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File: 147 KB, 1280x1430, ls899g5s3is01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23157709 No.23157709 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX is not an ETH killer (a project killing ethereum is pretty hard to believe), but rather a FAR better option and a best investment at the long-term, and the best part is that it's not only AVAX, there's PLENTY of more promising cryptos all over the market, all you need to do to find them is open your goddamn eyes.

mETHers will flame this thread but i bet none of those faggots will fud it with evidence, take my word.

>> No.23158813
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exactly, many people have said that it will kill ETH, but it will definitely overcome its usage.

>> No.23158919 [DELETED] 

it's hard to predict that since ETH's userbase it's huge, my point is that ETH despite being a ground-breaker at its peak, it's not currently the best option, specially for a long-term staking.

and faggots waitin for eth 2.0 will literally starve.

>> No.23158965

it's hard to predict that since ETH's userbase it's huge, thread's point is that ETH, despite being ground-breaking at its peak, it's not currently the best option, specially for a long-term staking.

and faggots waitin for eth 2.0 will literally starve.

>> No.23159347

Yep I don't see it killing Eth nor do I want it to.

>> No.23159461

why would you still support ETH despite having better options on the market?

>> No.23159649

And why Avax, moron?

>> No.23159694

AVAX is the savior of ETH, not its Killer.
the real ETH Killer is ETH 2.0

AVAX offers a way out of this mess thanks to Athereum.

>> No.23159702

Ok I'm sold. Can you spoonfeed me in how to buy it?

>> No.23159719

if it's not avax then who's it gonna be retard.

the market is literally a sea full of pajeet shitcoins where only AVAX and LINK are actually afloat.

>> No.23159772

ETH 2.0 is literally getting delayed every single time its supposed "finished" date gets close.

geez even DOT is closer to being the actual ETH 2.0

coinex and binance are my 2 main options anon

>> No.23159860
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>> No.23159922

>ETH 2.0 is literally getting delayed every single time its supposed "finished" date gets close.
because ETH 2.0 doesnt work and they are playing on time dragging it out as long as possible.
Vitalik is already eyefucking Avalanche because for him its a very convenient way out of this dilemma.

>even DOT is closer to being the actual ETH 2.0
Polkadot is pretty much in the same boat because their approach doesnt work either.

>> No.23159985
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you can tell this guy has some shady stuff stored into an USB hidden somewhere

and btw i've only heard terrible things about Vitalik as a developer, so i'd believe he used AVAX as a way out of his shitpool

>> No.23160096

>you can tell this guy has some shady stuff stored into an USB hidden somewhere
its an Ethereum thing lmao.
remember the Gavin Wood (the guy behind Polkadot) pedo scandal?

>> No.23160202

w h a t i n t h e a c t u a l f u c k

eth is Jeffrey Epstein's legacy to cryptos.

>> No.23160206

Fantom is currently better than AVAX

>> No.23160282

replying that with no proof or evidence whatsoever is just newbie-tier fud.

>> No.23160331
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>> No.23160348

it really raises the question if this is the right guy for the job.
obviously hes some deranged coomer and his thoughts are circling around sick pedo shit like this instead of fixing fundamental problems in cryptocurrencies.

I'd even go as far and say that Polkadot could be a very elaborate scam, maybe even the biggest scam in crypto right now.

>> No.23160360

Eth has its place

but I see what Avax can do and it can bring a whole lot more into crypto rather than just fighting over the same bits AVAX can carve a new path where most others can't

>> No.23160415

>Eth has its place
on a Subnet on AVAX.


>> No.23160762

I will try
1/Older projects with more connexions to governements (Afganistan, UAE, South Africa, Korea)
2/Same tps or better than AVX (4k on eth/40k on cosmos)
with the current tech, new tech is scheduled this end year witk 100k+tps.
Can add several mainnets to add the tps
3/Lachesis consensus is able to sub second finality /confirmation time (250 millisecond is doable for derivatives)
3/EVM compatible, solidity compatible like AVAX
4/Compatible with ETH, but also Corda, Hyperledger, Cosmos, ect
5/Andre Cronje
6/they already have 3 mainnets (Opera/FantomFinance/Xar for cbdc)
7/Tokenomics is better

>> No.23160800

Max Supply - 360,000,000

I'll wait for the dump and buy in

>> No.23160989


>> No.23161025
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>> No.23161173

Imagine buying this overpriced bullshit when you can just buy Stake. Have fun, Poojet

>> No.23161269

ok raheesh we got it, now go claim your rupees so your 8 children don't starve

>> No.23161342

>$0 fees
So basically it's free to spam?

>> No.23161401

its fees are ridiculously lower than ETH's ones

plus it has instant transactions

>> No.23161421

call me when avax gets mainstream use like eth

>> No.23161459

So basically it's free to spam?

>> No.23161487

How do you not fud your project there buddy? All VC/Private/Public buyers are in high % ROI and coins released aggressively even 2 months in huge amount.

>> No.23161588

the majority of those 360,000,000 coins will unlock over the next 4 years, and you must be nuts to believe that the market hasn't anticipated that already.

what do u mean by free to spam?

>> No.23161666

you tried

>> No.23161672

Do you understand why, from a security perspective, it is necessary that blockchain transactions cost money?

>to prevent spammers from literally filling the blockchain with useless transactions thereby killing it.

>> No.23161681
File: 113 KB, 825x520, Avax release.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you must be nuts to believe that the market hasn't anticipated that already

Tell that to literally every other coin with the same type of tokenomics as avax. All of them dumped with no mercy, some even despite releasing news after news (Algorand).

And pic related look very aggressive to me, Circulating supply going to x10 this year alone, sorry but you can't and shouldn't ignore this.

>> No.23161720

no it has progressively difficult pow to prevent spam. scales with number of transactions per address

>> No.23161749

Cope harder Rakeesh. Enjoy your overvalued shitcoin bags, retard

>> No.23161766

Shhh don’t tell him anon, let him lose all his rupees

>> No.23162104

i already got my profits retard, i bought 10k at the ICO and sold when it was 4$

you wouldn't miss promising chances if you were a little less autistic and instead just accepted that AVAX is a far decent project.