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File: 111 KB, 600x600, E86EB22E-2240-4F50-AED6-D876ED444C6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23125502 No.23125502 [Reply] [Original]

employer decided to have surprise drug test, I have to go to the facility in 48hrs and take a test. I’m not fucking clean. how to cheat this shit? I plan on using a friends urine but need ideas on how to conceal said urine and keep it warm.

>> No.23125524

What do you use? Obviously go cold turkey immediately. But you may be fucked. Just know that THC rarely shows up.

>> No.23125529

>I plan on using a friends urine but need ideas on how to conceal said urine and keep it warm.
It wouldn't pass the taste test anyway

>> No.23125533

you need a piss boy - try an elementary school they can be bribed with candy

>> No.23125534

tape it below your balls. if it stays there long enough it should be warm enough

>> No.23125535

>Take a plastic bottle, make one of your coworkers piss in it, bring that in the wc
case closed

>> No.23125539

Just buy synthetic urine (QuickFix 6.2 is the best) from a smoke shop. Comes with everything you need for heating and concealment.

>> No.23125559

I just say im on prescribed adderall as the tests can't tell that apart from meth. They might put a query into your doc but i haven't once had anything back from that.

>> No.23125560

buy those little handwarmers. wear tighty whities to the clinic and keep the bottle of pee in your taint. you can put the pee bottle in between the two layers of fabric where you take your dick out to keep it body temp until your turn

>> No.23125566

I’ve hit my thc vape pen at least twice a day for the past 6 days but before that I was clean for a month

>> No.23125572

had to do this once, get a small bottle or container and tape it to your leg, wrap a heat pad around it. I passed.

>> No.23125584

stop being a degenerate

>> No.23125590

this. bonus points for taping a tube to your cock

>> No.23125625

what I’m worried about is the hand warmer getting the urine too hot

>> No.23125632

lol what a fag

>> No.23125634

Do americans really check their workers' pee? What the fuck I thought you hated communism???

>> No.23125637

At 12 hours before, piss out and don't drink anymore water. Get a FOLEY catheter and with 300ml of someone else's piss use it to fill your bladder. Hold onto this until the test.

>> No.23125638

Just get a fake dick desu

>> No.23125657

pay my bills and I’ll do what you say

>> No.23125676

Get fucked.

>> No.23125684

Ok well I was smoking from a bong daily for two weeks. And on and off prior to that. Went cold turkey for seven days and tested negative to get my dextroamphetamine script (requirement in my state).
I took a home THC test two days before (so five days cold) and it was also negative.
Bit about me though - very physically active. Dieting to lose fat, and reasonable bodyfat already (Definitley under 20%). I think you’ll be ok

>> No.23125698

Don't be a nigger and stop casually doing drugs. Let this be a lesson learned

>> No.23125704

wouldn’t get here in time for my test unfortunately :(

>> No.23125710


>> No.23125725

headshops sell synthetic urine. all else fails you can get it on amazon prime but it'll probably be cheap chinky knockoff

>> No.23125753

your situation is not as bad as you think it is. from now up until you take the test be running and drinking water, the main thing you want to do is sweat it out. right before the test eat something very fatty like peanut butter and you should be okay or in such a low range you can say you got hit with second hand smoke at a party.

>> No.23125755

Fuck off

>> No.23125757

dude, weed, lmao get fired

>> No.23125767


It was fine, I was worried about it not getting hot enough... I don't know about you, but my piss is pretty fucking warm when I'm busting... Just do it retard, you have no choice at this short notice.

>> No.23125768
File: 64 KB, 800x978, Whizzinator-in-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thank you for this

>> No.23125789

get fired
drink piss f'or a living

>> No.23125800
File: 93 KB, 800x679, 1602090705694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some pothead is going to lose his job

>> No.23125811

did you have a friend pee like right outside the facility and then go in or was there quite a bit of time between obtains the urine and then getting tested ?

>> No.23125830


>> No.23125832

I’m far from a pot head, pot heads don’t contribute to society. I pay my taxes like the rest of you fucks. not everyone is super lazy and stupid on weed

>> No.23125838

if your company fires you for just smoking some hash then just lol at u

>> No.23125846

Wait, so are you actually on Meth or?

>> No.23125848

what do you do op?

>> No.23125867
File: 129 KB, 544x469, cheerss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year someone I knew was in a similar situation, I read from this study that zinc reduced the detection of THC (he was a daily smoker), he had no fake urine or any fancy detox, I gave him 200mg of zinc the night before and 200mg of zinc 4 hours before his schedule test. He passed the drug test, no THC was found in his system, so give that a try.

