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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23128103 No.23128103 [Reply] [Original]

>X thing happening soon!
>doesn't happen
it's all so tiresome...

>> No.23128173


It’s happening anon.
You need to find good fud to hold it down now. Better get your bags asap

>> No.23128220

>UI to stake via @Ledger coming very soon
lmao they didn't even deliver ledger staking. Literally lied about this.

>> No.23128356

No, they deliver. :)

>> No.23128531

>shitty fud
Really tiresome indeed

>> No.23128629

How can this project talk so much and never deliver anything actually useful. Seriously could they just focus on getting the dex released with ETH support? No one cares about staking on a Ledger ffs.

Vaporware deluxe - gonna sell before the price craters even more. I'm done.

>> No.23128718

mate, you should know the score by now. everything they say or do is manipulated in some way.

literally hydra 2040.

>> No.23128771

Spot on. Long time holder here, the team seems to have serious trouble focusing on what's important and actually delivering value to users.
Crypto moves in such a fast pace you have to focus your resources on something useful that can be delivered in a reasonable timeframe

>> No.23128847

> t. not all in
> please sell guys I missed cheap stakies please sell please sell
This is what missing the boat looks like.

>> No.23128856

the dex is just the first dapp. many more dapps to come like masternodes implanted in your body. call of duty 3000 hosted on masternodes using layer 2 to send supoer fast btc transactions to the winners of games.
space ships using masternodes to verify astronauts signals while outside the shuttle etc etc etc. it's an entire new eco system, literally the future of crypto.

>> No.23128990

kek I am about to sell also

>> No.23129160

no one gives a shit about trezor / ledger staking. Only the most desperate are celebrating it, because nothing else is going on. Can't believe they've wasted a good few months on this crap. Literally who the fuck thought NOW is a good time to push for this?

>> No.23129190

Isn't it funny how XSN gets shilled so hard, but every other project out there is chasing X9 relentlessly?

>> No.23129223

its convenient for me, but that is it. all fof this can be done with their core wallet.

>> No.23129295

Seriously retarded argument but effective FUD on this board. You've clearly never seen code or worked on anything notable with a team - multiple things can progress at once and are (as you should know if you actually follow their breadcrumbs and teasers). Cold staking is huge, and ledger is coming - no one on this board should have to be convinced how significant that is, but like I said, its easy to FUD here.

>> No.23129321

>Isn't it funny how XSN gets shilled so hard, but every other project out there is chasing X9 relentlessly?
Please elaborate regarding what exactly are they "chasing X9" on? I've seen a weird mindset from the XSN people, where they act like the DEX is actually being used, and everything is working amazingly great. Reality is, that so far they've released an extremely crippled BTC->XSN exchange, which isn't even a "DEX" as such (orderbook hosted on a website etc.)

>> No.23129403

Why would a team, who's intending to perform what they say they are, release a final product with no bug testing?
Why not subject the work in progress to limited but extensive testing all throughout its production?

Anyway, you think you're just conveniently reading how a new project is attempting a "layer 2 dex" every single day just out of coincidence?
Look back through all this daily news of new projects chasing X9. See when it started and match that with XSN's pump to $.60 a few months back.

Go drool somewhere else.

>> No.23129407

>multiple things can progress at once
Team literally said they've put all devs to work on this hw wallet staking effort for the past month or so. Ledger was supposed to come TODAY, but in true XSN fashion they moved it to "soon". Delivering items from the 2018 roadmap isn't "huge".

>> No.23129414

It feels like you would rather have them have nothing at all than have 75% up working and tested. No one is pretending this is the final stage, but guess what, this board is full of speculators and the amount of proof of concept this project has is more than half the shilled coins/tokens on this board ever reach. Maybe the fact that this project is held to higher standards should tell you something.

>> No.23129451

>XSN Livecoin wallet offline temporarily
what the fuck is this guys?

>> No.23129471

cold staking is literally a game changer. one of many firsts for stakenet. no one else does what they do. soon satoshi himself will tweet about how excellent it is that he can cold stake on his ledger nano s. if you can't see how such a thing is crucial to the 4th industrial revolution you clearly no nothing about crypto. soon the price will be $45m for 1 masternode and dev teams will have to take out loans to get one so they can run their own dapps on the blockchain. your so early. no one even knows about xsn despite the tweets, and that's a good thing!

>> No.23129501
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Cold staking my ass lolololol
more like hand over the keys to your xsn wallet

shoulda bought blocknet dumb honkies lmfao.

>> No.23129530

lmao with you.
>miss deadlines constantly
>they are just bug testing!

Several projects have been working on L2 solutions for ages, you're just so hung up & wed to XSN you can't think outside of the bubble. You didn't provide a single example of someone "chasing" X9 on anything.

>> No.23129549

Mate I genuinely hope you sell because Ledger was 1 - 7 days late. It says in the ann that the only thing missing is a UI, you probably shouldn't be in this space at all if you don't understand how trivial that is.

>> No.23129572

There are no deadlines.
I'm not going to hold your hand, faggot.
Go play with your coincidence theories somewhere else.

