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File: 275 KB, 600x851, colossusofrhodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2314862 No.2314862 [Reply] [Original]

Colossus seems to be generating some volume...


New Mooncoin?

>> No.2314893
File: 106 KB, 502x560, 1357326319756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they made female statues like that

>> No.2315622

Seems to be a legit coin.

Website: https://colossuscoin.org/
Forum: http://colossuscointalk.org/ (bit dead)
Bitcointalk forum: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=941433.900

(Where a pumper showed up yesterday)

Quite a bit of volume as well: 187 LTC on Novacoin and 4.44 BTC on yobit and 237 LTC on cryptopia.

That is about 45 BTC on a coin that has a market cap of 258 BTC.

Something is brewing here.

>> No.2315927

Seriously bizbro's

This has 1 tenth of the supply of Mooncoin
Has 1/5th the volume but is somehow trading at 1/5th as well?

Volume to Mcap is 10 times larger than for MoonCoin anons.

Get in here!

>> No.2316141

up 73% bro's!

It's happening!


>> No.2316239

Nevermind, I wont pump this shit coin.
Only amassed 16 million of them before the 1 sat wall dissapeared.

I'm sad.