was a cuck

>> No.23158820

unironically this, its fucking over

>> No.23158829

>shorters are holding it to go lower
>the EOD pump was shorts
Does anyone know what the fuck this guy is saying?

>> No.23158842

of course babydoll, whatever you want. We can change it to 26 if you want

>> No.23158853
File: 532 KB, 697x722, 1602123190915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be 100% honest... how hard did you FOMO into GME anywhere past $11

>> No.23158854

bros, bank is talking me into taking a loan, I'm thinking on putting it all on gme if it goes down a bit, please talk me out of it

>> No.23158856

not really
RKG's posts are easier to understand

>> No.23158864


>> No.23158874
File: 213 KB, 612x792, 1599694417225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes the fed

>> No.23158875

I bought weeks ago because I'm not retarded, and then sold half my stack at yesterday's highs because once again, I'm not retarded. No matter what happens I win and that infuriates the fudders.

>> No.23158887

any MILFs?

>> No.23158888
File: 67 KB, 1584x405, im going to fucking coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a position made earlier with calls whose gains directly offset these losses...but let me be clear when I say this: I have absolutely no fear. This play is more rock solid than holding TQQQ/SOXL with no hedge for 50 years

>> No.23158893
File: 32 KB, 991x250, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that talk just makes you sound like a stocktwits bull, can you not?
who gives a shit about newfags who FOMO into GME (again)

i don't give a shit about misleading/false FUD since I know my exit strategy and what my price targets are, but seeing posts where you're obviously too emotionally attached to the pick is screaming sell signal to me

>> No.23158895

You could do that and sell covered calls on it. IV is quite height and the covered returns on the front weeklys are ludicrous.

>> No.23158896

alright now i'm starting to get worried gamers

>> No.23158900
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1331520349270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put $400 in with an average cost of $14.16

>> No.23158904

don't be a retard and borrow money to buy stocks

>> No.23158906

>"Biden’s proposal is for the maximum tax rate for long-term capital gains to rise to 39.6% from 23.8% currently, a 66% proportional rise."
Anyone that votes for Biden and is currently investing should just kill themselves right now

>> No.23158908

I didn't. FOMO is the easiest way to lose money.

>> No.23158938

As long as he doesn't increase short term capital gains taxes I'll be alright. Who the hell hold stocks longer than a year anyway?

>> No.23158944

>using robinhood
kinda deserve it IMHO. Robinhood is there to make sure that you young bucks feed the gnashing jaws of capatlism

>> No.23158948

Being angry at stupid anons for missing out on money is different than desperately clinging onto a stock emotionally.

>> No.23158947

Easy money plays:


>> No.23158951

Is there any other trading apps for us euros, Degiros fees are fucking killing me

>> No.23158957

this what used do before 25k+ account

>When wanted to long SPX
>Then when want to close position, BUY SPXU for near equal dollar amount
>This will lock in the "profits" from your "daytrade"
>Then next day, depending on what you want to do, lets say next day you want to sell
>Sell SPXL while keeping SPXU
>This will effectively give you short

this not perfect solution but it will give you some more freedom on daytrades :3

>> No.23158960
File: 41 KB, 1109x622, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this? It says it breaks even at 155 yet im up right now and if i cashed out i would be leaving with extra money in my pocket, what gives?

>> No.23158964

I bought $300 worth of calls at like $14.20 today. I am financially ruined

>> No.23158966

damn thats a great game. im in the middle of it rn

>> No.23158967

there would be no reason to invest at that point

>> No.23158975
File: 830 KB, 808x805, 1588796067926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone that wants to make actual money

>> No.23158979


>> No.23158984

Always. Good place to meet cougars (and influential people in general) with money.

>> No.23159000

>GME at 11.64

Dear God why did I buy in at 13.10$

>> No.23159014

>bought at 10
>sold at 13.50
some ok gains

>> No.23159017

why is the market so bullish? what changed this week to cause so much green?

>> No.23159020

You’d see a ton on people jumping into munis at that point.

>> No.23159034

Bought GME at 9.72 and not selling. You will never have my GMEndies

>> No.23159046

the breakeven is $155.62 because you paid .62c for a $155 strike. You are up because JNJ went up a little today and your contract still has a bit of time. The theta is how much it will lose every day until expiration

>> No.23159048
File: 36 KB, 736x582, 1601217254001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 5,000 shares of BORR at $.49 a share thanks to anon
>going to see it rise back to $26 a share and even higher next year
Thank you anon, wherever you are you helped me buy my first house next year.

>> No.23159054

They are dancing in a room in which the clocks have no hands

>> No.23159061

I an individual allowed to open multiple ROTH IRAs?

>> No.23159065

so basically you just switch between holding SPXL and SPXU each day depending on what direction you think things are going but never buy and sell either one within the same day so you never actually cause a day trade to happen, cool

>> No.23159068

if i'm feeling FUD, it's from all the stocktwits-tier bull posting
can we just be rational now that it's afterhours?
no need to try and lecture idiots who FOMO'd in, you make yourself sound like you were trying to justify your position instead

today was definitely a loss short-term, hurted to see $5k unrealized gains disappear today
I really misread that volume hard, thought this was the squeeze. In hindsight I should have trimmed my position and bought back in later

>> No.23159074
File: 86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201009-172021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to my gains. So yeah you're gay
*plays enter sandman horribly*

>> No.23159080

Stimulus hopes.

