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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 378x378, Bitcoin-memes-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23140245 No.23140245 [Reply] [Original]

200,000 MC

DYOR... but... most of this crap is just crap.

But this is a US-based team meaning if they screw around, the SEC holds them responsible.

Anyway. Financial backgrounds, using farming for lending. Still high rewards. Buy or cry... Most of these are scams. This is real. Easy 100x.


>> No.23140304
File: 127 KB, 785x563, farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23140354


>> No.23140381

Damn just an hour ago it was above 3000% APY. Now 2700%

>> No.23140418

Bankers don't belong in crypto!

>> No.23140429

You must not be farming... wish we could hold off on posting until the rewards change

>> No.23140464

Going crazy due to 10x farming yield promo - only 11 days remaining!

>> No.23140474

Staaaaapppp talking about this lol

>> No.23140498

Another sushi clone?

>> No.23140516

>Merchant Bankers are expert at pricing risk. Ordinary people would have very little price discovery info from which to set or accept rates.
>Coffee? Nothing makes an afternoon fly by like a cup of coffee. Click the mug to go to our staking site.
>DeFI alone cannot risk-based price and cannot play unbanked role without major loss of capital and headline risk
That's a no from me, boss

>> No.23140554

Ehhhhh looks ok. I'm in.

>> No.23140563

yeah go farm some apple bullshit. I'll take the gains

>> No.23140564

Included them. They will get raped, legally speaking.

>> No.23140590
File: 519 KB, 220x275, tenor (10).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23140592

they already have banking partners. And lawyers. They aren't idiots. Dyor

>> No.23140625

Well those lawyers will have to work extra hard. 10 to 15 is usual, if they are good they get away with 7

>> No.23140658

Blar blar.

>> No.23140718

Yes. Please keep fudding! This is a scam. Bankers shouldn’t be in crypto. This will rug. Don’t buy and don’t stake. At least for 11 more days.

>> No.23140739

Cats out of the bag! I found this money bag a week ago.

New website is nice!

>> No.23140744

Can we delete this post now please? Seriously. You obviously don’t like money

>> No.23140806

it's a 200k mc. Don't be greedy. lots to go around.

>> No.23140829

Don't know what you're looking at. My eyes are burning.

Great rewards though!

>> No.23140860

It is much better than the previous site. The App part.

>> No.23140881

I wanna buy it. But biz is always wrong

>> No.23140893

Can't read that shit. They should see how other yield farms design their pools.

>> No.23140924

I think you need sleep, your eyes are getting blurry. Or you've left your glasses on your head again.

>> No.23140928

Why you shilling this so early .Fucking wait 11days and accum them cheapies .

>> No.23140949

Fuck you. Whatever, I'll see you at the moon

>> No.23140981

No I will be at Mars. Bye moon boy.

>> No.23141017

This will definitely moon. It already started mooning.

>> No.23141070
File: 102 KB, 824x1155, photo_2020-09-21_22-56-20 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rio Defi adopts the Rio wallet technology because it includes an OAuth authentication system, that allows users to create a Rio Wallet, access their assets, and manage their private keys through their email or social media accounts.

>> No.23141157

I'm a gambling man. Is liquidity locked?

>> No.23141228

Damn I'm glad I jumped in when I did. Somebody just made a massive buy.

>> No.23141261

Killer APY. Already up 50%. good job guys. Apes gonna ape.

>> No.23141336

Whale just bought in 30ETH ...

>> No.23141355

RFUEL's a scam - not even on the same level as this!

>> No.23141390

got some. holy fuck 3k%

>> No.23141420

You should really delete this, there's 11 days left for bonus farming. Slow and steady man don't invite bizlets in yet

>> No.23141616

why do you say that? I have a big bag of Rio

>> No.23141624

Fuck off retard

>> No.23141674

Careful - you might hurt his feeling.

>> No.23141944

>Don't post here
These people are tiresome. Biz beating reddit to the punch is exactly what we want.

>> No.23142320
File: 39 KB, 1208x1116, ZETA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>look into Zeta
>zUSD you say?