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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23100668 No.23100668 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything. No questions pertaining to the 16th.

>> No.23100672

Hi what's happening on the 16th?

>> No.23100678
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When will it stop, oh great one?

>> No.23100691

>ID: 668
>Post number 668

What does it mean bros

>> No.23100696


When should I double down ?

>> No.23100697


How much rope will you buy when competitors such as unitrade and falconswap move past uniswap?

>> No.23100707

nothing will happen on the 16th you absolute mongol

I'm holding 10K UNI and I'm already down like $50k because I fell into the Hayden scam

fucking scammer promised V3 announced before end of summer

>> No.23100712

How does it feel like being poor? Top 500 is only >13k UNI.

>> No.23100735

I was posting about "the 14th" to drum up enthusiasm a few days ago... before I completely gave up.

>> No.23100744


Uniswap marketcap x 668 = we flip btc

>> No.23100813

Soon fren. Stay strong.
I've doubled down at 3. Might sell some of my LINK stack at $2.50
This is just merely my play stack kiddo. The rest of my portfolio is in LINK in a cold wallet. I guarantee you my stack is much, much larger than yours.
Some listen, few understand. IYKYK

>> No.23100818

>unitrade literally uses uniswap
This board is full of fucking retards these days

>> No.23100878
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So what you are saying is that unitrade cannot ever use another AMM than uniswap? (let's say one that doesn't have massive inefficiency issues)

>> No.23100912

how do you see the future of uniswap with those insane fees? I stopped using it because of them
there is no way uniswap can move from eth right?

>> No.23101154

What do you make of the bots draining other shitcoins?

>> No.23101162


I give it a week.

>> No.23101183

Eoy price?

>> No.23101230

Nothing. Spare yourself the disappointment and close this tab and dont come back until December 31st

>> No.23101232

Oh yes, dump on my Charles

>> No.23101331


Nice unitard id
I zwaap too

>> No.23101362

u buying any unitrade anon?

>> No.23101376


lol a week and then what? the bots move on in life, start a commune together?

>> No.23101543

Why are you still holding UNI with the knowledge of the vampire bots? That's literally the most bearish thing ever. What's your reason?

>> No.23101617

it's just a normal arbitrage
i'm not surprised you dumb pajeets bought into this stupid DFOhub nonsense
they pull all liquidity into ETH to dump their bags

>> No.23101909


i wouldn't be throwing stones with that english

>> No.23102732

nice argument.
now riddle me this, buidl shill:
If they claim that arb bots manage to exploit "priviledged" pools, how come their example from medium blogpost has NONE of this "hard-coded" pools in a trading route? How "hard-coded" USDT-BUIDL, USDC-BUIDL or DAI-BUIDL pairs factor into this and why the fuck their price matter at all?
Again, i'm not really surprised by your stupidity.

>> No.23103341


You are retarded, and the article answers all of your questions. The whole point is that the bots have smart contracts that give them special access to route through an unprivileged pool after a token in that pool has fallen out of sync with its price in a privileged pool as a result of normal trade routed through that privileged pool.

First, a normal trader does a swap on Uniswap via the privileged pool. This alters the price of the token in that pool. But the price of that token in the unprivileged pool has not changed, having not been traded, creating the price disparity. The bot swoops in, buying the token at the higher price and then selling it at the lower one, draining a net loss of overall value from the pools and dumping the token's price in the process

>> No.23103406

The 16th, retard. Not spoonfeeding you

>> No.23103425


>buying the token at the higher price and then selling it at the lower one

woopsie I meant buying token lower and selling higher

>> No.23103444

Every uni holder is a top 500 holder

>> No.23103527

Except for the ones that aren't

>> No.23103548
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he says as UNI plummets downward past the price point he claimed would be a great entry

>> No.23103566

Just because the term isn't overtly antisemitic, doesn't mean it's not new

>> No.23103661

Did you reply to the wrong person or are you autistic? Cuz I have no idea how this reply relates to what I asked.

>> No.23103734

>competitors such as unitrade
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.23103758

It's a frontend issue, not an issue in the underlying tech. They will fix it

>> No.23103785

I stopped thinking Crypto was about tech a long time ago. Better ideas, lower fees, faster transactions, none of it matters. Only thing that matters is what can generate all the hype in the right places.

>> No.23103790

How is unitrade which is built past uniswap ever move past uniswap lol

>> No.23103972
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>> No.23103989

Any reason you are still holding?

>> No.23104353

Uniswap will be launching on Optimism L2. Significantly lower gas fees + instant confirmation.
After it is launched on Optimism it is going to feel like CEX in terms of performance.

>> No.23104559

Are big whales manipulating or accumilating thats why its this low?

>> No.23104632

that would be easy to check
let's see unpriveledged pools at uniswap
it's would be hard since top100 pools are all can be considered priveledged
for example here's wBTC-UniFi i found

>> No.23104649
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what's it like failing the IQ test?
how does it feel knowing that people that sold on launch have a higher exit price than the current price?

>> No.23104757

I sold half my stack on launch at 2.50, regretted it ever since

>> No.23104806
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Where is the buy pressure going to come from when everyone is farming uni and dumping it for 20-30% APY? Why should UNI be any different from the countless going to zero governance tokens that people farm for free money? CRV, SUSHI, COMP, CREAM, the list goes on. This thread just reeks of massive cope.

If they decide to add more liquidity mining pools on the 16th you are massively fucked. Additionally, many people will realize that the fee switch can't be activated for 180 days IF the proposal even manages to pass.

>> No.23104903
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to clarify, Uniswap is an amazing platform and product for the global market. However, it was always an amazing platform even without UNI. UNI is never going to be worth anything because it's a completely unnecessary coin to dump by farmers.

Even IF people decide to buy this coin while it gets massively dumped (for no reason besides greed), the upside is so limited due to inflation and liquidity mining. The market cap of UNI can increase greatly while the price of the coin remains flat or even goes down.

>> No.23104929

i bought at 3.97 and 2.69, how fucked am i?

>> No.23105319

Getting CRVd hard! I learned how stubborn and greedy I am from UNI. Thanks for the lesson Hayden. Also I don't trust people that look faggots or complete nerds.