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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 10 KB, 227x222, xtra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2314853 No.2314853 [Reply] [Original]

>not buying XBY this cheap when we already saw it has the potential to reach 2k sats

wanna double your money? Now is the time.

>> No.2314975

shhh i'm still accumulating

>> No.2315161

>almost fell to the FUD

fugg yo

>> No.2315164

Le deaf dev scam coin

>> No.2315177

Scam coin forsureeee.

>> No.2315346

a deaf hungarian deaf is the hero we need for a good coin. look at vitalik, hes an ugly autist with a thin neck

>> No.2315371
File: 119 KB, 225x227, 1460405683816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know people were saying that before we hit 200 sats right?

everyone said devs will dump at 50k block, guess what, it didn't happen

but you guys are so smart you've got it figured out huh, forget that there are over 100 node owners who have been following the project very closely over the last month, intensely observing the slack and bitcointalk thread, and who have concluded that it is wiser to keep their node rather than to cash out now for $15000, somehow I think if this were a scam you'd see a lot more node owners jump ship

but keep thinking it's a scam coin, you'll be buying my bags on bittrex soon enough

>> No.2315414

Just because the price goes up doesn't mean it isn't a scam retard, it just means a lot of people are falling for the scam

>no proven tech
>no whitepaper
>only screenshots of their shitty wallet
>wallet doesn't even work, migration problems everywhere
>cult-like community that gets butthurt if you ask any hard questions
>the devs are clearly trying to recoup their investment in a scam coin by scamming other people

i'm glad i sold at 1600 sat

>> No.2315431


I'm memeing. Currently holding 40k xby

>> No.2315528

Oh and let's not forget

>dev calls his shill army "the xtrabytes community corporation" despite no evidence of incorporation"
>juvenile rants like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN6vand5Dp4

>> No.2315651

price rising was not the point, i've read all 100 pages of the announcement thread, and been on the slack since day one, i'm in the static owners private channel and private development channel

i know you have a low level knowlege of the coin because you throw out shit like
>no whitepaper

as if that's supposedly a red flag when it was literally explained from the start that the paper would be written after the tech is done and that this coin was a work in progress, the guy literally said this is an experimental coin and a high risk investment in the OP, wow what a scammy thing to say!11

no shit there's no proven tech, that's why this is high risk / high reward right now

the chance of borz being capable of implementing the tech successfully is another story, but scam? that's disingenuous at this point

good for you selling at 1600 sats btw

>> No.2315777
File: 7 KB, 376x134, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a good chance it's a scam.

The research on Zoltan's identity by Dutchdude is actually correct. If you whois borzalom.hu, and google his email, it leads to another website which associates with this linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoltan-szabo-61172b5b/

Something just doesn't add up. It's kind of fishy., especially given the anonymity of the developer. Also, Borzalom means "horror, terror" in hungarian.

It's fishy, man. And I've been researching the project for weeks. I hold a small bit of XBY but no more.

>> No.2315820

>I know you have no low level knowledge of my scamcoin because you didn't buy the bullshit lie that the whitepaper would be written after the tech is done!!!
lolk, there are plenty of coins still adding tech that still manage to release a whitepaper

>> No.2315843

I sold at 12k

If it's legit, we can hop on and become the next eth. If not then, we dodged a really good scam.

>> No.2315907

plenty of scam coins have whitepapers as well

this coin is a work in progress literally in its infancy, if you don't want to take the risk that it'll all fall into place, fair enough dude it's your money

yes that is the dev, not sure what's fishy about it, we have been told from the start he is a hungarian with 26 years programming experience, his activity on the site suggests he has an interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchains

>> No.2315951

Are you serious? Come on man. If this guy was a savant, expert programmer I would expect him to have more connections and experience in the industry.

If you google what he puts on his profile, the crap goes nowhere. Im talking about WEB Programozók Kft, and Kalocsa NET Bt.

Drupal is not exactly the most advanced programming language either.

His email is also associated with a hacking forum.

It's risky and fishy as all fuck.

>> No.2315961

scamcoins are identified by the shoddiness of their whitepaper

no whitepaper but a massive shill army on 4chan is a huge red flag

you true believers believe the dev's word as evidence that it's not a scam -- one characteristic of scams is that the scammers are always moving the goalposts and promising things "at a later date" -- this is to delay the realization of bullshit but still give true believers a plausible excuse

>> No.2316021

The ultimate irony here is that the very project resurrected from a scam, looks like a scam. The dev is asking for faith based on a coin that was a previous scam and they even acknowledge that the industry is rife with scammers.

I dont see how Borzalom really expects people to take the project seriously until he either 1) Reveals himself or 2) Gives us working tech. And right now none of that is happening. He could at least give an Alpha or at least part of the code, but we dont even get that.

