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File: 197 KB, 1911x1075, ce6018ad-a776-4c54-a8cd-bee741e3369b-VPC_HOPSCOTCH_MAN_DESK_THUMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23105641 No.23105641 [Reply] [Original]

>Work just hard enough to not get fired but put no effort beyond that
Is this the winning strategy when it comes to waging?

>> No.23105658

Depends on the job and where you want to go in life

>> No.23105660

outside of white collar work, where it wont be tolerated, yeah

>> No.23105668

Come late 5-10 minutes every day, laugh it off

>> No.23105684

A guy at my company does this and everybody hates him.

>> No.23105700

he is not there to be your friend wagie

>> No.23105701

Ye pretty much. Also make sure to job hop because loyalty is a meme unless you have regular raises exceeding inflation

>> No.23105702

>work smart enough to make it look like you're indispensable

>> No.23105740

Loyalty is no longer given by employers, so there is literally no reason it should be given by employees.

>> No.23105747
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all white collar jobs will be mine soon

>> No.23105764

wrong retard https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-administration-announces-overhaul-of-h-1b-visa-program-11602017434

>> No.23105769

>brown collar jobs

>> No.23105774


>> No.23106583


>> No.23106623

Fake news. Trump has done nothing to stem the flow of foreigners

>> No.23107279
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>get fired anyhow
no pastalemeno wagerino.

>> No.23107338


100% true

>> No.23107380

getting up to speed is the best work period too. you genuinely learn new things, some stuff can still be interesting AND nobody expects shit from you so you WOW people if you do anything. another big pro of job hopping

>> No.23107475

wrong, you will ultimately get bored. That is the worst feeling in life. You will feel you do not matter. You could be replaced, you do not have passion anymore. The fire died long ago. Smoldering remains is what is barely left. This is you....
The chad is motivated, he shows up early. He works hard. Not because cuckbucks, noo its because he likes what he does. His enthusiasm shines in all directions. He infects coworkers and gets noticed because of this. Promptly he will be promoted and earn enough to never work again. Yet he still continues to do so....? This is what separates you from him.

>> No.23107569

lmao thats me, you are all insufferable wagies and i live rent free in your head

>> No.23107596

you literally seem proud of your own demise.

>> No.23107599

>Work just hard enough to not get fired but put no effort beyond that
this is what happens when businesses don't incentivize with salary raises and promotions

>> No.23107642

Pure wagie cope.

>> No.23107645

you are still a wagecuck if you do it for salary, for fucks sake learn to release that if you do not like what you do you should change something about the situation. Its like putting your hand in boiling water and convincing yourself this is part of life and should be this way. Do not be such a fucking faggot pussy!
Trust me...

>> No.23107687

I do not wage, I do what I want. Coincidentally I get payed for it. You are the cuck my dear sir.

>> No.23107696

Pajeet's gonna take all of your white sisters and daughters too

>> No.23107706

Lel that is pointless at symbolism. White collar work is being remoted at break neck speed. Companies are seeing they can shed the expense of a physical office and remain productive.

Shoe #2 will be they cut loose high cost labor and replace it with low cost brownskins. They won’t need H1Bs because they won’t have to bring them into the country since there is no office.

And for you White white collars: every day of work for the rest of your life will be spent trying in vain to understand Indian accents and remembering how to spell Ganemathekar in the To line of your emails.

>> No.23107723

There is no reason to do anymore than what you are paid to do. Only do more than the required in bursts if you must. Save your energy and work on your own biz or hustle.

>> No.23107729

you all seem proud of working 10x harder than me and getting paid the same. i look forward to someday getting a huge severance package, taking vacation, lying on my resume, faking my references, and finding a higher paying job

>> No.23107754

It used to be, particularly once you're around/slightly below middle management. Keep your costs down and invest. The odds of going into upper management do not warrant the amount of work people put in.
Not sure if this is possible post rona, as you will have boomers with mortgages etc who will literally give both testicles to employers.

>> No.23107756

>work on project that saves corp $20-30k yearly
“mark it up as a win”
>t-thanks boss

>> No.23107767

That is the beauty of all of this, I do not get paid the same. Do you REALLY fucking think a manager will not notice passion? If they would not pay the same I have infinite confidence to apply somewhere else, you are necessary I am desired. That is the difference my fren.