>> No.23125888

Yeah except weekends

>> No.23125905
File: 89 KB, 540x613, youreamongfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are for people that can't cope with life. I had that problem for many years and it took me a couple to finally get to a better place. The wakeup call will suck and I wish you luck on taking your mental health to a positive place anon.

>> No.23125912

Best advice right here Anon,
First, the hardest part is getting pee JUST before you have to be at the facility. Like 5-10 mins prior. That way the pee has its perfect temp for the lab.
Fill up a condom with this urine.
Tuck the condom between your thighs/under your groin. Keep it as warm as possible.
Afterwards. Just show up and pour it out and its really easy. Keep the trash on your person on the way out. Stay employed anon!

>> No.23125919

drink a fuckton of gatorade. literally, gallons.

>> No.23125924

>swear it out
Considering thc is fat soluble, that may be tric...literally impossible
>second hand smoke excuse
Considering most thc tests are quite a high cut off - only the dumbest cunt working as a bricklayer, and not a literal medical drug testing specialist centre, would believe that

>> No.23125932

I’m a fedex delivery driver part time, just using this job to fund my crypto investments

>> No.23125933

how fat was your anon fren.
I wanna know if i gotta adjust the dosage

>> No.23125934

Yeah, but it’s the easiest thing to test for. I’m sure you’re socially awkward too and can’t get someone to piss for you. Perhaps you should ask a random child?

>> No.23125938

> posts a group who used amphetamines regularly to achieve superhuman feats

>> No.23125956

fucking fascists
on the other hand if you happen to crash and it is found you slonk gang weed it's not a good look for them

>> No.23125973

Fed contractors, generally. If tech companies fired every stoner on staff, they wouldn't have staff.

>> No.23125994

>fucking fascists
For a fucking drug test?

>> No.23126008

do it for the next 48 hours
you are clean now

>> No.23126018
File: 460 KB, 754x1065, 20200925_210019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Quick Fix at a local head shop.
Pull fake pee bottle out of box.
Tape to inside of your thigh (or your balls) 1 hour before taking test to ensure the bottle gets to temperature (it has a thermometer on the bottle)
Go in to clinic without limping too much
Go to bathroom.
Pour warm fake pee into cup.
Pee normally a little in toilet while also pouring out leftovers.
Walk out.
Hand nurse cup.
Tell nurse she has a nice ass and you hope she has a penis.
Revel in the fact that you just passed a test that your employer may have had to waste upwards of $300 out of pocket for (unless their insurance covers it)

>> No.23126022

old trick i did for high school sports:
clean piss in a 5 hour energy bottle, store it between your balls and leg. temp check works and easy to conceal

>> No.23126040

lmao buddy I got irl friends, not a fucking neet fuck like you. stop projecting >_<

>> No.23126057

okay, dont listen, let me know how mcdonalds goes

>> No.23126071

put a tiny but of powder bleach on your finger and stick your finger in the stream. This throws of the chemistry of the drug test and buys you time.

>> No.23126098

Go to any smoke shop and get Monkey Whizz. Have used it before and saved my job

>> No.23126120

You absolutely deserve this. Worthless piece of shit.

>> No.23126131


I collected it the same morning and put a heat pad around it. Take into consideration I'm in the UK. The tests are generally pretty laid back and held where you work. You just go to the restroom and piss in a glass beaker then bring it to the guy and he puts a 7 row test in it. I know in the US they even film you doing the test and take temperatures into consideration. Fucking ridiculous really, good luck.

>> No.23126135

I should post more on this board, you guys are great xD

>> No.23126143

Use hand warmers and wrap them in a measured out container of urine. It worked for me.

>> No.23126152

Then why are you still here?
Call one of your friends and ask him to piss in a bottle.

>> No.23126182

was here to see suggestions on how to store said piss or other solutions anons have done. read much ?

>> No.23126188

Buy QuickFix at a smoke shop near you. Follow the instructions on the box. It works.

>> No.23126194

>xD dude weed lmao
have fun reddit

>> No.23126201

That must be a shoddy fucking test then. Metamphetamine is distinctly different from amphetamine. Adderall is a mix of dex- and levoamphetamine, and cotains no metamphetamine anantiomeres.

>> No.23126208

thanks fren, hope the UK treats you well for the remainder of your life :)

>> No.23126240

>what is irony?