It's fishy. Not saying its a scam, but it's as risky as it gets.

>> No.2316053

look at his bitcointalk account and you notice he has been practicing blockchain development with other coin projects atleast 2 years already i think its entirely possible for him to have aquired the skills necessary

its a gamble yes but one that could pay off big time and thats what the ann basically always said too dont invest if you cant deal with risk

>> No.2316090

>thats what the ann basically always said too dont invest if you cant deal with risk
Another dumb confidence trick to lure you suckers in, literally reverse pyschology

"well he said its a risk and not to invest if you can't afford to lose it, that must mean it's legit, BRB REMORTGAGING MY HOUSE TO BUY XBY"

>> No.2316115

Yes, his btc talk account does reveal some knowledge of the blockchain and coding. That's the only thing keeping me from selling at this point.

>> No.2316119

go back into your hole friendless loony

>> No.2316148

>can't defend his emotional decision making so he resorts to personal attacks
lol enjoy holding those bags my man

>> No.2316172

>spends his days inside his mothers basement tapping f5 in search to make another xby fud post

whatever you say psycho

>> No.2316205

>if you don't immediately believe everything a developer says you must have no life!
>doing due dilligence means you have no life!

>> No.2316265

>spreading fud 24/7 like a mentally ill person with no friends
>having a live

idk man to me it just looks like someone was mean to you and as you are mentally unstable and have no friends to keep you distractet you make it you goal to go on a vendetta against the project

>> No.2316282

Honestly, mental illness is a real problem, this seems plausable

>> No.2316530

>if you don't buy my bags im going to say mean things about you like you have no life and sit on the computer all day!!!!
do you even know where you are? do you really think calling people friendless has any effect on 4chan?

at least you proved me correct when i said you were overly emotional.

try convincing people to buy your garbage coin with logic and reason instead of attempting to shame them into it

>> No.2316686

why should i reason with a psycho spreads fud with foam infront of his mouth 24/7

this list i saw it a few weeks ago already and a couple more times word for word almost mhh little psycho trying this gor a long time already?

its filled with true statements like the lack of a white paper and tech which is not yet standing(we are at the beginning you retard)

and mixes it with neboulus lies like wallet doesnt work or mysterious "migration problems" where is your prove for that?

you say why should anyone believe the devs but when its about your own fud you are BELIEVE ME GUYS PLEASE

you are trying to deceive people here like a true psychopath

>> No.2316709

>this list i saw it a few weeks ago already and a couple more times word for word almost mhh little psycho
prove it, that's the first time i've posted such a thing

>> No.2316711

>why should i reason with a psycho spreads fud with foam infront of his mouth 24/7

Yep, don't argue with crazy

>> No.2316725

>why should I reason
because you're going to need to if you want to convince people to buy

calling them "fudders" for being skeptical is a very transparent ploy where your coin has 0 proven practical use

>> No.2316784

you get called a fudder because you mix little lies in your arguments like the wallet thing you still got to prove on your list

you are not skeptical you are a psycho whos feelings got hurt in the slack

>> No.2316817

>you are not skeptical you are a psycho whos feelings got hurt in the slack
another emotional argument with no basis in logic or reason, yawn

have fun with your bags

>> No.2317202

>developer's linkedin shows he has been programming for a long time with interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency
>developer at start of project said he has been programming for a long time with experience in blockchain and cryptocurrency

oh boy you and dutch sure proved this is a scam alright. so fishy. also not everyone lives on fucking linkedin. my dad's brother is one of the top execs at RBS and he only has basic info on there with few connections even though he works with top people at other banks around the world.

Also Hungarians, like other eastern european countries don't use linkedin that much compared to other western countries.

jesus fucking christ you are retarded

>> No.2317259

>by being straightforward it's actually a scam
>telling the truth and giving good advice is a scam
>but if he didn't do that it would DEFINITELY be a scam

>> No.2317402
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>> No.2317631

God damnett you guys I actually listened to that fukn Dutch dude and sold at 1100. I watched a dip to 800 today and thought holy shit he was right. And now it's up again with any realistic speculation putting it at 2500. I've got a buy order back in at 1000 crossing my fingers !

>> No.2317654
File: 19 KB, 530x492, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw might buy another 50k xby


>> No.2317686

goddamn nigger have some balls next time. BIG RISK BIG REWARD

>> No.2317692

could you stop making these threads please? it's not easy to sell with walls this thin and we have a lot to sell. thx

>> No.2318037

Doesn't matter. It's still negatives for XBY. It's still fishy, very fishy considering that so much trust is involved.

>> No.2318475

>doesnt matter
stop typing you look like a retard

>> No.2318816

>1 post by this ID