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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23154882 No.23154882 [Reply] [Original]

It's noteworthy how ppl try to fud avax talking shit about its system or supply while at the same time they're licking polkadot's balls.

can't ignore this.

>> No.23154978

$DOT fans are in for a rude awakening within the next year.

>> No.23155010
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i mean, i don't believe polkadot is bad by any means, but praising it while talking shit about avalanche is plain retarded.

>> No.23155427

This seems nice. Can you please tell more about "Each subnet can have their own token"?
What does this means exactly?

>> No.23155527

as far as i know, avax's subnet architecture allows a more flexible legal compliance for pretty much every country on earth, i suposse that allowing each subnet to have its own token is just part of these flexibility-focused policies.

>> No.23156648

In very simple terms each subnet is almost it's own blockchain just backed and linked via avax

What to put the whole of Eth on Avalanche, that's a subnet with its own token (ATH) .
Want to created a token to give away for solving puzzles, that's a subnet.
Create a fork of btc with much faster speeds, subnet.
Want to create a toke that is only allowed to be distributed to people in the USA, subnet.

This is why I'm very interested in avalanche.

>> No.23157815

i think that kind of measure will make things easier for ava labs to reach international companies with strict regulations.

i believe that's the main strenght of avax desu, and without any doubt i'll hold it until it moons.

>> No.23158154


>> No.23158284


This literally sounds like Fantom and Fantom’s tokenomics is more grassroots than AVAX.

>> No.23158537

you ain't getting any cheap avax with that shit-tier fud retard

>> No.23159674

>i don't believe polkadot is bad by any means
Because you are not educated about how it works.
read this:

>> No.23159711

So basically what you are saying is that Quant is the only real and logical way forward? Should I buy quant?

>> No.23159726

no, you should be buying AVAX and running your own node.

>> No.23159818

well that totally ruins polka for me now

i guess i'm full into AVAX now

>> No.23159858

Cosmos is the only chain besides Ethereum with any developer adoption. Muh tech is a meme. There’s like 50 competing platforms at this point nobody uses any of them other than Ethereum and cosmos: https://cosmonauts.world/

>> No.23160007

the tokenomics are shit and after listening to the Interview between EGS and the Cosmos Poojeet its clear what is the better solution (AVAX).

my nigga

>> No.23160026

>Muh tech is a meme

Ethereum's technology is so unbeatable they keep delaying ETH 2.0 because it's not working (and probably never will).

trust me, Vitalik is already posing his eyes on AVAX as a way out of the pile of shit Ethereum 2.0 is rn