>> No.23107825

get job in corporate, kick ass, get high income quickly, retire in 15 years

>> No.23107859

if you get raped and you like it, is it really rape?

>> No.23107916

A manager doesn't care about passion. If they see you're working above what is required of course they'll pay you more, but it still won't equal the amount of work you're actually putting in. You probably work harder than the manager but you'll always call him manager. A company will replace you in a heartbeat.

>> No.23107926

I was hired along with another new guy at the same time. What he doesn't know is I got picked for promotion to a position with a huge raise because he does jack shit like OP and others. Are you still winning anon?

>> No.23107982

You do what your boss allows you to do in exchange for a wage which doesn't keep up with inflation.

>> No.23108028

Extremely based thread.

>> No.23108060

And they'll still replace you as soon as they can, meanwhile the other guy has free energy to pursue more dignified means of earning a living than relying on another man to bring the bread to his table.

>> No.23108077
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>wrong, you will ultimately get bored. That is the worst feeling in life. You will feel you do not matter. You could be replaced, you do not have passion anymore. The fire died long ago. Smoldering remains is what is barely left. >This is you....
>The chad is motivated, he shows up early. He works hard. Not because cuckbucks, noo its because he likes what he does. His enthusiasm shines in all directions. He infects coworkers and gets noticed because of this. Promptly he will be promoted and earn enough to never work again. Yet he still continues to do so....? This is what separates you from him.

>> No.23108264
File: 529 KB, 1080x2536, fuckallniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol your manager doesn't give a shit about you faggot.

Based. I'm going to be doing something similar to pic related.

>> No.23108298

yougot it right op
just dont be confrontational
do the job
and go home
do not engage in people
be distant to the point you aren't being rude

>> No.23108375

job hop and ideally fuck over the employer you're leaving as hard as possible every time

>> No.23108873

lol no way
>work white collar job
>talk to bosses sons when they intern about the jews and how they are responsible for all the wars controlling the banks
>regularly say nigger, spic, kike all day
>show up to work late, take long lunches, leave exactly on time
>never work extra
>do bare minimum
>make 6 figures
lmao imagine working for a gay faggot company.

>> No.23108998

I got a supply chain job ina data analytics role specifically after getting an IT degree and I have literally NO IDEA what anyone is talking about at all at any given time. Ive been here 9 months and literally have just been winging the fuck out of while dealing with imposter syndrome. Its awful

>> No.23109085

youre pic related actually explains a lot of linked in posts Ive been seeing recently

>> No.23109203

Nope they won't replace me because I'm a incredibly valuable employee. The last company I worked at lost a huge bid and more than 50% of employees had to be cut. People who were there years longer than me got fired, even though I was only there 2 years I was kept and promoted even. Being promoted is something that happens to me no matter where I go, because high intelligence, good work ethic, and talent are rare. Enjoy jumping from job to job at your entry level 4-figure positions.

>> No.23109230

>faking your references
Imagine actually believing that this will work

>> No.23109242

Yes i find this is actually the way to get promoted. Just do your job well nothing extra or above and beyond.

>> No.23109264

just dont work at amazon for 15 an hour

>> No.23109293

they dont need 1M chiefs. and they dont need you to give 110% stocking shelves

>> No.23109576

a weird aspie dutchman faked his references (not sure to what extent) and floated by for at least 15 years while working for norway's biggest oil corporation, before finally being fired for being a sexually deviant animu weirdo and a pain in the ass towards everybody around him. it's definitely possible to make that shit work

>> No.23109599


If you're in early career it's a good move yes. Just make sure you hop from 2 to 2 years.

However, there comes a time in your career where that ain't enough.

>> No.23109601

let me add that the process to actually fire him must have taken at LEAST 1-2 years

>> No.23109648


This also.

>> No.23109663

My first shitty wagie job making 15 I learned how to do the art of bullshit.
Just do enough to not get fired. Wipe off the outside and do my daily accounting then sit in the fuel station booth on my phone all day chatting to friends getting money to sit on my ass
The only issue with that kinda job and wagie cuck shit is its addicting since you get complacent. Which is why most people accept their shit jobs in which they are in.

>> No.23109698


Such utter fucking bullshit. Being bored IS GOOD!

>> No.23109718


If he's being a real dead weight on other people... yeah, fuck that guy as well. But it's not difficult to not be a dead weight on a regular job.