What's likely to happen is a 2 trillion stimulus plan next week. If Republichads don't, they will likely lose in elections, so Trump will convince others to go along.

>> No.23159085
File: 39 KB, 267x400, 1423747124585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone freaking out about the after hours price of GME needs to look at the volume. Tiny blocks of a few thousand shares are bringing it down. The volume today was like 78 million

>> No.23159088

I dont believe you but I want to buy pennies like borr

>> No.23159093

all i need is for game to open above 11.5

>> No.23159097

ah that makes sense, does the theta include the weekend? or only business days? might hop out and take my gains idk

>> No.23159103

yeah, congrats, youre paying 10% extra in tax compared if you had waited a year. and in a year, youd probably have more
im not against short term trading, but if you want real money, you invest long term. compounding is king

>> No.23159104

I think so, but there’s still restrictions on how much you can put in overall without tax consequences.

>> No.23159106

Yes exactly. Its major down side is, you lose money to Delta during big moves X_X

>> No.23159108

>voting for Biden
>Cannastocks rise 110% by june 2021

>> No.23159113

Fuck, I sold a 13p 10/16 and wanted to collect premium.

>> No.23159115
File: 85 KB, 457x414, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes GME, fall to 11 so I can load up -.-

>> No.23159123

Im going to buy 5 grand worth of GME and you faggots cant stop me

>> No.23159128
File: 27 KB, 809x145, gme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23159137

And no one can open new shorts monday right? The only thing keeping the price down would be paper hands and people taking profits

>> No.23159149

(also if market really rekts you, you might sell both assets at loss kek)

>> No.23159155

this is unironically the most retarded take. at least holders have the short squeeze thesis. No one believes that if this run ends its a good stock long term, not even anons.

>> No.23159156

wish i did that now instead of mid peak

>> No.23159160

That’s a cute torso

>> No.23159169

combination of factors, but basically it's optimism for earnings reports that come out soon. Additionally, nobody expected it to do this well so I suspect there were a lot of people covering shorts today.

Keep in mind also that Monday it became pretty obvious that Trump wasn't dying of covid. If he, at his age and with his health problems, can be so ridiculously unaffected by it, then it really is a nothingburger. Following that, Pence had a phenomenal debate performance. Trump is slowly giving ground to allow stimulus. Is it any wonder that speculation is increasing again?

>> No.23159172

Like youd only be able to put in 6k still but distributed between them

>> No.23159180
File: 24 KB, 600x725, 1594186222501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isaac Newton buys Gamestop at $12/share

>> No.23159181

No matter what anyone says about you, you'll always be my favorite tranny <3

>> No.23159189

i sold some off at 11.50 yesterday too i am literally newton

>> No.23159206
File: 1.93 MB, 390x270, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for it to hit 11 and capitulate at support levels.

There's more good news to come. Vaccine, Black Friday will likely lift GME to 15-20 range by itself, let alone other news on the horizon.

Get ready to load up boys.

>> No.23159215

I'll try it next week, will give me something to at least try with the spare cash in my account while sitting on my GME

>> No.23159228

>buy and sell too early
>buy and hold way too long
Man, Newton couldn't do anything right

>> No.23159233
File: 1.35 MB, 500x281, Good girl 29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMWL is the New IPO to get, mark my fucking words it'll jump to almost 100 dollars by the end of Monday.

>> No.23159259

no just market days. if you are up at all on a weekly it isn't a bad idea to sell for profit. JNJ has earnings on tuesday premarket so selling monday is probably a pretty good idea

>> No.23159265
File: 121 KB, 830x738, 1588808058537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where youre fucking wrong. even ignoring the short squeeze, it is massively undervalued right now. you tell if if this makes sense to you:
>2020 gross income: 1.9B
>2020 cash on hand: 455M
>2020 market cap: 790M

>> No.23159281

This stock is insanely undervalued.

>> No.23159289

wut is this?

As far as I know that's the case. We shall see, hopefully I won't get bogged on this one

>> No.23159310

Also AREC is also going to get 200%+ profits here pretty soon.

>> No.23159335

might just do that or sell within the next 30 minutes

>> No.23159350
File: 19 KB, 320x309, 1600206685731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23159365


>> No.23159382

frig off

>> No.23159398

>They didn't buy PSHG


>> No.23159415




>> No.23159424

why didn't you tell me

>> No.23159431

I'll trade for you just send me a deposit and I'll send you back the earnings

>> No.23159432


>> No.23159443
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1427038654089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23159455

>AAPL's seriously gonna hit 118 after hours

>> No.23159456

NEW @_@ !!!





>> No.23159463
File: 37 KB, 517x153, B5E3BB97-2FB2-4162-BCBB-068E101027DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. This is GME btw

>> No.23159481

Yes you can retard, just not TSX

>> No.23159522


>> No.23159679


>> No.23159911

i feel you fellow coomer, i would sleep so much better knowing i have confirmed cumm monday
what does it mean?