>> No.23126242

I ran and drank green tea obsessively before my drug test and was clean of thc

>> No.23126245

drink someone elses clean urine to replace your dirty urine

>> No.23126285

Ah yes irony xD lmao

>> No.23126302


>> No.23126322


>> No.23126331

Prob clean without doing all that psycho stuff

>> No.23126355

thank you for the advice and this pic anon, you’re awesome :)

>> No.23126376

why a condom tho? will the lube from condoms not fuck with the urine sample ?

>> No.23126397

tell the truth, by saying your not clean but don't do the test, even if your employers insists you take the test after saying your not clean.

just say your not clean and let him decide from that.

>> No.23126422

Just work out, drink a lot of green tea and water, and sweat a lot over the next 48h as other anons have said. You have a higher chance of passing doing this than trying to get someone else's urine and maintain the proper temperature and fool any other possible authentication methods considering you had to ask 4chan about it.

>> No.23126438

>> I bought a fake pee dose off the internet. It has urea, uric acid, specific gravity levels and a thermometer. It is called quikfix


>> No.23126444

thought about this, but also this is a job that works with the government so not sure they’d be cool

>> No.23126461

quit your job and wait for UNN.

>> No.23126474

Just say youll fail and quit there on the spot, i bet theyll work with you for being honest

>> No.23126478

I mean I’m a pretty skinny guy. 5’7 about 120 pounds soaking wet. Will this actually work?

>> No.23126483

How is this even legal? Do you live in a dictatorship? I heard russia does this.

>> No.23126491
File: 123 KB, 389x535, 0kz116ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watch this anon, it works, has saved me countless times.

gl u fucking fag.

>> No.23126492

lmao prepare to become one of the 7.9%

>> No.23126510

Yeah sweat it out right the fuck now or your fucked. B12 overload can expel it too but would not recommend.

>> No.23126516

You agree to it before they employ you.

>> No.23126525

oil change

>> No.23126528

in a decent country it would be illegal to even ask this of people

>> No.23126548

nope. it's all about oh&s.

>> No.23126568

Oh if you aren't fat there is actually a good chance that will work. Assumed you were tubbo. But like really drink a lot of water and really be running and pissing a lot. Still may not work because thc concentrate like that can take like a month to leave your system naturally and you have 2 days. If you try hard enough it could work, but the uncertainty is there.

>> No.23126580

How are employers allowed to do this? Who cares if someone smokes weed in their free time like on the weekends?

>> No.23126619


>> No.23126645

If you signed a contract to agree to their drug policy before employement you have to do it or lose the job. If you didn't, you can refuse. Simple as.

>> No.23126741

I'm pretty sure if you fail the test it goes on your record therefor makes you look bad to future employers and maybe blacklisted depending on the industry.

>> No.23126753


>> No.23126782

I bought a synthetic piss kit online years ago. Don't know if they work or not.

>> No.23126788

Fill a five hour energy bottle with piss. Then shove said bottle up your ass with a condom

>> No.23126828

Step 1: Drink fucktons of water
Step 2: eat fucktons of food
Step 3: consume lube
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have stopped having Diarrhea

>> No.23126853

A single drop of bleach in the cup.

>> No.23126875

just make sure the piss doesnt get too hot. they will DQ you if its over 104F.

>> No.23126881

Unless they want to watch your dick piss in the bottle, just put some soap on your finger and smear it inside the bottle/ tube and it will contaminate the sample.

>> No.23126926

>ctrl+f certo
>no results
Jesus christ I cannot believe every single time this bullshit gets brought up no one mentions certo. Google it OP you stupid nigger retard you’re welcome. And next time do a real drug like meth that clears out of your system in 24hrs not babby weed.

>> No.23126941

video >>23126491

>> No.23126947

a guy i worked with purposely shit his pants to get out of taking a random drug test because he was still drunk from the night before. no this isn't a joke, it actually happened.

>> No.23126998

Look it up on youtube, there is one where a nigger shows you how to flush your system with gatorade and some other shit

>> No.23127028

meh, just drink tons of water, like none stop drinking so you piss all the time and you pis becomes clear pure water. a total flush.

>> No.23127065

Nice, i stand corrected.
Shit on a stick. zoomer kikes really cannot do 10 minutes of proper internet research anymore

>> No.23127342

Here’s what you do op
Buy a jump rope ASAP
Buy vitamin b pills
Buy 3 gallons of cranberry juice
For the next 48hrs wear all your hoodies and sweatpants so your going to sweat like hell. Jump rope with all this on to atleast 5 of your favorite songs. Your going to jump rope like this
>first song normal jumping
>next song super fast
Normally most people wouldn’t make it to the 3rd song and that’s good. Your basically burning all the fat cells in your body fast as shit. During all of this drink as much water and cranberry juice till your peeing water.