>> No.23129609

Draper flew over my house and sucked all the bitcoin out of my paper wallet, then sucked all the coomjuice out of penis and no more kids for me. Stay far away from coom juice sucking scammer XSN.

>> No.23129644

>the only thing missing is a UI
Yeah, no big deal. Also the only thing missing from the DEX is that it isn't decentralized.

>> No.23129667

What does cold staking do really? A ledger or trezor is a hot wallet anyway. It's not like a multisig paperwallet that signs on an air gapped computer. Maybe it's cool for security, but what technological implications does this have beyond 'get money for free doing nothing off a USB stick'. I hold double digit mn's myself but it seems like if l2 dex is the future they need to get kyc figured out for compliance, watchtowers functioning, and I don't know maybe some awareness that they even exist or a working product that isn't just a limited beta with 1k transaction limits.
All the talk of fud but I've never really seen anyone fud the project. Asking questions or giving criticism is not fud. The project sounds like a good idea and there's potential here if they can pull it off. That's about all we've got for now.

>> No.23129675

>There are no deadlines.
lol, clearly was implied in every single announcement before today that trezor AND ledger staking was coming TODAY. They fucked up AGAIN, kek.

>> No.23129736

Now fuck off.

>> No.23129833

Uhh ohh, aren't you supposed to be all happy today? It's release date after all, hahah

>> No.23130038


>> No.23130073

Xsn needs to crash hard, i need those cheap mn in my folio...
also Statera will benefit enormously if they can pull this off, this is the high IQ bet of the next years. Link missed deadlines like nigger shootings in muh hood.

>> No.23130115

Please make sure to buy for a premium after it is. Shortsighted people that gab this much don't deserve.
>what technological implications does this have beyond 'get money for free doing nothing off a USB stick'.
Mate proof of stake is the backbone of modern blockchains, and XSN is the only one that allows you to do it with the standard security setup. Get your shcizo 'paper wallet air gapped' shit out of here, a Trezor or Ledger with 25 seed phrase is as secure as the seed phrase. For anyone needing spoonfeeding that is almost the most secure setup, certainly the most convenient super secure set up.
Get KYC figured out for a DEX? Do you have any idea what you are talking about? That's the opposite of the point. Maybe ask more questions and share less concerns. XSN holders are happy to answer them so long as you don't pose as a knowledgeable skeptic.
On the board that let's slide hundreds of ERC-20 scams, try and imagine what other projects receive this level of scrutiny. A very real project comes along and people start questioning what the devs favorite food is.

>> No.23130329

Fucking retards in this thread. The hard fork went through perfectly and it wasn’t just for cold staking which you can do right now if you have a Trezor. The Ledger UI along with Trezor is being added directly to the lightwallet so you can cold stake directly from there. Not only that but this fork also added the ability to store your MN collateral on Ledger and Trezor devices which is also being added to the UI on the lightwallet. Finally you will be able to use the lightwallet for trading whilst keeping your private keys securely stored on your ledger and Trezor so this update was way more than just cold staking if you were paying attention. The entire point of this update is so that only actual MN’s and Staking Nodes need to use the Core XSN wallet. Everything else can be done via the lightwallet and eventually they will just add a button in the lightwallet to go full node for XSN which will mean there will be no need for the Core Wallet at all.

The only part of it they showed today was verifying it was a success and showed how you can stake using your Trezor straight from the XSN explorer.

>> No.23130383

So there is no technological breakthrough here then? It's just securing the blockchain using the same wallet as your ledger or trezor uses. I don't see how this is impressive or impacts my life in any meaningful way. The core wallet is already as secure as the private keys. How the private keys are generated is irrelevant unless it constitutes a security risk. It's literally working the exact same way as before. It's just tpos in new packaging. Something they already had out for a while now.

>> No.23130437

>the shills have fatigue
>the holders are pissed
>No delivery
Hilarious show you guys are putting on here. Seriously though hire someone for your community.

>> No.23130647

Dude you're just deluded and incoherent.
>The core wallet is as secure as the private keys. How the private keys are generated is irrelevant.
First of all an improperly generated private key is incredibly insecure and extremely relevant.
Secondly the core wallet, or any other practical desktop wallet is not and will never be as secure as a hardware wallet. I know you can remove the network card and encrypt your HDD and all that for your schizo setup but 99% of people will only ever need HW wallets, even if they have extremely high collateral.
Thirdly no other project has combined the security (and convenience) of a hardware wallet with the ability to stake.
If you can't put those pieces together mate I'll pass the ball.
The """holders""" are pissed.

