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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23114327 No.23114327 [Reply] [Original]

If I want to stake for 2 months. Is it better to just lock it for 2 months or loco it for a year for the higher %APY and then unstake after 2 months?

>> No.23114439

Staking for two months will give you dog shit.

Staking for a year but unstaking after 2 months will give you 0 rewards. There is a penalty.

>> No.23114525

If you lock for 1 year staking 30% of rewards are held back until the period is up. So if you undelegate early you only get 70% of current rewards claimed up to that point.

If you make it to the end of your stake you'll see the 30% rewarded.

Was confused with this aswell but did some testing and this is what I found.

>> No.23114788

It's not explained well, but if you unlock early you don't get the long term APR, it adjusts your balance as if you were only 2% APR instead .

>> No.23114898

Jannies ban these fantom scammers. Thanks.

>> No.23115382

staking is a scam

>> No.23115416



>> No.23115538

400k kek. At a decent loss right now but dont give a fuck. Not selling.

>> No.23115640

it is explained perfectly, you are just a functional analphabet or didn't really dyor

op, you have already been answered

>> No.23115911

Cheers anon

>> No.23115953
File: 702 KB, 1028x1159, line dancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never, and I mean NEVER, will I sell my fanties due to biztard FUD. I held through 9 months straight of schizo fudder when biz was a dead board, I held through 0.002c during the March crash. YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FANTIES FROM ME STINKY JEWS!

>> No.23116175

When is fswap coming out

>> No.23116190

Few days

>> No.23116203


>> No.23116230

If xrp gets to be on the board ftm does too

>> No.23116420

Now would be a REAL good time to buy as much FTM as you can.

>> No.23116672

You mean sell, right?

>> No.23116717

Oh sorry yes, It's a scam SELL SELL SELL