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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 1211x278, 1496775192728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2313956 No.2313956 [Reply] [Original]

First Blood (1ST) just got listed on Bittrex, at cheapest point right now. Get in for quick gains. Unlike mooncoin this is actually a real coin that JUST got listed on Bittrex, get in get in go go go!

>> No.2313975

Can we get the guy who bought at 0.001 in here for a laff

>> No.2313985

i'd give it a day first to let the price stabilize

>> No.2314022

Looks good let's pump it

>> No.2314037
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 1496333967618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to miss crazy gains, this is a shit coin that will start pumping in an hour. We're on the ground floor right now.

Just to be clear, I am very against P&D shitcoins because it gives crypto a bad name... but I've also never had an opportunity to get in at the start so fuck it.

>inb4 virtue signaling faggot

>> No.2314040

what does 1ST do?

>> No.2314069

Literally have no idea and don't care at all. It's going to pump hard, look at the chart on bittrex.

>> No.2314113

DGB is going to get trampled by this coin.
I just read their whitepaper and I researched them on forums. They are going to do everything DGB does but wayyy better.

They already have plans to be the first esports betting platform for all the major Online games.

The asians are already all over this shit

>> No.2314123

In. Let's go.

>> No.2314129

Nobody is going to use this shit.

>> No.2314135
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lol this shit coin is not touching DGB, but it's going to pump. Take it for what it is and get in now for 5x-10x gains in a couple of days.

>> No.2314143

Give us 3 main lines please.
(already in, but for not a lot)

>> No.2314144

lets take this shitcoin to the top

>> No.2314152

>capitalizing Online

I smell curry

>> No.2314173

It is made for online gaming
Let's you bet and shit
Seem pretty legit desu

>> No.2314194
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>> No.2314211

CS is the big daddy for this

Does anyone know if skins are still the way people bet on CS? If this can replace skins it's gonna explode.

>> No.2314217
File: 34 KB, 773x161, Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 3.16.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the first couple games they selected back in 8/1/2016

They have already confirmed others based on community requests and THEY'RE NOT EVEN IN BETA YET.

Beta will be released this summer.

Ching chongers are gonna eat this shit up

>> No.2314231
File: 124 KB, 488x595, Happy face I swear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Buy into the coin and set coin betting terms for a game supporting this.
2. Wait for someone or challenge someone who set similar terms with same game.
3. Winner takes whatever terms were settled on.
Think Traders or any movie where two people bet their hoards and then try to kill each other, except no one actually dies using this coin.

>> No.2314232

it's up 25% on the day, fuck off with your PnD, pajeet


>> No.2314276

Thats what people aren't realizing


You do not have to be playing. This is going to create a huge economy

Funny how every time there is a coin with real world application people call you a shill.

Go back to your beans fag. I hope you get left with the bags

>> No.2314277

>le small slice of le large pie
spotted the unprofitable shitcoin

>> No.2314324

yeah but people already bet on matches using a variety of websites, software, brokers and money types. Wha makes this so special that it will surpass all those trusted in use methods? Please lay it all out.

>> No.2314361

all of the "real world application" coins have dogshit business ideas that couldn't raise a viagra-overdosing teenagers dick if they weren't hitching their wagons to crypto

>> No.2314369

the fact that they already have the community behind them and are at every major gaming tournament

The fact that why would you bet on randomgamblingbitcoinwebsite#20545868.com
when you can bet on the platform made for people in this scene

All major gaming operations are behind this. Teams are ready to go. Beta this summer

>> No.2314397

>video gaming
>multi bajillion dollar industry
>esports are the future of sports in general
>first platform to cater to this emerging market

yes go buy your shitcoins. I'll bet on the entertainment and gambling industry of the future

>> No.2314403

Do you have statements from major players in the gaming industry supporting this coin and software? If it's true you shouldn't have a problem producing them, And i would like to see them. thanks

>> No.2314421


>> No.2314491
File: 201 KB, 900x400, hellonewfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont you take the time and try researching for yourself.

Maybe search their twitter a little.
maybe check out the DOTA 2 competitions and see who the big players are

nobody needs your mommys $

>> No.2314517

Don't try and deflect, Answer the very simple question. Back up your statements. After all, Your trying to sell me on the coin right? So back up what you say or everyone reading this is going to consider you to be a lying sack. So, Where are the statements brah?