Workout with the rope as many times per day that you can muster.

Take the vitamin b pills like 3x the recommendated dosage today and during your drug test.
Do this and you’ll pass. Add creatine And b pills when you test so it’s not pure water

>> No.23127611

>say you have choroba symptomps
>isolate for 14 days

>> No.23127843

Hot Epsom salt bath until you are profusely sweating twice a day. Pretend you are UFC fighter about to go into a fight. Be sure to replenish your salt and take lots of B12. The B12 will make your urine yellow even if it's clear and mostly water.

>> No.23127902

Sobrieties for people who can't face drugs

>> No.23127924

Go to your local smokeshop dumbass.

>> No.23127948

>surprise test
>in 48 hours


>> No.23127961

Yes bro especially if you're skinny that's the only deciding factor here really. THC is fat soluble.

>> No.23127994


>> No.23128015

Real niggas know what video he's talking bout

>> No.23128036

plasic bag strapped to leg with tube taped to penis
press bag when "peeing"

>> No.23128128

Have sex tradcuck

>> No.23128171


Get someone else’s urine.
Make sure that person isn’t on any prescription pills.
Have that person piss into a bottle.
Move that piss to a 5oz energy or travel shampoo bottle.
Wrap that in hand warmers
Wear cycling shorts or a jack strap
Bring a temp gun to make sure the piss is between 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit
Pour that bottle into the container they gave you.
Problem solved.

>> No.23128291

a friend of mine ate asparagus both canned and fresh for 2 days straight. Like literally everything he was eating was asparagus, 7-8 times a day.
It worked, but he also ate some weird chemical a smoke shop gave him so I don't know if it was the asparaugus or the chemicals that made him clean

>> No.23128335

fuck you this doesnt work for cocaine. thanks for wasting my time fag

>> No.23128365

Get methyl b-12 it’s more potent

>> No.23128441
File: 83 KB, 769x1024, a8b1632e3f0fee286b1b17beb10dd0cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon buy a detox cleanser asap and folloe the instructions to the letter look up DETOXIFY MEGA CLEANSE HERBAL CLEANSE 32oz on amazon and get that shit shipped 1 day or see if a smoke shop near you has it then drink it 2 hours before your exam. Just read the reviews and follow the instructions you want to pee at least twice before dropping for your test. Be advised it will make you want to shit yourself so give yourself a few hours at home before you drive to the test center, i think you have to pee 2x then hold the 3rd which is what you will drop it can be hard cause it will make you want to pee a lot. Good fucking luck anon drug tests that tests are fucking evil and retarded especially for THC in 2020

>> No.23128479

say you can't pee and ask to do a saliva test. it only tracks the past 24 hours. my friend has done this 3 times and it worked every time.

>> No.23128558

OP Buy synthetic urin, Dr. green agents or any other ones. Smoke shops have them. It saved my life when I was in your shoes. Do this OP don’t fuck it up . Don’t ask the clerk you wanna pass a drug test just buy the product and looks at YouTube for instructions. Thank me later

>> No.23128563

Imagine being such a druggie queer that you have to tape another man's piss to your balls.

>> No.23128574

Seriously, what a joke. If you can't come up with a scam in two days then you're a fucking douche.

>> No.23128665

Druggie degenerate retards lose in this earth, then have an eternity in hell after. Stay losing faggot.

>> No.23128989


>> No.23129386

If you know the day and rough time of the test, you can cheat by using a masking product like "urineluck" or something similar. They work very well. I do drug testing for industrial facilities, and we never announce when the test is coming for this reason. It gives you a reliable 6-8 hour window for THC.

>> No.23129415

Modern tests have a temperature strip on the cup. If your urine is not body temp, it is an auto fail.

>> No.23129428

>I do drug testing for industrial facilities
What else can you tell /biz/raelis to help them defeat the drug testing jew?
If god was so vindictive as to condemn people for using a plant he created you too would be going to hell for being a gigantic faggot

>> No.23129555

If you are within the US and in a state where you can get a medical card, do it. Then just say it is for medical reasons if you piss hot.

>> No.23129591

Don't scoop the toilet water like a retard. You would be amazed how many idiots try this. I add a blue liquid to the toilet water before the test now just to head this off. You can't cheat the temp strip on the cup, so the fake wang with the stored urine won't work. For THC specifically, the masking product is the best and the reason I have to go to the worksite to test instead of making them come to me.