>> No.23109787

most jobs drain your soul bit by bit
and most of the time there is nothing much to do
most companies could lay off half employees and be fine
unless you are an entrepreneur working to accomplish your life goals

>> No.23109796

You sound like a shilling boss that's trying to promote old boomerisms that never even happen anymore. For my first job by dad shilled me the same shit, said to work hard, I busted my ass off while everyone else fiddled with their phones, slacked off, took extra bathroom breaks to go and fiddle with their phones. What ended up happening was some worthless roastie who had horrible productivity numbers got promoted to a higher paying position I applied for and I got the bare minimum raise because I wasn't a 'team player' and some other corporate mumbo jumbo they used to jew me. This didn't stop them from sacking me with more and more work though and forcing me to come in for overtime. It's not fucking worth it.

>> No.23109867


I know what happened in your case. You should have focused way more on "socializing" and faking being a normie and less being productive heads down on your stuff and be a real salesman to the shit you do. It's fucking pathetic but that's the way things roll.

>> No.23109935

You got fucked by diversity, change jobs, you need to find a place that values productivity over pr bullshit. And you might have to work a little on your social skills, and stop being so autistic

>> No.23109986
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Really depends on what you do.
If you're a junior in a technical profession (engineering, software) or business development role (consulting, project management, HR, marketing, etc. although good PMs are hands-off) then yes, hard workers do get promoted. Competition is limited enough in most organizations that it is possible to stand out.
If you work in non-commission retail, admin work, nursing, science, teaching, medicine, accounting, law or any role where career development is limited by qualifications, then yes, that strategy is fine. For low skill jobs, you're a number in a system and you'll be lucky if anyone even recognizes your efforts. If you're in medicine or law, you can obviously take on more cases for more income, but your potential scales fairly linearly unless you are in a good subfield or have a big break. Just don't be the idiot that loses their sanity over a dumb retail gig.

>> No.23109995

This was years ago, now I do the bare minimum amount of work and get the same raises I used to busting my ass off. And because I sit there and shoot the shit with everyone I stopped getting 'not a team player' remarks on my review.

>> No.23110006

>you literally seem proud of your own demise.
You can badmouth the minimum effort workers all you want, but few, if any, companies actually reward hard work. If I'm going to get the same no matter the effort I put in, I'm going to put in the minimum effort required.

>> No.23110023

>Work just hard enough to not get fired but put no effort beyond that
I do this at my security job lmao we're supposed to do daily reports that break down what we did every 30 minutes. I have filled one of those out in a year now. Meanwhile my coworkers stress out if they don't fill theirs out.

>> No.23110028

Yeah bro it's the smart thing to do. Why waste several years of your life out of honesty when you can just lie and real the rewards anyways?

>> No.23110030

Came here to post this. There's plenty of competitive workplaces and fields. If you do not work in one, give the absolute minimum required for both you and your boss to be satisfied. My dad painted nuclear power plants for 20 years and he has no 'off' switch. Some people are just like that. Just let them slave away in peace.

>> No.23110034

Best post ITT. I got lucky with this amazing do-nothing job where I made a great sum of money to basically just watch YouTube. For three years. But I became SO bored and depressed that I'm still recovering to this day. You need to look at it from a point of opportunity cost. You spend the same time at work regardless of shirking or working diligently, so you might as well do a good job to get promoted and higher pay. I'm not saying break your back, but you get what I'm trying to say.

>> No.23110039


Good for you anon. I've pretty much been through what you went through. This state of things made me lose all hope.

>> No.23110043

Pls tell me how to get a job like this. What is your job?

>> No.23110046

This is the only correct post here and the fact that it has so many yous disagreeing and flaming just goes to show this board is full of 17 year old retards who never worked a day in their lives.

>> No.23110055
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>He hasn't faked his references

>> No.23110063

The other thing to this is that at bigger companies, incompetence tends to get rewarded. I've seen genuinely hard workers get past up for promotions because one guy was just better friends with the boss.

>> No.23110065

Yes. I use all my free time to learn more about financial modeling in Excel, VBA and/or just refine my models as well as update data or look up other opportunities. If I do my job just well enough I have 1 to 2 hours of free time at my desk. I've had Mondays where I don't do shit. I get paid to work for myself. Fuck em

>> No.23110110

Be careful with that "I can't be replaced" attitude anon. It's always the guys that don't expect it.