P.s i will be looking up this coin and ill be posting every little detail i find, good and bad.

>> No.2314541

I bought 12 because I doubt it, but not entirely

>> No.2314591

no faggot thats where youre wrong I dont need to sell you anything.

It's selling itself otherwise it wouldnt have been added to a major exchange

I've been following this project for months. You biztards are the laziest

>> No.2314613

So what's the problem? Link the statements. Back up what your saying.

>> No.2314858


>> No.2314896

off we go buddy boyos

>> No.2314967

shit, already? bought 90 of these fuckers at 41k SAT

>> No.2315041

Are you me? That's exactly what I did. 91 at 41800 to be exact.

Big sell walls though

>> No.2315084
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well, as long as it doesnt go below 4180 SAT im comfy

>> No.2315112
File: 2 KB, 281x179, theblackwhale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to moon this coin... WITH ALL SURVIVING.

>> No.2315131

I-It's over anon-chan?

>> No.2315156

It's literally starting rn

>> No.2315172

once the sell wall of 13BTC is down it will moon again. No reason for it to stop.

>> No.2315220

Fucking yolo
threw 30% of my capital into this hoping for a moon.

>> No.2315236

at what price?

>> No.2315270

When the moon

>> No.2315271

same man, im smelling gold

>> No.2315309

Got in at 0.00045151

reeee plz no bully.

>> No.2315311

Dont get mad when I dump on you

>> No.2315312

some nutsack about to dump

>> No.2315332
File: 10 KB, 539x21, dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this moron

>> No.2315335

I smell it too, was this the top of the iceberg and the beginning of my downfall.

>> No.2315339


It's about to moon this hour after the sellwall breaks

>> No.2315369

I hope you are right anon.

Now after i've dumped my shit @ 0.00045151 can you tell me what this company is? :))

>> No.2315372

don't fall for this scam. don't buy

>> No.2315381

ok i bet last 5$ left on that shit, i dont care. When should i sell?

>> No.2315390
File: 188 KB, 500x485, 1495512883417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you ever consider blessing an aspiring coinfag? YOU'D BE LEGENDARY!


>> No.2315393


if i can tell you anything, NEVER buy the ATH. fuck. sometimes you get lucky, but it's fucking rare. if it's a coin with history you can gamble. otherwise you're fucking sharkfood.

i like to go for the more relaxed buy in low and just let it simmer style.

the pump and dumps sure can be exciting though :D

>> No.2315419

Lol been holding this coins for months.

>> No.2315432

I know you are right...

But im so tired of holding digi, bat, sc and zen... Those things take long and I WANT TO BE RICH NOW.

So threw what i had in dogcoins and shit and put it in here, about 30% of my shitty capital.

>> No.2315434

down it goes... glad I didnt buy in... yet

>> No.2315436
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1494929113596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its dipping, luckily i sold at the top, now, should i buy low again?

>> No.2315450

just clocked supply is so high it's already ranked 30-something in the market cap leaderboard - this coin is fucked, abort

>> No.2315455

i bought in at 41800 and sold at 44500 within 40 minutes.

>> No.2315456

Weak hands anon. Weak hands.


>> No.2315460


well should i invest? you hodling?

>> No.2315463


that's about what i'd do if i got here in time ;)

>> No.2315477


there's generally always a second pump to try and take the rest of the peoples money, doubt it will drop below 41k. hold out if you can risk it.

>> No.2315482

ofc, its been slowly going up for months. its not a pump and dump

>> No.2315483
File: 22 KB, 1196x354, chrome_2017-06-06_22-48-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyfuck that candystick.

>> No.2315518

this shit is all over the place

>> No.2315522

gonna need a source lil bitch

>> No.2315551

It has a higher marketcap than RDD you fucking idiot. It's a legit coin, look it up.

>> No.2315552

The /biz/ game is going on. Come here >>2315214 and make a ''Roll'' right now!

>> No.2315587


>> No.2315597

Got in at 48 gonna see what happens

>> No.2315607

My mistake i was looking at page 2 of book orders lol

>> No.2315619
File: 29 KB, 172x228, 1495137437512 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go in or don't go in.