Also, if you have to get a hair test, just know that only the bottom 1/2 inch of hair can be used against you. Anything else is more than 6 months ago. Other than that it is pretty straight forward. If you just need to get out of it for today, the average tester is only allowed 3 hours with you, before they will reschedule or try another type of test.

>> No.23129634

but condemning people for consuming a plant was like one of the first things god ever did

>> No.23129648

who cares BREE just exit scammed millions.

>> No.23129732

You deserve it for being a degenerate

>> No.23130640

Where the hell work test for drugs? I didn't even hear about something like that in my work...

>> No.23130873

I’m praying for you bro, I sincerely feel bad that you feel the need to do drugs all the time, I’m just being honest. You’re a faggot who’s going to hell for eternity. Objective truth.

>> No.23132050

Do the Oil change from Blue Mountain State

>> No.23132284

>Putting another person's piss inside your body

Dude what the fuck

>> No.23132458


>> No.23132496

Have you considered quitting?
Fuck that shit youre a faggot slave of your joblord

>> No.23132531

Amen. Drugs are pathetic.

I may be unemployed but Im not a junkie. And Im proud.

>> No.23132559

This, If you're not willing to stick a tube in your urethra you're not serious about the job anyway.

>> No.23132572

land of the free lmao

>> No.23132699

What goes in your mouth does not defile you, what comes out of your mouth defiles you.

>> No.23133872

Just say you have covid symptoms to buy yourself a couple of more days

>> No.23133888

That’s what you get for being a junkie pos

>> No.23134260


>> No.23134515

this it is so fucking easy

>> No.23134642

“Drugs are bad”

Ooh, yeah I sure do feel defiled right now.

>> No.23134881

How bout dont do drugs retard?

Maybe someone intelligent gets your job.

>> No.23134941

No, its because eve and adamn listened to satan and disobeyed him.
Which is why the first miracle Jesus ever did was transform water into an alcohol aka a drug right? Get each others cocks out of your mouth sodomites are condemned by name in the bible whereas "drug users" are not.
>God created a fruit which humans used to create alcohol and this wasnt a sin
>but this other plant he created which had medicinal properties is bad
Seriously kill yourself sodomite faggots I bet youre edgy satanists larping as christians to make them look bad

>> No.23135058

You sound angry. Anyways there’s a difference between occasionally enjoying a fine wine, and smoking weed several times a day like OP. Drugs make you a bum retard. 90% of all constant weed users make zero progress and watch rick and morty their entire life.

>> No.23135149

>Drugs are for people that can't cope with life.
lmfao tradcuck alert

>> No.23135210

I sound angry because sodomites larping as christians piss me off and you are absolutely correct in that there's a difference between enjoying a drink and being a burnout pothead, just as there's a difference between smoking a reefer in the weekends to chill out and being a drunkard asshole puking your guts out with a destroyed liver. The issue is believing God would have encouraged fermenting fruit to make alcohol and encouraged its consumption to the point jesus transformed several cases of water into wine, but would condemn people for using another plant he created. As much as I hate pottheads and alcoholics god will be more lenient with them than with nanny-state puritans who punish people and ruin their lives for consuming plants. Simple as.

>> No.23135246

It's probably a mouth swab.

Amazon's drug test doesn't involve pee. You put this stick in your mouth and move it around filling it with saliva and that's how they test for any and all types of drugs in your system.

Good luck anon, you're probably fucked.

>> No.23135249

lmao nobody is smoking several times a day you fuck face, I only smoke during the evening when all of my daily tasks are completed. And I only take one (two tops) hit off my vape and I’m good for the rest of the night. cope harder because you can’t handle a little stimulation to the brain you retard

>> No.23135347

Hey OP looks like a masking agent like I mentioned here
>>23128441 and this guy here
>>23129386 would be your best bet. I have personally tried the amazon product with home testing kits and it did mask it and gave it a pass, luckily I have never had to try it for a real employer mandated test.

>> No.23135541
File: 132 KB, 1300x866, 91911514-a-fat-man-suffers-from-overweight-and-eats-chips-drinks-alcohol-and-looks-in-the-phone-concept-healt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drugs r bad bro I wouldn't do drugs im not a filthy degenerate like u

>> No.23136974


>> No.23138410

Can't you just dilute your urine with water? Is that a thing?

>> No.23138442

too much dilution can be considered a fail