>> No.23110124

I also do all my tasks listening to Bloomberg radio

>> No.23110184

Fucking this. When I was 16 years old I worked as a bag boy for a grocery store called "Publix." I busted my ass working non-stop for a year, none of my coworkers gave a shit about their job but I worked like my life depended on it. I would literally wake up in the middle of the night looking at my arm in the darkness to see what time I was supposed to go in break, then I realized I was in bed at 3am. I gave everything I had into that piece of shit job and everyone constantly praised my work ethic. I was the youngest there yet I had an excellent reputation of one of the hardest workers, and still the Jew bitch I worked for refused to promote me to a fucking cashier. She would promote all of the wiminz to higher positions and none of the men no matter what we did. Hard work is not rewarded. Either become neet or bullshit your job enough so you don't get fired, those are the only two decent ways to live in current year.

>> No.23110307

They pay you what they think they have to to keep you. If you are replaceable they don’t care at all. I used to work at a bank in a completely dysfunctional department. I was the first in and last out every day. A year later I got a bonus that was 10% of what they promised me. I left.

>> No.23110323

hi mr shekelberg

>> No.23110353

Yeah I think job hopping is the best option. I doubt I'll ever work a job longer than a year/year and a half again.

>> No.23110480

that being said, any company that allows this level of based should be kept alive

>> No.23110609

be careful job hopping. companies look at it like a scarlet letter sometimes. Thats why id put a fake number on it for a reference.

>> No.23110699

I have done this a few times but the burnt bridges are not worth it. Ruined a few good references over some petty shit. Only job I can't even talk about having due to how I left in an autistic upheaval.

>> No.23110753


Only fuck them up if you can do it secretly and not get caught.

>> No.23110781


>> No.23110817

Yet he still gets paid!

>> No.23110834

The most talented person I ever worked with was in some shit hole studio with a cunt boomer boss who underpaid everyone. He has been there for 10 years, it was the worst work environment I have ever been in and the guy was clueless about it. He would have been cherished elsewhere but was just an underpaid cog in this shit hole office.
His issue became, because he was so talented yet gained almost no business experience in 8 years, beyond how to keep a shit hole business afloat, that he would probably now struggle to get a role that suits him, and pays right.

>> No.23110849

I laugh so hard, 50 or 60k? Are you happy with yourself, you have no fucking clue what I am making. I do not even feel okay with the salary its out of prostitution in my opinion. But hey! if friends / colleagues move on and know you can get X fairly easily you do it. They do this because they trust you and know you do not BS. Fast forward a few jobs and fucking here you are.

>> No.23110935


Yes if you don't think there's reasonable incentive to work harder. I could bust my ass every day in my office job but it's not like I'm making commission on work I bring in and am I really going to work harder for an entire year to maybe get an extra $1000 bonus or raise at the end of the year? Doesn't seem worth it compared to half-assing and 0 stressing all year to make $20 less a week.

>> No.23110937

Either say what the fuck you do and how much you earn or shut the fuck up you larping cuck.
>Its like putting your hand in boiling water and convincing yourself this is part of life and should be this way.
Let me tell you how I know you are a fatty

>> No.23110964

Are you at your first job? You are so naive

>> No.23110965

I know that feel. Retail and shit jobs like that, you are dispensable. It’s all about what have you done lately.

I now work in software and now that I apply that work ethic where I care, it looks like everyone comes to me, and I’ve established my use and dependability. Now, whether I’m still just a wagie faggot, I guess we’ll find out.

Basically it comes down to a job where you’re a box mover, and just told what to do. Yes in that case, your value is predetermined and it’s pointless to extend outside of it.

If your role assumes more responsibility and you can change the direction of teams or the company, you can’t fuck off or people will see.

3rd option that you’re missing. Find a skill that’s in demand that you can see yourself doing. Get good at it and the money will come.

>> No.23110973

Yeah I'm probably going to fake the shit out of all my references like in >>23108264

That's sad bro.

>> No.23110994

Yeah thanks bro. I've got a few ideas on what I can do, I'd kill myself or become homeless before returning to the wagie cog in the machine lifestyle.

