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23107836 No.23107836 [Reply] [Original]

Yoga instructor and teach it to white women ?

>> No.23107870

Right now due to covid, retardedly risky of course like any in person teaching anon. There might be online yoga classes but good luck getting hired for that with no experience teaching in an in-person yoga class.

>> No.23107917

Risky how you cuck master?

Covid is an over-exaggerated flu hoax.

>> No.23108055

Even if you believe that good luck buying real estate or renting space and complying to COVID guidelines and finding new customers during this time. What I meant was you might wanna wait until a vaccine comes out and governments fully re-open before you really commit to this. Yoga/massage/spas were closed for months during peak COVID in US, could happen again and you'll be shit out of luck.

>> No.23108094

if you are charismatic, good looking, and actually give a shit about the practice, you can clear $100k/year in a medium city easily

>> No.23108191

Kinda profitable. If you don't mind being a cringe namaste yogi and fucking 35+ year old divorced mommy's

>> No.23108195

This - and how do I make my hot young female students want to fuck me ?

>> No.23108295

When they are in the middle of the stretch in downward dog push down slightly in push down on their sacrum, “To correct their form”

>> No.23108335

>ok ladies I think I got some good shots
>they let go
>on accident all three of them clobber their foots into me
>foot of white pants has gone into my mouth pretty far
>middle foot is on my face pushed hard
>back foot is also on my throat
>haha is big accident no harm done no need apologize!

>> No.23108380

I was on my back and the yoga instructor came over to correct my form. I stared directly into her eyes, she looked away. did I seduce her guys

>> No.23108626

imagine the smell

>> No.23109417

Somewhat related, how do I get women in my area to let me give them foot massage? Craigslist deletes my posts.

>> No.23109511
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>LARP as a gay on snapchat
>find girls in your area to add you on said snapchat
>LARP as a (((professional))) foot masseuse
>weave it into a few conversations across 2 weeks
>one day offer one

>> No.23109624

>lol I forgot my foam roller
>they do magic on you feet so sorry
>have idea! We use my penis! Is ok I gay
>she stands upright on my erect member begins rolling foot up down
>haha I thinking about man butthole so stay hard I take one for team haha

>> No.23109760

Right now there are better ways to make $. I'm a yoga and meditation teacher and the thought of trying to teach right now in a public setting doesn't even enter my mind. People are too brainwashed and studios don't want to get in trouble. On the flip side, I've been doing private classes and building up an exclusive clientele that way, which is nice. In a couple months the scamdemic fears are going to die down and I'll start teaching again. Or the pandemyth escalates and the rest of the country goes bankrupt. In which case, I'm buying some commercial real estate on the cheap and setting up a studio so other people can teach. Teaching isn't about money, it's about learning how the system works. You'll never make much money as a yoga teacher. Bang lots of hot girls? Sure.

By being good at your job and cultivating a magnetic personality that reflects a genuinely happy and grateful state of being. Girls can't get enough of that. Making yourself available after classes and not having an agenda (lol I teach so I can sleep with girlz) means girls are comfortable with you. Which means you don't creep on the girls, you just treat them like objects in the environment, not like girls you want to sleep with. Seriously, when you're surrounded by hot girls all day who want to listen to you and do what you say, you really don't get too excited about the whole sex thing. Just be really good at your job, relaxed, interested, and open, and everything happens naturally. While it would be very easy to sleep with my clients, why would I? It's a lot better to be desired by a bunch of women and to select the crem de la crem than to be desperate and grasping at any morsel that comes your way.

>> No.23109841

in other words, I'd much rather have a few hot friends from my classes than to bang them. From each of these friends, I now know their friends, and from that expanded network is where the best connections have been made. You don't sleep with friends, you sleep with friends of friends. It completely changes the dynamic, because now you can invite a bunch of hot girls who don't know each other to the beach or whatever, and you're someone to know, rather than just another schmuck.