>> No.2315647

You could still go in, its about to mean once sell walls are down.

>> No.2315664
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1492635730983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip

>> No.2315679

it's already at $1.25, it's not gonna do shit

>> No.2315712
File: 79 KB, 960x960, blue eys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U realise CHINA is the biggest market for this coin right? When CHINA wakes up soon its gonna skyrocket. U be a fool to not hold these right now.

>> No.2315714



>> No.2315732

The price has absolutely no effect on anything

>> No.2315739

skins are the Alpha and Omega of CS GO betting

just take a look at vulcuun, csgo lotto and several loot crate offers

those sites make millions

>> No.2315809

pack it up. shows over.

>> No.2315834

Is it worth it to hold on till summer, then sell, or now?

>> No.2315840



>> No.2315856
File: 206 KB, 600x954, IMG_5402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck outta here

>> No.2315872

set a sell rate of like 45000 and wait for the next pump and dump to pick you up.


yeah okay.

>> No.2315893

Maybe you shouldn't be in crypto. I rode two pumps on this coin in the last 60 minutes.

first 41800 to 44500
then 42500 to 43880

I guess you're one of the suckers I dumped on.

>> No.2315909


>> No.2315931

How long is it taking to buy this?

>> No.2315942

its dumping, see ya

>> No.2315971

nah i've learned to watch these pnds carefully before i invest. got here too late for the first one and then it didn't dip low enough to be worth the risk of buying in for the 2nd one.

>> No.2315992

Ah good for you.

Today was a difficult day tho, so much was tanking

>> No.2316051

its gonna go up, this was just the beginning

>> No.2316061

Im entering now at 4244

>> No.2316111

you're going to lose your money. PND is over kid. Just take a look at the price, market cap, etc it's going nowhere.

>> No.2316129

I'm in. This is a lot better than minecraft dgb. Asians are crazy fuck gamers. Now they bet while they play and watch and whatever.. Moon

>> No.2316134

volume is 8x bigger on yunbi, lol youll be crying in a few weeks

>> No.2316170

>coin based on rambo
>niche is esports coin which is already a fucking niche

Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea than conning retarded bag holders?

>> No.2316176

Made profit allready.. Hahaha hahaha thx man. This shit is my lambo coin now

>> No.2316207

the people selling are retarded, letting these guys short all of you

>> No.2316231
File: 129 KB, 657x908, 1496120242012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going 2x in the next 10 hours, fucking asians gonna spew all their hentai gaming goo all over this coin

>> No.2316243

The guy clearly has nothing to back his statements.

Fuck this shill.

>> No.2316287

How do you find pumps?

>> No.2316307

Yea ok I'm in a little, gotta diversify

>> No.2316312

Literally no one is going to invest seriously in a cryptocurrency called "first blood"

The name alone is fucking retarded, and it's niche is esports which is equally fucking retarded because DGB has already cornered all of video games in general.

>> No.2316345

you don't. you make them happen by doing research and distributing knowledge to the masses.

If you don't want to do the work, just pick good conceputal coins with great dev teams and hold for a year. You will make more money than moving around chasing pumps

>> No.2316346

You are simple wrong and believe me, alot gamers love the name first blood.
"this game is about money.. Who will win.. Who will make FIRST BLOOD!!!??? "

>> No.2316371

To chase pumps you need more cash so fees won't eat your gains right?

Is it doable to buy and sell in 30 seconds while making money?

>> No.2316427


>> No.2316432

I wouldnt buy it yet. Let it settle for a few months. To risky without any direction yet.

>> No.2316484


>> No.2317183

oh look I found 2 retarded forever poor fags about to get scammed again

>> No.2317580

Was this another ICO bullshit? I wish that cancer would just stop. This coin is actually better than DGB and so is its team, but those sats; 1.8k vs 42k? I'd dump my dgb into this but this piece of shit volume means I'm not getting a decent profit unlike dgb, no way will this double soon, but dgb still has a chance to go to 5k. ICOs are cancer.

>> No.2317821

This was not a recent ICO

this coin has been out for almost a year, it just got added to bittrex

>> No.2317840

>tfw got in at 50k yesterday

looks like im going to be holding this badboy for a long time