>> No.23111011

He was also a narcissistic lefty faggot so don't feel too bad

>> No.23111021

lol you kinda have to nowadays. these jobs want fucking john thundercock with 8 yrs experience x thing while wanting you to do this in job Y. It's a fucking joke. Fake it til you make it anon.

>> No.23111023

Seething. Tell us your job and what you make then.

>> No.23111037

You got confidence and are an asshole. That and blending into societal norms are what matters

>> No.23111057

minmaxing to the max

>> No.23111060

Oh yeah then fuck that faggot he deserves it.

Yeah bro, cunning and manipulation are the only real ways to make it in 2020 aside from gambling on shitcoins (which I also intend to do). No morality when it come to business, every man for himself.

>> No.23111089

Ultimate Basedness

>> No.23111107
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You are gonna make it anon, you will make it

>> No.23111221


I had an argument with my wife about job hopping. She's a baker and has no fucking clue about any profession beyond that. I fucking grinded at a tech job for 2.5 years and got NO WHERE. Since then I've job hopped twice and make 20k more yet she has the nerve to say that's not good. If it were her, I'd still be at my old job making barely more than a target employee with no room for growth. Fuck company loyalty.

To the OP's point, I find a healthy balance is nice. I dick off half my day and do work the rest of the time. If I know I got a project that is high priority and will have lots of eyes on its progress, i handle it as such. If its just everyday shit, it'll get done when I feel like it.

>> No.23111220
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t. never worked white collar
It's possible for me to make the company 6-7 figures in half an hour. Likewise, it's possible for me to lose the company 6-7 figures just as quickly if I fuck up. But I don't fuck up and I take care of business when it's important which is why they don't care about my long lunch breaks or how much time I spend napping or shitposting or playing vidya or flipping shitcoins when things are slow. When I have one good day I generate enough revenue to pay my yearly salary + benefits and then some, so management understands white collar productivity is more than staring at my monitor for exactly 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

Compared to how I was treated like an indentured servant at best and a disposable piece of meat at worst at my jobs in college (pizza place, landscaping, furniture warehouse) to make barely above minimum wage, it's a lot more lenient and laid back as a white collar wagie.

>> No.23111269

fintech? analyst? broker? anon what you do?

>> No.23111284

white-collar differs greatly. i'm guessing youre in financials or business of some sort; even in that sector, there are careers where white-collar work culture is vastly different. try pulling that shit at a b4 firm and you'll get destroyed on performance reviews

>> No.23111302

exactly. Its hilarious to me when executive leadership all "wonders" why people leave constantly. Its no secret. If you don't take care of your employees, why the fuck would they stick around? Companies really just rely on the braindead retards that will happily stick with a company for a decade while getting yearly raises of a dollar, if that.

>> No.23111325

Why do you care what women think?

>> No.23111333

Ty bro. WAGMI

>> No.23111424

I approve or deny agricultural mortgages. Worked my way up from basic bitch house mortgages, which was a much busier job because there are a lot more of those sales. Most farms/ranches nowadays are very large, which means the mortgages are big, so you need some experience to get into this because they won't trust a multi-million dollar decision to just anybody. That also means there are fewer sales so it's slower than houses.
Well duh, no way in hell would I ever do something as soulless as accounting. If I wanted to slave my life away I would have gone into law.

>> No.23111431

And whilst he's comfortable, you're thinking about him (and getting paid the same)

>> No.23111451


It was actually that "fake it until you make it" attitude that brought us all here into this ridiculous and absurd state.

>> No.23111462

>He fell for the marriage scam
Lmao, enjoy losing half your shit faggot.

>> No.23111480

Interested more details on how he faked references/experience. I might do this one day, worst that can happen is you lose the job.

>> No.23111485

When I was young and I worked at a grocery store, the employees would be given a raise of $0.25 per hour if they got a good performance review.

>> No.23111486

because I have to deal with her.

Also, I forgot to mention at my last job a girl on my team was promoted to senior and didn'tdo shit, promoted to a new role in a different department and didnt do shit, got called out for it after six months and was demoted back to her original position (my role at the time) and was put on a performance plan. The second she got off the plan, she was promoted again. She is a lazy cunt that was rude to everyone yet somehow promoted 3 times in 3 years AND demoted yet I was not promoted once in 2.5 years and gave a fuck. I can only assume she was sucking dick. But lesson learned. Just fucking leave when you see the writing on the wall.