>> No.23110019
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>>haha I thinking about man butthole so stay hard I take one for team haha

>> No.23110618

More advice pls

>> No.23110888

you're doing it right. good for you anon

>> No.23111025

meant to ask, what do you get out of the gig? i couldn't care less about the breathy gratitude larp or the low key degenerate fitness instagram culture, and it seems like that's all there is unless you are serious autist dedicated to your style. do you really just do it for the networking?

>> No.23111069

The only way the government will close shit down again for a meme virus is if Biden wins and there’s no fucking way that’s happening.

>> No.23111078

As a massage therapist I can attest to this. Wait a bit before going for an in person teaching job. Op a giant faggot like always

>> No.23111153
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i dont respect anyone who does yoga unironically unless like you say it's to bang stupid white women

>> No.23112496

There is a difference between people who do the yoga lifestyle, and people who live yoga. Most people just really like the lifestyle, and there's a spectrum even there. There's the "walk around with a vacuous smile but empty inside," the "gotta have all the nice clothes and I do yoga for a nice butt and I'm acrobatic," the list goes on. That's lifestyle. People build this whole identity around the image, but it's all nonsense. I have long hair and sometimes wear a bun because it fits the image right now. Once I publish the last book in my current series and film the supporting materials, the hair's getting cut because it doesn't support the image the next project calls for (sustainable working retreat zones to support a de-stress environment for the working population of nearby cities...think live in we-work for luxury clientele).

What catches peoples' eyes is the lifestyle, it's not the reality beneath the image. I was trained in the Himalayas at the feet of Tibetan yogis, met this one guy who didn't eat anything, literally only drank orange juice for 70 years. Saw and experienced a lot of things that people in the West literally consider impossible in reality as we know it, and as far as I'm concerned, yoga isn't about lifestyle. I do asana because it's part of a larger physical regimen that has me operating at peak fitness. I do other aspects of yoga (meditation and such) because i'm a spiritual seeker for truth. But I also train BJJ, ride horses, used to make quarter mil a year in aerospace, curse like the Marine I used to be, trade shitcoins for giggles and slam, and that doesn't really vibe with the whole yogi thing, because people only see image as opposed to an inner way of being.

People want to learn yoga. I don't do the acrobatic stuff; I teach self-realization and try to embody it in my daily life. If someone's serious about their inner evolution, boom, they find me, or some other teacher who vibes with them. Networking is a consequence.

>> No.23112593


>> No.23112650

I am intrigued but know this is probably larp

>> No.23112683

good for you anon. i was on track to study asthanga second series with a few kpjyai practicioners but became deathly ill and had to move away from practice all together. enjoy your life anon

>> No.23112727

If you're not larping, you are very much on the path to Gnosis.

>> No.23112791

It's not profitable.
The only reason to get into it is for mad yoga pussy.

>> No.23112834

How attractive do you have to be for this? What if you are a manlet with average looks?

>> No.23112880
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How dare you reply well-composed and reasonably to my brash insult!

>> No.23112895

If you're not actually built like a gym instructor, don't even try.

>> No.23112981

Of course it's a larp my dude, I'm cherry-picking from a personal narrative. That's the definition of larping. I'm on vacation right now, ie homeless, crashing on my friend's couch while giving him some old LSD I had lying around as I try to sell my old camper van to get it off the books, reading the Dresden Files to pass the time. there's a lot more to a life than a few fun things one spends their time on every now and then. everything is a larp, none of this is real or even happening right now. Doesn't mean it's not relevant.

look up dzogchen. pairs well with the path of the adept and helps shortcut some of the recursive traps.

>> No.23113283

You are all missing the important part: how do I get women in my area to let me massage their feet? Craigslist deletes any posts about it.

>> No.23113334
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camel toes

>> No.23113590
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Imagine the odor being cultivated within that crevasse.

>> No.23114462


Tibetan monks going to the grocery store to get orange juice is a hilarious mental image

>> No.23115139

Yoga was originally created by men and was exclusively used by men, including high heels.