>> No.23130787

They do multiple things at once. Besides that interation of hardware wallets they just implemented LN11 a couple of days ago, the simple swap ui is about to release and the ETH integration is pretty much done.

hardware wallet integration is part of the whole DEX idea. They were talking a lot about 'cold exchanging' and that's what is enabled by these updates. TPOS is just a sidestory of that.

by the way vaporware means something that is not delivered. Stakenet delivers again and again

>> No.23130851

imagine even less volume than Stakenet Dex and downloading complete blockchains. imba bla bla light wallet will come in 2024

>> No.23130853

But we have X tps, it's a proof of stake network instead of proof of work so that's really cutting edge. We even have masternode and dex. It's decentralized, it's an oracle, it does defi, there is yields and farms. Layer 2 dood, I can't even. Trustless and permissionless, fungible, block confirmations, proofs, zero knowledge, poc's, rollup, wrapped assets. Interoperability, arbitration, arbitrage, lightning and raiden. Chiefs and indians too. Private and transparent open ledger. All the buzzwords are there. Stakenet is the ultimate crypto project. They team helped litecoin with some things so they've already proven themselves with their track record and experience with the best projects in crypto. It will eventually do everything while also being a cryptocurrency. Who needs marketing when this shit is so obviously great it sells itself. The only reason number go down is because cz and his concern shills use bots to suppress the price by buying all the thin supply for low price before anyone else can.

>> No.23130950

boys the Livecoin wallet is offline how the fuck am I to sell my XSN? Is the dex beta my best bet?

>> No.23130953

based tech chad

>> No.23130977

>also added the ability to store your MN collateral on Ledger and Trezor devices
No it did not. Stop lying.

>> No.23130986

I'll buy it directly. DM me on Twitter @therealdonaldtrump

>> No.23131063

it layed the foundation for that by changing the address format to the one Ledger/trezor were using. That's obviously what he meant

>> No.23131077

thanks you fag

>> No.23131096

A ghastly reminder; if Livecoon decides not to update the wallet, XSN value would end up to about $0.0

>> No.23131100

are using*

>> No.23131143

Sure he did.

>> No.23131177

team said a couple of days ago LC has already updated it, so yeah nothing to worry about that. LC has a history of randomly going into maintenance.

also we'll probably see wXSN on Uniswap, team is looking into that and that'll give a massive boost

>> No.23131235

can you cold stake without owning a trezor or anything like that, just in a cold wallet? i have a bunch of XSN just sitting on livecoin right now

>> No.23131242

ooops mb bro
ill wait for hydra in 2050

>> No.23131268

yes, you can. You can just keep them on your core wallet and use a vps for self-tpos or a third-party tpos merchant

>> No.23131279

>we'll probably see wXSN on Uniswap
Won’t happen; against XSNs “agenda”.

>> No.23131288
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>> No.23131352

No doubt it's a nice convenience or quality of life upgrade but it's a rather small feature in the bigger picture. I feel resources could have been better applied elsewhere considering the time sensitive nature here. I like my ledger and it's very convenient, but I didn't get into xsn just because it's something I can put on my ledger, which I could already do before cold staking. This kind of thing is more of a finishing touches. Either they are way ahead of schedule and holding back on going live for some reason, or they have questionable prioritization for the order of features they decide to work on and release. Even if they are light-years ahead when it comes to l2 and dexes they can't dawdle forever or another team will close the distance and beat them to the punch. Oftentimes these things are about first movers. They want to create a killer app which I think is great. Problem is outside of sports and other things with strict rules and extremely constrained environments being the best won't get you as far as you'd think. Betamax vs VHS. Sometimes it's not even about being first or best. People stream in 720p instead of downloading 4k or even 1080i. Even if they have to deal with buffering on the 720 due to slow connection. This is because they don't realize it's possible to download things locally. Of the population that knows what a dex is how many have heard of xsn? I'm not saying advertise a project that doesn't have a product yet. Just doing talks on their work and progress through proper forums instead of goofing off on Twitter and discord, that will yield better results. Chainlink acts like an academic project showing off tech and new developments in crypto. Surely there's a bitcoin or eth dev conference where they could give a presentation.

>> No.23131369

huh, wallet is offline right now. I asked LC

>> No.23131376

do that. will be a great day for you when hydra and that atomic swap you triggered tonight on blocknets dex, will be done at the same time

>> No.23131407

says who? I know it is being looked into

>> No.23131916
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>> No.23132242

>muh wrapped assets are bad t. XSN team
>hey let's make a wrapped xsn token to pump our bags on uniswap lmao

>> No.23132359

Let the normies pump the real thing, we don't give a fuck. If too stupid to use Livecoin or Core Wallet that's their choice not to learn.

>> No.23132419
File: 92 KB, 790x1192, LUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still nothing worthwhile
>draper laughs and makes fun of the Uniswap UI saying its "so fucking easy we figured it out in a afternoon"
>still not released
good job draper I guess it wasnt that simple after all

>> No.23132441

wrapped assets are not generally bad. They are bad if you want to scale in a decent manner. You need to go off-chain for that. That's always been the point that critic is about

What kind of 'long time holder' are you even? Saw it pump in summer and jumped the train? Long term in Uniswap terms probably. You should've read the white paper, it's talking about wrapped assets on other blockchains and that one is at least 1.5 years old or more

>> No.23132442

Anyone else had trouble getting the BTC L2 to go active? Mines been syncing for ages

>> No.23132446

yeah man these fuds arent even worth my grammar

>> No.23132542

Nope, took me like 30s

>> No.23132580

goddammit. I have been trying to sell my shit for two hours. Livecoin xsn wallet is down, beaxy hasn't verified me, this dex is acting retarded