>> No.23111514


Women truly are fucking cuddled in tech companies.

>> No.23111524

My dad's assets are written up as such when he passes, none of the money can be touched by me or my sister's partner. Also, we pay half on everything while you pay it all. Even if she stole half my person wealth, it'd even out, kiddo. Im sorry you're an incel.

>> No.23111525

Same in every job. The one who takes it the most seriously and doesn't socialise and fuck about enough is used as the company workhorse.

>> No.23111553

absolutely. And if you're a black woman in tech? Holy shit the job market will eat your pussy to hire you. Its unbelievable.

>> No.23111571

You should've stayed late with the boss more often...

>> No.23111590

Absolutely. There's a co worker of mine who is quiet and stresses like a mother fucker over their job but just lays down like a dog. They are constantly given more work because no one knows who they are but know they won't say no so who gives a fuck.

>> No.23111593


Yeah... I had one of those in my previous team where she truly doesn't do or know shit yet she's in a higher pay grade than me. Fuck logic.

>> No.23111601
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x5353, How to lie on references.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a guide I managed to cap. Sorry about the vertical format, I am phone posting.

>> No.23111620

Oh so she contributes as much money as you then?

>> No.23111655

I still seethe when I think about my ex's sister. Such a waste of resources and opportunity.
>majored in chemical engineering
>free ride in undergrad thanks to "majoring in STEM while having a vagina" scholarships
>same for her masters
>same for her PhD
>had companies tripping over themselves to hire her
>starts an amazing job that she had called her dream job a week after she graduates
>a few months later she quits because "this field is too male-dominated and the people aren't very friendly"
>started working at Kohls with no intention of using her STEM education

>> No.23111670

Yes that’s what I do, I don’t do shit all day and rush through my work last hour. Works like a charm.

>> No.23111683

You put the work in to get in to the position that you want THEN you start to to the minimal. If I did the minimal and stayed at the entry level position of my job, I would be getting half the pay and vacation days. Now I sit comfy and work from home. Haven't seen the office in almost 5 yeras.

>> No.23111739



Why would you put in all that effort for a higher position when you can just lie on your resume and get it without earning it like in >>23111601 ?

>> No.23111813

>Why would you put in all that effort for a higher position when you can just lie on your resume and get it without earning it like in >>23111601
Risk of things lie fraud, etc. Also was buying a house and had to prove employment/income from a reliable source.
Still, kudos to that anon for pulling that off

>> No.23111941

Bro the only risk you take is not getting the job if they find out. Lie to get a good job and then put that job down on things like proof of employment.

>> No.23112035

>The chad is motivated, he shows up early. He works hard. Not because cuckbucks, noo its because he likes what he does.
>because he likes what he does

did you not read the OP, he asks if being lazy is the winning strategy "when it comes to waging". He's not talking about a decent job, he's talking about the kind of job you work because you have to, because you can't find anything better. He posts a picture of Amazon delivery worker. So, OP is talking about jobs that pay around $15 per hour or less, certainly not referring to jobs that pay $20 per hour or more. He's talking about shit jobs.

And personally I don't think it's worth putting in much effort, and I'll tell you why: I've worked wagie jobs in call centers and sales gruntwork before.

My first job out of college I worked at a call center for the largest international nonprofit in my state. Talking on phone to sponsors, most of the work consisted of taking down credit card numbers over the phone, translating docs, explaining shit to people in both english and spanish, was very professional, always on time, always pleasant, coworkers liked me etc. After working there for over 2 years I applied to a job in another department, somewhere in design I think. And they didn't interview me...this was a nonprofit of about 200 people, everyone knew mostly everyone. HR calls me in for a meeting specifically to 'let me down easy' and tell me they won't even consider interviewing me. And this is at a super friendly, outwardly Christian nonprofit (though controlled by a lot of affluent white female liberals and was no longer as religious) in which everyone was pretty kind to one another at work and it did have something of a family atmosphere as cringe as that sounds. But they wouldn't even interview me. I mean, fuck, at least interview me and then tell me I didn't get the job so I would think the company gives a shit about me and will at least take me into some kind of consideration

>> No.23112244

This is stupid. I couldn't stand doing nothing in the office but because of corona I've been working at home since April.
And at home, I'm not bored. I can shitpost, play games or nap and nobody gives a shit as long as I do what is expected.

>> No.23113644
